Both the NSA/CSE/GCHQ (or police) & Russians keep hacking me.
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2020-01-30 20:28:02 UTC
Hello, hello, anybody home? Now here is how I can tell...

Firstly for over a decade my Comodo Firewall would suddenly "scew up"
all the settings... or just totally break down - just DAYS/WEEKS after
doing a complete format and reinstall of the operating system... along
with a total re-classification of all services runing on Windows.
(Don't ask me to figure out UNIX log files yet - I am not that 3l33t to
just edit log files as r00t; w/o having to scrub/clear them totally.) I
am assuming "they" are using actual exploits before MicroShit does their
pathetic Patch Tuesday roll-ups. (Anyone remember when Winblows got
DAILY/WEEKLY updates; BEFORE bending over backwords to Signals Intel

When SWIM was vomiting Nazi-shit, the Russians were VERY insterested in
the PSYOPS bullshit; so they sent SWIM a shitty spear phishing Word
document; prenteding to be from a piece of shit narcissistic sociopath;
who is using some mortgage operation to launder Russian Rubles. SWIM
clicked through all the Marco warnings, and they disabled SWIM's Avast
Anti-Virus. (One could tell by doing a PRE-WINDOWS-BOOT scan.) Shortly
after SWIM was MITH'ed a forced AMD PSP (quote "Secure" unquote
Processor) "update"... which SWIM could *NOT* refuse or reverse... that
NO-ONE ELSE with an AMD system got. (HELLO NSA; THANK YOU for pausing
the video of Alan Turing craking teh code, at the word "love"!) I luv
Readheads BTW, shemales are just p0rn; what I HATE are Neo-Nazis.

Oh' I always knew Lenovo UEFIs were backd00r3d from day-one; from China
and their glorious chairman for life - Xi Jinshit.

CSIS keeps following SWIM; and their surveillance team agents are NOT
VERY GOOD at their jobs. TRY HARDER! Like *NOT* using a bunch of taxi
cabs in the middle of the night... after ALL the bars close. THINK
MCFLY, THINK! You *ARE* looking for *SMART* people, right?!?!?!

O'h BTW; this is what I am reading today:


Thanks for reading my rant. Better luck next time, slugheads!!!!!

I think Mr. Putin has a very nice neck...

Robert James
2020-01-30 20:52:52 UTC
Comrade Robert James committed a subversive act of "Sluggish
Post by Robert James
CSIS keeps following SWIM; and their surveillance team agents are NOT
VERY GOOD at their jobs. TRY HARDER! Like *NOT* using a bunch of taxi
cabs in the middle of the night... after ALL the bars close. THINK
MCFLY, THINK! You *ARE* looking for *SMART* people, right?!?!?!
P.S. The answer is YES; hired an LAID! With kids someday...
I think Mr. Putin has a very nice neck...