Ping: Snit
(too old to reply)
2020-06-25 05:26:46 UTC
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that the
bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I were
having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted help; but
didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I might try
something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing such a thing.

Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding, entirely on
my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel is a larger than
white lie everyone does written about me, by you.. I do not presently
see what good for me could come of sharing anything I've learned, or
might in the near future since I wrote the post
the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking all things into
consideration available at this time, I'm disinclined to aqueous your
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in you as
far as that is concerned.
I am Lancelot of Borg. Resistance is feudal.
2020-06-25 05:26:48 UTC
A clear example of Carroll using socks to play victim.
Prove it. The bottom line is, screaming "Carroll"
does you no good. Whatever name a post is written
under doesn't mean the content is wrong, Mr. 'I
only focus on content not personality'.
What you've stated is true enough, but for my own curiosity and nothing
more, Did you write the post Snit is responding to?
(snip overly rehashed BS)
THESE are the types of manipulations Carroll does.
Said the projecting hypocrite who *only* tried
to kill the messenger here, not address a single
point that was made. Of course, everyone in here's
just *so* stupid not a single person will notice,
right, Snit <eyeroll>?
No offense, but, you both seem to assume things about the majority of
us here which isn't true. Maybe you think you're being helpful in some
way, but, I find it to be rather condescending myself.
A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected.
2020-06-25 05:26:49 UTC
A clear example of Carroll using socks to play victim.
We're going to disagree again. Having interacted with him for
good or bad, over some time now, I don't believe the "socks" or
"victim" thing.
I can understand that -- you have not seen the pattern over years,
in this group and COLA and CSMA and alt.os.linux and
talk.politics.guns and many more.
But I shan't pretend it is not the case.
Until you can actually prove it is, Snit, it's nothing more than
conjecture and it's beyond old. P
What I can show you is how Carroll has done what I said he would
-- has manipulated the conversations away from things tied to the
socks and bots and the evidence that points to him.
That's a very arrogant assumption on your part to make, Snit. Do you
really think we can all be fooled, by either of you? You write of
manipulation with growing consistency, but, usually in the same
paragraph, sometimes within the same sentence, you actually
demonstrate attempting to do the very thing you're accusing others of

You're trying to direct our focus on what you want to discuss/learn
about the bot. That's raising a red flag with me. It's almost as if
we're beta testing it for you (without wanting to do so) and you're
looking for our input to improve its effectiveness.

Can you explain that feeling I'm getting from reading your recent
posts where you make accusations of manipulation by another?
Instead what are the topics? A joke from 2011 that has not been
shown to be relevant in any way, a 20-questions like game that I
played with some work buddies over 25 years ago, etc.
Not only has he turned the focus onto these irrelevant things, he
has pretended I have been dishonest (oh no, I did not recall
details of a comment I made a joke almost a decade ago... the
horror!), etc.
See what I mean, Snit? You're attempting to tell us all what is/isn't
relevant to the bot or discussion concerning it, while at the same
time, accusing another individual of having been able to manipulate
all of us? That simply isn't making sense to me, Snit.
I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the
second one didn't.
2020-06-25 06:04:02 UTC
Post by Diesel
A clear example of Carroll using socks to play victim.
We're going to disagree again. Having interacted with him for
good or bad, over some time now, I don't believe the "socks" or
"victim" thing.
I can understand that -- you have not seen the pattern over years,
in this group and COLA and CSMA and alt.os.linux and
talk.politics.guns and many more.
But I shan't pretend it is not the case.
Until you can actually prove it is, Snit, it's nothing more than
conjecture and it's beyond old. P
Sure. It is well supported conjecture on my part but not proved to the
level of a mathematical proof.
Post by Diesel
What I can show you is how Carroll has done what I said he would
-- has manipulated the conversations away from things tied to the
socks and bots and the evidence that points to him.
That's a very arrogant assumption on your part to make, Snit. Do you
really think we can all be fooled, by either of you? You write of
manipulation with growing consistency, but, usually in the same
paragraph, sometimes within the same sentence, you actually
demonstrate attempting to do the very thing you're accusing others of
I am merely asking you to watch for the signs. Specifically of the
pulling up of ancient unrelated debates in an apparent effort to shine
the light away from his current actions.

Watch for it. It will happen again in the next week, at the most.
Post by Diesel
You're trying to direct our focus on what you want to discuss/learn
about the bot. That's raising a red flag with me. It's almost as if
we're beta testing it for you (without wanting to do so) and you're
looking for our input to improve its effectiveness.
As I have said, it is your choice. You have said you COULD, and I have
asked you to. So far you have not shown the evidence of your claims...
but, and this is key, you do not have to.

I could say I play the piano very well. I could then not show you. You
might believe me or not... but I would not be obligated to show you,
just as you would not be obligated to believe I could (and to be clear,
I cannot... this is merely an example). I mean no offense at not
trusting you to do something you have not shown you can, but I also am
VERY clear in how I am not entitled.
Post by Diesel
Can you explain that feeling I'm getting from reading your recent
posts where you make accusations of manipulation by another?
I shan't try to explain your feelings.
Post by Diesel
Instead what are the topics? A joke from 2011 that has not been
shown to be relevant in any way, a 20-questions like game that I
played with some work buddies over 25 years ago, etc.
Not only has he turned the focus onto these irrelevant things, he
has pretended I have been dishonest (oh no, I did not recall
details of a comment I made a joke almost a decade ago... the
horror!), etc.
See what I mean, Snit? You're attempting to tell us all what is/isn't
relevant to the bot or discussion concerning it, while at the same
time, accusing another individual of having been able to manipulate
all of us? That simply isn't making sense to me, Snit.
What is your theory as to why Carroll would even bring up a 20-questions
like game I played with coworkers more than 25 years ago, and try to tie
it to his accusations?
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-28 10:13:33 UTC
Snit <***@gallopinginsanity.com> news:***@mid.individual.net Thu, 25 Jun 2020 06:04:02 GMT
in alt.computer.workshop, wrote:

Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Until you can actually prove it is, Snit, it's nothing more than
conjecture and it's beyond old. P
Sure. It is well supported conjecture on my part but not proved to
the level of a mathematical proof.
Conjecture is not proof, mathematical or otherwise...
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Can you explain that feeling I'm getting from reading your recent
posts where you make accusations of manipulation by another?
I shan't try to explain your feelings.
You've claimed I expressed feelings in several of my posts, I didn't
see it a far stretch for you to also attempt to explain them. Good to
know you don't plan to go quite that far with those assumptions.

And you didn't answer my question. You've claimed that I was
attempting to manipulate others. You also claimed my questioning you
was part of my manipulation attempt. Can you explain any of that?
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
See what I mean, Snit? You're attempting to tell us all what
is/isn't relevant to the bot or discussion concerning it, while
at the same time, accusing another individual of having been able
to manipulate all of us? That simply isn't making sense to me,
What is your theory as to why Carroll would even bring up a
20-questions like game I played with coworkers more than 25 years
ago, and try to tie it to his accusations?
Are you having trouble answering my questions? I asked several. I'd
like for you to not pull a David and provide answers to the ones you
A perversion of nature -- how exciting!
2020-06-28 17:53:48 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Until you can actually prove it is, Snit, it's nothing more than
conjecture and it's beyond old. P
Sure. It is well supported conjecture on my part but not proved to
the level of a mathematical proof.
Conjecture is not proof, mathematical or otherwise...
That was my point. Good to see you understood (and nothing wrong with
restating it to show you did).
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Can you explain that feeling I'm getting from reading your recent
posts where you make accusations of manipulation by another?
I shan't try to explain your feelings.
You've claimed I expressed feelings in several of my posts, I didn't
see it a far stretch for you to also attempt to explain them. Good to
know you don't plan to go quite that far with those assumptions.
And you didn't answer my question. You've claimed that I was
attempting to manipulate others. You also claimed my questioning you
was part of my manipulation attempt. Can you explain any of that?
Look at the text I responded to. I really have no desire to rehash it.
If you do wish for me to rehash it, please quote the text you said, and
my reply, so we have full context. I suspect if you do so you will have
your answer anyway.

If you do that I will grant you the favor of rehashing.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
See what I mean, Snit? You're attempting to tell us all what
is/isn't relevant to the bot or discussion concerning it, while
at the same time, accusing another individual of having been able
to manipulate all of us? That simply isn't making sense to me,
What is your theory as to why Carroll would even bring up a
20-questions like game I played with coworkers more than 25 years
ago, and try to tie it to his accusations?
You have no answer. That is fair enough. You could just be direct and
say so. I think elsewhere you have said you are a direct person... but I
am not going to dig for that, either.
Post by Diesel
Are you having trouble answering my questions? I asked several. I'd
like for you to not pull a David and provide answers to the ones you
You are asking me not to answer a question, but to rehash a question
that was already answered.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-25 05:47:32 UTC
On 6/24/20 10:26 PM, Diesel wrote:


What you snipped (the comments of yours I was replying to):
Just to avoid a potential accusation down the road, I'll disclose now
that I'm quite familiar with the digital forensics process, it is
based on sound science, and it's not something that's easily fooled.
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that the
bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I were
having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted help; but
didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I might try
something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing such a thing.
I am happy you do not think that is the case here. I think finding
evidence about the code and coder is more likely to make that person
squirm. Of course there may be things which could help the coder -- and
if you feel you stumble onto something like that I trust you to not share.
Post by Diesel
Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding, entirely
on my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel is a larger
than white lie everyone does written about me, by you.. I do not
presently see what good for me could come of sharing anything I've
learned, or might in the near future since I wrote the post
the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking all things into
consideration available at this time, I'm disinclined to aqueous
your request.
You are not obligated. Of course. It does, I am sure you understand, put
into question if you even can do what you claim. Remember, this
misunderstanding you speak about came about AS I was speaking of the
flood bot and its output, code, and coder. Instead of speaking on that
issue you changed topics to things you say are not related. Now you use
that very misunderstanding as a reason to not do so.

But you need NO reason. If you do not want to that is reason enough. It
is also reason enough for me to not trust you could... but that does not
mean I am saying you could not.
Post by Diesel
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in you as
far as that is concerned.
Can you clarify what you mean here?
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-28 06:51:15 UTC
Post by Snit
--- Just to avoid a potential accusation down the road, I'll
disclose now that I'm quite familiar with the digital forensics
process, it is based on sound science, and it's not something
that's easily fooled.
I snipped it because it had no relevance on the rest of my reply. It
was redundant. Excuse me for being a good usentizen.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that
the bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I
were having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted
help; but didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I
might try something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing
such a thing.
I am happy you do not think that is the case here.
I'm saddened to learn that sarcasm doesn't come naturally for you. It
should flow as cursive handwriting does when using it as expected.

It is *very difficult* to discuss things with you Snit, and, we're not
even discussing much of anything in the way of technical matters.
As I previously wrote in another post, against my better judgment i'm
going to continue making the assumption (which is probably going to
come and bite me in the ass) that you aren't jerking us all around with
your replies here. That you do have a reading comprehension problem
which is quite severe, but, for some reason, you are completely unaware
of it. And, I mean, completely unaware.

Otherwise, you don't actually have any reading comprehension problem,
instead, you're jerking us all around, a giant con. A super troll
effort. For now, I'm still going to go with the former, and not the
Post by Snit
I think finding
evidence about the code and coder is more likely to make that
person squirm. Of course there may be things which could help the
coder -- and if you feel you stumble onto something like that I
trust you to not share.
Hmm.. Why would that person or persons squirm Snit? They don't have an
actual fight with me. And as far as I know, they, just like you, might
think i've been bullshitting concerning my abilities and limitations of
said abilities. And, I've done absolutely nothing to prove I can do
anything for that matter, other than to share a very small amount of
harmless code (which doesn't even really prove I can code worth a fuck)
- I've shared a little knowledge of crypto, but, that doesn't help or
hurt the bot owner (and as far as you know, I could have been
bullshitting about all of that too! Maybe I just copy/pasted it from
someplace), I also invited you to google me; even gave you a good
search parameter.

You can't trust everything you read though, and the results of doing
google check aren't going to be entirely truthful. There's much
bullshit you'd have to spend the time to sort through to get to the
truth. And, of course, you have no reason to just take me at my word.

David has also warned you about me, but as opted to instead make the
assumption one of your vocal detractors needs to be concerned with me;
they don't. They haven't been anywhere near as obnoxious, rude, and
disrespectful towards me as you have. And, I've yet, to catch them
intentionally writing an entire post to write a completely fabricated
story about me. On the other hand, Snit, I can't say the same for you
and be honest as I did so. I have caught you writing one, possibly,
two, entirely bullshit stories about me.

When I asked for an apology, you danced around it. Placing the
misunderstanding, on me. You've continued doing that. And, it doesn't
matter who tells you what I meant by what I wrote. As long as it
doesn't match what you think I meant, you're going to continue with the
'you misunderstood' or' you quoted me out of context, I didn't do
anything wrong' or something else, equally as dishonest, along those
lines. For the time being though, I'll continue (against my better
judgement) making the assumption that it has to do with your issues,
and it's not being done on purpose. Which makes communications of any
kind with you quite a challenge for me, on a good day.

So, where does that leave us? The same place as the person or persons
behind the bot Snit. They have no reason to think any differently than
you concerning myself.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding,
entirely on my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel is
a larger than white lie everyone does written about me, by you..
I do not presently see what good for me could come of sharing
the post the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking all things
into consideration available at this time, I'm disinclined to
aqueous your request.
You are not obligated. Of course. It does, I am sure you
understand, put into question if you even can do what you claim.
:) As I wrote above. Snit, in case it hasn't occured to you already;
I'm not one of those people that's easily conned into doing something
just to prove I can to a stranger. Besides, many of the things I've
done which would show you without any doubt that I haven't been bsing
you are already available for your convenience via google searching. No
point in my re-inventing the wheel to satisfy your doubts. <G>

Back when I was an innocent kiddo, an adult or older kid could con me
into doing something that I shouldn't have done which was a benefit to
them. I've since had an opportunity to smarten up concerning easily
being taken like that.
Post by Snit
Remember, this misunderstanding you speak about came about AS I
was speaking of the flood bot and its output, code, and coder.
Instead of speaking on that issue you changed topics to things you
say are not related. Now you use that very misunderstanding as a
reason to not do so.
Myself and Apd have already tried to explain what you did and how there
was no misunderstanding nor mincing of words on my part. Initially, you
mistakenly thought his first reply on the subject agreed with what you
thought; when he responded again to clarify that he actually agreed
with what I wrote, you determined we both misunderstood what I wrote,
but, you, did not. I can see no reason to continue. It is what it is,
you've done what you've done, you're going to continue doing it. It's
how you are.
Post by Snit
But you need NO reason. If you do not want to that is reason
enough. It is also reason enough for me to not trust you could...
but that does not mean I am saying you could not.
If you can't be arsed to do a simple as fuck all google search, or just
ask david for some things to searh for, or even his opinion on the
matter - why in the fuck should I waste even a nanosecond of my time
proving anything to you? What do I get out of doing your homework for
you, Snit? I can't even get an apology when you lie on me. Instead, I
get wordy word games; and if that doesn't get me to stop, you make up
yet another lie - the claim that I'm manipulating people. You even went
so far as to make the claim that my asking you questions is part of it.

Do you deny what I wrote, Snit? Do you think I misunderstood you? Would
you like to see the MIDs of your posts where you make those accusations
towards me?
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in you
as far as that is concerned.
Can you clarify what you mean here?
It's self explanatory. Re-read it.
2020-06-28 09:07:27 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
--- Just to avoid a potential accusation down the road, I'll
disclose now that I'm quite familiar with the digital forensics
process, it is based on sound science, and it's not something
that's easily fooled.
I snipped it because it had no relevance on the rest of my reply. It
was redundant. Excuse me for being a good usentizen.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that
the bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I
were having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted
help; but didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I
might try something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing
such a thing.
I am happy you do not think that is the case here.
I'm saddened to learn that sarcasm doesn't come naturally for you. It
should flow as cursive handwriting does when using it as expected.
It is *very difficult* to discuss things with you Snit,
I don’t hold that against you.
Post by Diesel
and, we're not
even discussing much of anything in the way of technical matters.
As I previously wrote in another post, against my better judgment i'm
going to continue making the assumption (which is probably going to
come and bite me in the ass) that you aren't jerking us all around with
your replies here. That you do have a reading comprehension problem
which is quite severe, but, for some reason, you are completely unaware
of it. And, I mean, completely unaware.
Otherwise, you don't actually have any reading comprehension problem,
instead, you're jerking us all around, a giant con. A super troll
effort. For now, I'm still going to go with the former, and not the
How many times there do you speak of yourself as a victim?
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
I think finding
evidence about the code and coder is more likely to make that
person squirm. Of course there may be things which could help the
coder -- and if you feel you stumble onto something like that I
trust you to not share.
Hmm.. Why would that person or persons squirm Snit?
Do you mean other then the obvious reason of him not wanting to be caught?
Post by Diesel
They don't have an
actual fight with me.
Carroll does not. Agreed.
Post by Diesel
And as far as I know, they, just like you, might
think i've been bullshitting concerning my abilities and limitations of
said abilities.
I have seen no evidence of you being able to do as you say. But, again, you
do not owe me and don’t need to impress me.
Post by Diesel
And, I've done absolutely nothing to prove I can do
anything for that matter, other than to share a very small amount of
harmless code (which doesn't even really prove I can code worth a fuck)
- I've shared a little knowledge of crypto, but, that doesn't help or
hurt the bot owner (and as far as you know, I could have been
bullshitting about all of that too! Maybe I just copy/pasted it from
someplace), I also invited you to google me; even gave you a good
search parameter.
Not important enough to. But thanks.
Post by Diesel
You can't trust everything you read though, and the results of doing
google check aren't going to be entirely truthful. There's much
bullshit you'd have to spend the time to sort through to get to the
truth. And, of course, you have no reason to just take me at my word.
David has also warned you about me, but as opted to instead make the
assumption one of your vocal detractors needs to be concerned with me;
they don't. They haven't been anywhere near as obnoxious, rude, and
disrespectful towards me as you have.
As you think I have. Subtle but important difference.
Post by Diesel
And, I've yet, to catch them
intentionally writing an entire post to write a completely fabricated
story about me.
Carroll is going to work to get you to back him. Sure. He manipulates well.
Post by Diesel
On the other hand, Snit, I can't say the same for you
and be honest as I did so. I have caught you writing one, possibly,
two, entirely bullshit stories about me.
When I asked for an apology, you danced around it. Placing the
misunderstanding, on me. You've continued doing that. And, it doesn't
matter who tells you what I meant by what I wrote. As long as it
doesn't match what you think I meant, you're going to continue with the
'you misunderstood' or' you quoted me out of context, I didn't do
anything wrong' or something else, equally as dishonest, along those
lines. For the time being though, I'll continue (against my better
judgement) making the assumption that it has to do with your issues,
and it's not being done on purpose. Which makes communications of any
kind with you quite a challenge for me, on a good day.
How many times there do you speak of yourself as a victim?
Post by Diesel
So, where does that leave us? The same place as the person or persons
behind the bot Snit. They have no reason to think any differently than
you concerning myself.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding,
entirely on my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel is
a larger than white lie everyone does written about me, by you..
I do not presently see what good for me could come of sharing
the post the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking all things
into consideration available at this time, I'm disinclined to
aqueous your request.
You are not obligated. Of course. It does, I am sure you
understand, put into question if you even can do what you claim.
:) As I wrote above. Snit, in case it hasn't occured to you already;
I'm not one of those people that's easily conned into doing something
just to prove I can to a stranger. Besides, many of the things I've
done which would show you without any doubt that I haven't been bsing
you are already available for your convenience via google searching. No
point in my re-inventing the wheel to satisfy your doubts. <G>
You have no need to impress me.
Post by Diesel
Back when I was an innocent kiddo, an adult or older kid could con me
into doing something that I shouldn't have done which was a benefit to
them. I've since had an opportunity to smarten up concerning easily
being taken like that.
At the time in the past did you know you were being “conned” as it
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Remember, this misunderstanding you speak about came about AS I
was speaking of the flood bot and its output, code, and coder.
Instead of speaking on that issue you changed topics to things you
say are not related. Now you use that very misunderstanding as a
reason to not do so.
Myself and Apd have already tried to explain what you did and how there
was no misunderstanding nor mincing of words on my part. Initially, you
mistakenly thought his first reply on the subject agreed with what you
thought; when he responded again to clarify that he actually agreed
with what I wrote, you determined we both misunderstood what I wrote,
but, you, did not. I can see no reason to continue. It is what it is,
you've done what you've done, you're going to continue doing it. It's
how you are.
You and I disagree. This bothers you a lot. In a way that is flattering —
if I meant nothing to you then it would not matter.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
But you need NO reason. If you do not want to that is reason
enough. It is also reason enough for me to not trust you could...
but that does not mean I am saying you could not.
If you can't be arsed to do a simple as fuck all google search, or just
ask david for some things to searh for, or even his opinion on the
matter - why in the fuck should I waste even a nanosecond of my time
proving anything to you?
Why would you want to?
Post by Diesel
What do I get out of doing your homework for
you, Snit? I can't even get an apology when you lie on me. Instead, I
get wordy word games; and if that doesn't get me to stop, you make up
yet another lie - the claim that I'm manipulating people. You even went
so far as to make the claim that my asking you questions is part of it.
Do you deny what I wrote, Snit? Do you think I misunderstood you? Would
you like to see the MIDs of your posts where you make those accusations
towards me?
I have no desire to again rehash your ideas on this. I will merely suggest
you count the number of times you present yourself as a victim.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in you
as far as that is concerned.
Can you clarify what you mean here?
It's self explanatory. Re-read it.
A simple no would have done. Fair enough.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-30 04:53:01 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
-- --- Just to avoid a potential accusation down the road, I'll
disclose now that I'm quite familiar with the digital forensics
process, it is based on sound science, and it's not something
that's easily fooled.
-- ---
I snipped it because it had no relevance on the rest of my reply.
It was redundant. Excuse me for being a good usentizen.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that
the bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if
I were having trouble with something I was working on, and
wanted help; but didn't want anyone to know I was asking for
help, I might try something similar here. Not that I feel you
are doing such a thing.
I am happy you do not think that is the case here.
I'm saddened to learn that sarcasm doesn't come naturally for
you. It should flow as cursive handwriting does when using it as
It is *very difficult* to discuss things with you Snit,
I don’t hold that against you.
Post by Diesel
and, we're not
even discussing much of anything in the way of technical matters.
As I previously wrote in another post, against my better judgment
i'm going to continue making the assumption (which is probably
going to come and bite me in the ass) that you aren't jerking us
all around with your replies here. That you do have a reading
comprehension problem which is quite severe, but, for some
reason, you are completely unaware of it. And, I mean, completely
Otherwise, you don't actually have any reading comprehension
problem, instead, you're jerking us all around, a giant con. A
super troll effort. For now, I'm still going to go with the
former, and not the latter.
How many times there do you speak of yourself as a victim?
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
I think finding
evidence about the code and coder is more likely to make that
person squirm. Of course there may be things which could help
the coder -- and if you feel you stumble onto something like
that I trust you to not share.
Hmm.. Why would that person or persons squirm Snit?
Do you mean other then the obvious reason of him not wanting to be caught?
Post by Diesel
They don't have an
actual fight with me.
Carroll does not. Agreed.
Post by Diesel
And as far as I know, they, just like you, might
think i've been bullshitting concerning my abilities and
limitations of said abilities.
I have seen no evidence of you being able to do as you say. But,
again, you do not owe me and don’t need to impress me.
Post by Diesel
And, I've done absolutely nothing to prove I can do
anything for that matter, other than to share a very small amount
of harmless code (which doesn't even really prove I can code
worth a fuck) - I've shared a little knowledge of crypto, but,
that doesn't help or hurt the bot owner (and as far as you know,
I could have been bullshitting about all of that too! Maybe I
just copy/pasted it from someplace), I also invited you to google
me; even gave you a good search parameter.
Not important enough to. But thanks.
Post by Diesel
You can't trust everything you read though, and the results of
doing google check aren't going to be entirely truthful. There's
much bullshit you'd have to spend the time to sort through to get
to the truth. And, of course, you have no reason to just take me
at my word.
David has also warned you about me, but as opted to instead make
the assumption one of your vocal detractors needs to be concerned
with me; they don't. They haven't been anywhere near as
obnoxious, rude, and disrespectful towards me as you have.
As you think I have. Subtle but important difference.
Post by Diesel
And, I've yet, to catch them
intentionally writing an entire post to write a completely
fabricated story about me.
Carroll is going to work to get you to back him. Sure. He
manipulates well.
Post by Diesel
On the other hand, Snit, I can't say the same for you
and be honest as I did so. I have caught you writing one,
possibly, two, entirely bullshit stories about me.
When I asked for an apology, you danced around it. Placing the
misunderstanding, on me. You've continued doing that. And, it
doesn't matter who tells you what I meant by what I wrote. As
long as it doesn't match what you think I meant, you're going to
continue with the 'you misunderstood' or' you quoted me out of
context, I didn't do anything wrong' or something else, equally
as dishonest, along those lines. For the time being though, I'll
continue (against my better judgement) making the assumption that
it has to do with your issues, and it's not being done on
purpose. Which makes communications of any kind with you quite a
challenge for me, on a good day.
How many times there do you speak of yourself as a victim?
I didn't. Not a single time. Really snit, has the projection routine
ever worked for you?
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Remember, this misunderstanding you speak about came about AS I
was speaking of the flood bot and its output, code, and coder.
Instead of speaking on that issue you changed topics to things
you say are not related. Now you use that very misunderstanding
as a reason to not do so.
Myself and Apd have already tried to explain what you did and how
there was no misunderstanding nor mincing of words on my part.
Initially, you mistakenly thought his first reply on the subject
agreed with what you thought; when he responded again to clarify
that he actually agreed with what I wrote, you determined we both
misunderstood what I wrote, but, you, did not. I can see no
reason to continue. It is what it is, you've done what you've
done, you're going to continue doing it. It's how you are.
You and I disagree.
Uhh, No, Apd, myself, and, even FTR at this point would 'disagree'
with you concerning what I wrote and what you ERRONEOUSLY thought I
wrote - And used to further support the lie you wrote about my
involvement with the bot. You're just a dishonest individual, no two
ways about it at this point.
This bothers you a lot.
Yes, well, I don't think anyone appreciates someone fabricating a
completely bullshit story about them. Especially when said story
involves something that's more than a little white lie.
In a way that is flattering
You find it flattering that you've nearly convinced me that
everything you write is more than likely, not the truth?
if I meant nothing to you then it would not matter.
ROFLMFAO! Snit, you give yourself far too much credit.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
But you need NO reason. If you do not want to that is reason
enough. It is also reason enough for me to not trust you
could... but that does not mean I am saying you could not.
If you can't be arsed to do a simple as fuck all google search,
or just ask david for some things to searh for, or even his
opinion on the matter - why in the fuck should I waste even a
nanosecond of my time proving anything to you?
Why would you want to?
Re-read what you wrote above, and quit trying to play wordy word
games with me, snit.
Post by Diesel
What do I get out of doing your homework for
you, Snit? I can't even get an apology when you lie on me.
Instead, I get wordy word games; and if that doesn't get me to
stop, you make up yet another lie - the claim that I'm
manipulating people. You even went so far as to make the claim
that my asking you questions is part of it.
Do you deny what I wrote, Snit? Do you think I misunderstood you?
Would you like to see the MIDs of your posts where you make those
accusations towards me?
I have no desire to again rehash your ideas on this. I will merely
suggest you count the number of times you present yourself as a
My ideas on this? Dude, you're the one making the accusations. If you
can't prove any of them are true, maybe you should stop making them?
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in
you as far as that is concerned.
Can you clarify what you mean here?
It's self explanatory. Re-read it.
A simple no would have done. Fair enough.
ROFL. My first reply didn't mean "no", stupid.
You can't please everyone. But it IS possible to piss 'em ALL off at
the same time.
2020-06-28 06:51:17 UTC
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that
the bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I
were having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted
help; but didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I
might try something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing
such a thing.
Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding,
entirely on my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel
is a larger than white lie everyone does written about me, by
you.. I do not presently see what good for me could come of
sharing anything I've learned, or might in the near future since
I wrote the post the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking
all things into consideration available at this time, I'm
disinclined to aqueous your request.
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in
you as far as that is concerned.
Spellcheck gotcha!
I do find it odd that Diesel has decided my wanting to talk about
OUTPUT and what we can tell from it is somehow a bad sign, but
Carroll giving step by step instructions on how to make key parts
of such a bot is somehow not a bad thing.
Heh. It seems to me that you'd like myself and others to go into
better detail concerning what you can learn from it's output. Since
you've repeatedly denied being behind the bot yourself, why do you
continue trying to direct the discussion to specific aspects of the
Why is Carroll so obviously twisting what is said? Is really that
incapable of understanding what he reads?
Oh please, Snit, this is old. We've *all* seen ample examples of you
doing exactly what you've went out of your way to accuse Carroll of.
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do. (Joe Walsh)
2020-06-28 09:07:28 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Diesel
EXCELLENT! So let's see what you can come up with on the flood
bot... its output, code, and coder!
If I didn't know any better, I'd almost get the silly idea that
the bot owner might find such insight very useful...I know, if I
were having trouble with something I was working on, and wanted
help; but didn't want anyone to know I was asking for help, I
might try something similar here. Not that I feel you are doing
such a thing.
Due to a severe what you consider to be misunderstanding,
entirely on my end, completely my fault concerning what I feel
is a larger than white lie everyone does written about me, by
you.. I do not presently see what good for me could come of
sharing anything I've learned, or might in the near future since
I wrote the post the...misunderstanding has been over. Taking
all things into consideration available at this time, I'm
disinclined to aqueous your request.
I think it is great you can do this.
I think it's useful as well.
If you can.
A pretty big if. But I sincerely hope you can.
*yawn* You can do better, Snit. I have a little confidence in
you as far as that is concerned.
Spellcheck gotcha!
I do find it odd that Diesel has decided my wanting to talk about
OUTPUT and what we can tell from it is somehow a bad sign, but
Carroll giving step by step instructions on how to make key parts
of such a bot is somehow not a bad thing.
Heh. It seems to me that you'd like myself and others to go into
better detail concerning what you can learn from it's output.
Well, what you and I and others can learn. Sure.

But not specific details on how to code such a bot.
Post by Diesel
you've repeatedly denied being behind the bot yourself, why do you
continue trying to direct the discussion to specific aspects of the
As much as I am confident as to whom is behind it, more evidence is a good
thing. And the more evidence is shown the more he squirms.

I notice it has not been posting, at least is here or COLA, for some time.
I think that is a good thing — and tied to the focus on the evidence (to
the extent that has been happening).

At the same time neither you nor anyone else is obligated to speak of ANY
topic. Nor am I.
Post by Diesel
Why is Carroll so obviously twisting what is said? Is really that
incapable of understanding what he reads?
Oh please, Snit, this is old. We've *all* seen ample examples of you
doing exactly what you've went out of your way to accuse Carroll of.
You did not answer the question. The question was not about your view of me
but about Carroll’s actual actions.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.