The Electronic Frontier Foundation is depreciated.
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2020-03-24 18:52:46 UTC
Looks like the EFF has a new employee:


The Russians, DPRK, Iranians, and especially the Chinese (that
psychically manufacture ALL OUR HARDWARE) are "hacking" us everyday.
Privacy and anonymity are totally dead. I am tired of everyone getting
so uppity at Western governments monitoring our communications, then
bitching about how we do not have free speech. Try living under tin-pot
authoritarian regimes, where even using encryption software - or booing
the "supreme leader for life", would warrent a punishment far worse than
death for your ENTIRE family. So the NSA/GCHQ and others could be
reading your emails, and wiretapping your phone calls. So the fuck what?
In the old days, any kid could buy a radio scanner and intercept
unencrypted cordless phone calls.

Everything is spying on you, and enemy nation Red Teams are currently
kicking our Blue Teams in the asses. We need to stop worring about
individual privacy, and worry more about collective defense.

All our computers hooked up to banks, hospitals, water filtration
plants, the energy sector and more are broke. If you can "hack" a
computer for espionage, you can just as easily knock the system off!

There is no such thing as NOBUS! The private sector is ONLY concerned
with making BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of "doll hairs". They honestly do not
give a flying fig leaf about the security of their products. Our Western
governments need to realize that "security clearances" are making our
best and brightest join the money train of Google, Microsoft, Facepalm
and the like. Most people will not go through the effort of getting
their TOP SECRET clearence; for the wages signals intel agencies offer.
People do not join the public sector for $$$, they do it for the job.

The E.F.F. is funded by Silicon Valley, they are not an "open source"
collective of white hats and general computer geeks. There is no major
censorship on the part of Western governments (though that may change to
defend against "fake news" propaganda from foreign enemy nations.

Look even General Michael Hayden (CIA/NSA) said BACKDOORS DO NOT WORK. I
was never a fan of Michael Rogers pushing 'em. Anyways US Cyber Command
has their hands full at the moment... I honestly don't think they give a
damn about little 'ole you or me. (At least I HOPE not... ... ...)
My little Boris Badenov needs a good Natasha Fatale...

Dirk T. Verbeek
2020-03-24 22:01:56 UTC
Post by Robert James
The Russians, DPRK, Iranians, and especially the Chinese (that
psychically manufacture ALL OUR HARDWARE) are "hacking" us everyday.
Privacy and anonymity are totally dead. I am tired of everyone getting
so uppity at Western governments monitoring our communications, then
bitching about how we do not have free speech. Try living under tin-pot
authoritarian regimes, where even using encryption software - or booing
the "supreme leader for life", would warrent a punishment far worse than
death for your ENTIRE family. So the NSA/GCHQ and others could be
reading your emails, and wiretapping your phone calls. So the fuck what?
In the old days, any kid could buy a radio scanner and intercept
unencrypted cordless phone calls.
Everything is spying on you, and enemy nation Red Teams are currently
kicking our Blue Teams in the asses. We need to stop worring about
individual privacy, and worry more about collective defense.
All our computers hooked up to banks, hospitals, water filtration
plants, the energy sector and more are broke. If you can "hack" a
computer for espionage, you can just as easily knock the system off!
There is no such thing as NOBUS! The private sector is ONLY concerned
with making BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of "doll hairs". They honestly do not
give a flying fig leaf about the security of their products. Our Western
governments need to realize that "security clearances" are making our
best and brightest join the money train of Google, Microsoft, Facepalm
and the like. Most people will not go through the effort of getting
their TOP SECRET clearence; for the wages signals intel agencies offer.
People do not join the public sector for $$$, they do it for the job.
The E.F.F. is funded by Silicon Valley, they are not an "open source"
collective of white hats and general computer geeks. There is no major
censorship on the part of Western governments (though that may change to
defend against "fake news" propaganda from foreign enemy nations.
Look even General Michael Hayden (CIA/NSA) said BACKDOORS DO NOT WORK. I
was never a fan of Michael Rogers pushing 'em. Anyways US Cyber Command
has their hands full at the moment... I honestly don't think they give a
damn about little 'ole you or me. (At least I HOPE not... ... ...)
The EFF has most effect in democratic countries and especially the USofA
has a lot of catching up to do regarding consumer oriented protection.
2020-03-28 01:19:22 UTC
<slight biases snipped>
ANOTHER American?

Oh wait, it appears he was a patriotic American. I thought
Snowden was the last of the species.

"He was part of the team at The Washington Post that shared the 2014
Pulitzer Prize for Public Service with The Guardian US and earned the
2014 Gerald Loeb Award for Large Newspapers for their coverage of the
disclosures about surveillance done by the US National Security

Nothing but the best for the EFF.
Privacy and anonymity are totally dead.
Yes, I read all about it.


No mention in Western media....
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-03-31 05:37:45 UTC
Post by Robert James
The Russians, DPRK, Iranians, and especially the Chinese (that
psychically manufacture ALL OUR HARDWARE) are "hacking" us everyday.
Privacy and anonymity are totally dead. I am tired of everyone getting
so uppity at Western governments monitoring our communications, then
bitching about how we do not have free speech. Try living under
tin-pot authoritarian regimes, where even using encryption software -
or booing the "supreme leader for life", would warrent a punishment
far worse than death for your ENTIRE family. So the NSA/GCHQ and
others could be reading your emails, and wiretapping your phone calls.
So the fuck what? In the old days, any kid could buy a radio scanner
and intercept unencrypted cordless phone calls.
Everything is spying on you, and enemy nation Red Teams are currently
kicking our Blue Teams in the asses. We need to stop worring about
individual privacy, and worry more about collective defense.
All our computers hooked up to banks, hospitals, water filtration
plants, the energy sector and more are broke. If you can "hack" a
computer for espionage, you can just as easily knock the system off!
There is no such thing as NOBUS! The private sector is ONLY concerned
with making BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of "doll hairs". They honestly do
not give a flying fig leaf about the security of their products. Our
Western governments need to realize that "security clearances" are
making our best and brightest join the money train of Google,
Microsoft, Facepalm and the like. Most people will not go through the
effort of getting their TOP SECRET clearence; for the wages signals
intel agencies offer. People do not join the public sector for $$$,
they do it for the job.
The E.F.F. is funded by Silicon Valley, they are not an "open source"
collective of white hats and general computer geeks. There is no major
censorship on the part of Western governments (though that may change
to defend against "fake news" propaganda from foreign enemy nations.
Look even General Michael Hayden (CIA/NSA) said BACKDOORS DO NOT WORK.
I was never a fan of Michael Rogers pushing 'em. Anyways US Cyber
Command has their hands full at the moment... I honestly don't think
they give a damn about little 'ole you or me. (At least I HOPE not...
... ...)
The USA has seen it's best days and is headed toward a rude awakening.
Corrupt Country, corrupt officials, decadent, ignorant, stupid populace.
Sad.Too bad our vets died for nothing.
2020-04-13 06:05:02 UTC
On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 18:52:46 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Robert James
The Russians, DPRK, Iranians, and especially the Chinese (that
psychically manufacture ALL OUR HARDWARE) are "hacking" us everyday.
Good! I wish them luck and I hope they cause some real mayhem soon. Death to america and death to the jews.
Post by Robert James
Privacy and anonymity are totally dead.
No, not if you know what you're doing. Its not hard at all for someone with beyond a wikipedian (read: superficial) knowledge of computers, networks, privacy and OPSEC to be anonymous or pseudonymous. Sure, some sites like social media don't work properly if you use tor, but they aren't worth using anyway and you should not rely on them.
Post by Robert James
I am tired of everyone getting
so uppity at Western governments monitoring our communications then
bitching about how we do not have free speech.
Try living under tin-pot
authoritarian regimes, where even using encryption software - or booing
the "supreme leader for life", would warrent a punishment far worse than
death for your ENTIRE family.
America isn't much different really, the government's methods for dealing with problem people are more underhanded and the cattle won't question them so long as they are branded as fighting terrorism or saving children. The citizens of the great democracy are much too busy with the opium of the day (porn, TV, video games, drugs) to care!

The police can raid your home for some made-up reason and put a bullet in your head and/or shoot your dog on "accident" and only "crazy" people will question it. Oh well, back to playing video games and wasting sperm! Everything is happy! :)

Oh, and about free speech, just try boycotting Israel and you'll see how far your "free speech" gets you. No worries, the axiom of actions speaking louder will always be true ;)
Post by Robert James
So the NSA/GCHQ and others could be
reading your emails, and wiretapping your phone calls. So the fuck what?
In the old days, any kid could buy a radio scanner and intercept
unencrypted cordless phone calls.
The fact that you could modify a pig radio to listen to cordless phones 30 years ago has no relevance anymore and doesn't help your argument whatsoever.

Fuck the kike government, I won't allow them to know my business or read my important conversations. Unencrypted email and telephone calls are an insecure medium anyway, there are alternative ways of communicating that are actually secure and private. If people didn't have access to these alternative mediums, there would be little hope for creating a better future.
Post by Robert James
Everything is spying on you, and enemy nation Red Teams are currently
kicking our Blue Teams in the asses. We need to stop worrying about
individual privacy, and worry more about collective defense.
No, we need to destroy this golden-calf israeli megacorporation of a system and create a proper Fascist Imperium structured upon and around the Hindu caste system.

If we were to create an independent bank, ban usury, circumcision and kosher animal slaughter all our problems will make themselves known in a resounding wave of oy veys. They make it too easy to give them their just desserts ;)
Post by Robert James
All our computers hooked up to banks, hospitals, water filtration
plants, the energy sector and more are broke. If you can "hack" a
computer for espionage, you can just as easily knock the system off!
Good. Destroy it all and let chaos ensue so paramilitary factions can take control and we can have a proper race war and a second(?) holocaust.
Post by Robert James
There is no such thing as NOBUS! The private sector is ONLY concerned
with making BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of "doll hairs". They honestly do not
give a flying fig leaf about the security of their products. Our Western
governments need to realize that "security clearances" are making our
best and brightest join the money train of Google, Microsoft, Facepalm
and the like. Most people will not go through the effort of getting
their TOP SECRET clearence; for the wages signals intel agencies offer.
People do not join the public sector for $$$, they do it for the job.
The E.F.F. is funded by Silicon Valley, they are not an "open source"
collective of white hats and general computer geeks. There is no major
censorship on the part of Western governments (though that may change to
defend against "fake news" propaganda from foreign enemy nations.
The government doesn't have to directly censor anything or limit muh free speech when that speech takes place on kike social media platforms and when domain registrars and rackets like cloudflare exist.
Post by Robert James
Look even General Michael Hayden (CIA/NSA) said BACKDOORS DO NOT WORK. I
was never a fan of Michael Rogers pushing 'em. Anyways US Cyber Command
has their hands full at the moment... I honestly don't think they give a
damn about little 'ole you or me. (At least I HOPE not... ... ...)
Yeah, sure, backdoors don't work. That's why three letter agencies and their corporate buddies try to subvert free software projects like OpenBSD, then spread FUD about said project if their efforts fail. And shoehorn HDCP DRM into the Linux kernel, etc...
Post by Robert James
My little Boris Badenov needs a good Natasha Fatale...
It's all got to go. Violence is the only solution and anyone who disagrees isn't going to make it. Bye, fuckers!

