Speaking of viruses...
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2020-03-23 21:09:38 UTC
... I was overjoyed to make my mom's day! She has been forced to use
Kleenex that could not be flushed down the toilet for almost a month:

Also my laptop might be infected; someone or some group may have broke my
Avast software (and Comodo Firewall) again... I think I will give
Bitdefender a try. Though the "free" edition has VERY FEW options (unlike
Avast) to control settings and in-depth scan parameters. Also the "free"
edition does not include the "Rescue Environment", or pre-Windows-boot scan
to hunt out rootkits and the like. Then again, at least it's not Kaspersky!

'Meh, (closed source commercial) freeware means *YOU ARE THE PRODUCT* &
privacy is the price for the illusion of "security". Computers are broke!
My little Boris Badenov needs a good Natasha Fatale...

2020-03-28 01:39:18 UTC
Post by Robert James
... I was overjoyed to make my mom's day! She has been forced to use
That was nice.
I still haven't figured out what people use toilet paper for,
and why they need so much.
Post by Robert James
Also my laptop might be infected; someone or some group may have broke my
Avast software
I don't believe Avast is a virus. It's a datamining, privacy
invading, profiling malware.
You promised you'd speak about viruses....
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