Tekrider - Referral program
(too old to reply)
David B.
2017-06-04 10:41:52 UTC

Referral program

You'll receive 50% commission on all sales made through your referral link.

Just place one of our links or banners where your visitors, customers
and friends will see it and you'll earn cash on every qualifying sale
made through your ads. They will be your referrals for 365 days and
you'll earn cash on their purchase.

Referral marketing programs like ours don't require any fees and are
easy to set up, so there's no risk to you.



Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web site ....

sc​ript type="text/javascript"

I hadn't realized that BTS was into making money from his web site!

The truth *will* out - always! ;-)
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-04 12:12:04 UTC
Post by David B.
Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web site ....
There is no script on BTS's web site. Read the other thread where Mike
Easter discovered it is a fault of the tool you don't know how to use.
Internet Explorer 6 only.
Post by David B.
I hadn't realized that BTS was into making money from his web site!
The truth *will* out - always!
The truth is I don't make any money at all from this personal web site.
It's not a free hosting service either.

Go stalk Paul Adare some more...
David B.
2017-06-05 11:06:40 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web site ....
There is no script on BTS's web site. Read the other thread where Mike
Easter discovered it is a fault of the tool you don't know how to use.
Internet Explorer 6 only.
Please explain why I can see your 'stalker' web page when I view your
web site using a VPN but cannot do so if I connect to your site
directly. That might help me better understand you - and what you have
done technically.

I don't understand why you appear not to want to help me uncover
wrong-doing on-line ...... unless you are involved in crime yourself.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I hadn't realized that BTS was into making money from his web site!
The truth *will* out - always!
The truth is I don't make any money at all from this personal web site.
It's not a free hosting service either.
Go stalk Paul Adare some more...
Oh yes, I remember! I asked you how/why the spam code was showing out of
plain site on the IdentIt.ca web page. (that code is almost at the
bottom of the page).

So, DO you have an explanation? Here's the web page code in full:-

<html xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">


<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/analytics.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"

<title>Welcome to IdentIT Inc. - Home</title>
<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="public key infrastructure, security
consulting, certificate lifecycle manager, CLM, VPN, windows rights
management services, RMS">
<link href="/web/20161002161328cs_/http://identit.ca/css/styles.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
bottommargin="0" rightmargin="0">

<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/disclaim-element.js"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/graph-calc.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var __wm = (function(imgWidth,imgHeight,yearImgWidth,monthImgWidth){
var wbPrefix = "/web/";
var wbCurrentUrl = "http://identit.ca/";

var firstYear = 1996;
var displayDay = "2";
var displayMonth = "Oct";
var displayYear = "2016";
var prettyMonths =
var $D=document,$=function(n){return document.getElementById(n)};
var trackerVal,curYear = -1,curMonth = -1;
var yearTracker,monthTracker;
function showTrackers(val) {
if (val===trackerVal) return;
var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
var $y=$("displayYearEl"),$m=$("displayMonthEl"),$d=$("displayDayEl");
if (val) {
} else {

trackerVal = val;
function trackMouseMove(event,element) {
var eventX = getEventX(event);
var elementX = getElementX(element);
var xOff = Math.min(Math.max(0, eventX - elementX),imgWidth);
var monthOff = xOff % yearImgWidth;

var year = Math.floor(xOff / yearImgWidth);
var monthOfYear = Math.min(11,Math.floor(monthOff / monthImgWidth));
// 1 extra border pixel at the left edge of the year:
var month = (year * 12) + monthOfYear;
var day = monthOff % 2==1?15:1;
var dateString = zeroPad(year + firstYear) + zeroPad(monthOfYear+1,2) +
zeroPad(day,2) + "000000";

// looks too jarring when it changes..
var url = wbPrefix + dateString + '/' + wbCurrentUrl;

if(curYear != year) {
var yrOff = year * yearImgWidth;
yearTracker.style.left = yrOff + "px";
curYear = year;
if(curMonth != month) {
var mtOff = year + (month * monthImgWidth) + 1;
monthTracker.style.left = mtOff + "px";
curMonth = month;
function hideToolbar() {
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var $spk=$("wm-ipp-sparkline");

var $ipp=$("wm-ipp");
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<a class="t" href="/web/20161002161328*/http://identit.ca/"
title="See a list of every capture for this URL">65 captures</a>
<div class="r" title="Timespan for captures of this URL">3
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<td class="secondmenuitem" align="right">
href="/web/20161002161328/http://identit.ca/pki.html">Public Key
<td colspan="2" class="secondmenudivider"></td>
<td class="secondmenumark">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="secondmenuitem" align="right">
href="/web/20161002161328/http://identit.ca/iam.html">Identity and
Access Management</a></td>
<td colspan="2" class="secondmenudivider"></td>
<td class="secondmenumark">&nbsp;</td>
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Policy Authoring</a></td>
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<td class="secondmenumark">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="secondmenuitem" align="right">
href="/web/20161002161328/http://identit.ca/rms.html">Windows Rights
Management Services</a></td>
<td colspan="2" class="secondmenudivider"></td>
<td class="secondmenumark">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="secondmenuitem" align="right">
href="/web/20161002161328/http://identit.ca/clm.html">Microsoft Identity
Lifecycle Manager
2007</a> </td>
<td class="secondmenumark"><a
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href="/web/20161002161328/http://identit.ca/about.html">About Us</a></td>
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<td class="thatext" style="padding:0px 37px 15px
<h2>Welcome to IdentIT Inc.</h2>
<p style="text-align: left"><span style="FONT-FAMILY:
<font size="2">One of your
most valuable corporate assets is information, and
protecting and
securing data access is vital to conducting business in
knowledge-based economy.</font></span></p>
<p style="text-align: left"><span style="FONT-FAMILY:
<font size="2">With evolving
threats to intellectual property security and
information expanding
at an increasing rate, there is no single solution to
mitigate these
ever-changing risks. Rather than attempting to force a
single solution,
security is best achieved through a comprehensive
assessment of
your organization&#39;s technical, procedural, policy,
legal, regulatory
and management requirements and then architecting and
solutions that meet your needs.</font></span></p>
<p style="text-align: left"><span style="FONT-FAMILY:
<font size="2">IdentIT Inc.
specializes in strong security-related services and
solutions, with
the majority of our practice focused on digital
security, identity
management and access authorization, digital rights
and secure remote access solutions.</font></span></p>
<h4>IdentIT Inc. offers ILM 2007
Certificate Management Training</h4>
<p><font size="2">IdentIT Inc. is pleased to offer private,
dedicated training on ILM 2007 Certificate Management.
If your
organization is interested in this training, please
contact us
at <b>
<h4>IdentIT Inc. announced as Systems Integrator for
Lifecycle Manager</h4>
<p><font size="2">Microsoft announced IdentIT Inc. as
one of the
first systems integrators for Certificate Lifecycle
Details are available at the
Microsoft CLM Web portal</a>. </font>
Brian Komar Interviewed on RunAs Radio</h4>
<p><font size="2">Brian Komar, President of IdentIT
Inc., was
interviewed by Richard Campbell and Greg Hughes about
the Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI), Extended Validation (EV)
and whether or not anybody notices the green bar in
Explorer 7. The show can be listened to on demand from
<h4>Brian Komar to Author the 2nd Edition of the
Microsoft Press
PKI Book</h4>
<p><font size="2">Brian Komar, President of IdentIT
Inc., has
started writing the second edition of <b>Microsoft Windows
Server(TM) 2003 PKI and Certificate Security. </b>The new
edition will cover the Windows Server 2008 PKI and extend
coverage of certificate-based application deployment.
Paul Adare,
CTO of IdentIT Inc. is acting as the technical editor
for the
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INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 8:11:09 Mar 16, 2017.

SECTION 108(a)(3)).


If you don't KNOW the answer, please don't simply guess.

Although the www.IdentIt.ca web pages have been removed, it appears to
me that a server is still 'active' there. How can one 'see' what that
server is currently being employed to do?

Would YOU be at all concerned if it is being utilised for cybercrime
purposes or is that simply someone else's responsibility?
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-05 11:57:17 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web site ....
There is no script on BTS's web site. Read the other thread where Mike
Easter discovered it is a fault of the tool you don't know how to use.
Internet Explorer 6 only.
Have you read Mike Easter's posts yet? Why won't you acknowledge his
Post by David B.
Please explain why I can see your 'stalker' web page when I view your
web site using a VPN but cannot do so if I connect to your site
directly. That might help me better understand you - and what you have
done technically.
Any technical explanation would go over your head .. exceed your level of
Post by David B.
I don't understand why you appear not to want to help me uncover
wrong-doing on-line ...... unless you are involved in crime yourself.
You don't "uncover wrong-doing." You STALK innocent people, MVPs, forum
owners and operators, and Usenet posters who don't like your stalking.
David B.
2017-06-05 14:15:25 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web site ....
There is no script on BTS's web site. Read the other thread where Mike
Easter discovered it is a fault of the tool you don't know how to use.
Internet Explorer 6 only.
Have you read Mike Easter's posts yet? Why won't you acknowledge his
Yes - I've read and responded to them.

Sucuri have now changed the assessment of your site - after me nagging
them! I hope you are pleased!
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Please explain why I can see your 'stalker' web page when I view your
web site using a VPN but cannot do so if I connect to your site
directly. That might help me better understand you - and what you have
done technically.
Any technical explanation would go over your head .. exceed your level of
Possibly - but I'd like you to try!

I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your web

Scan for: http://tekrider.net
Hostname: tekrider.net
IP address:

System Details:
Running on: Apache
Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning error (40x): HTTP/1.1
403 Forbidden
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I don't understand why you appear not to want to help me uncover
wrong-doing on-line ...... unless you are involved in crime yourself.
You don't "uncover wrong-doing." You STALK innocent people, MVPs, forum
owners and operators, and Usenet posters who don't like your stalking.
You are free to have your own opinion, even though you have limited
experience of past events. Did you ever bother to read about the 'sting'
operation I described on the Google Webmaster Forums?
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-05 15:41:58 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you read Mike Easter's posts yet? Why won't you acknowledge his
Yes - I've read and responded to them.
What are the M-IDs of your replies?
Post by David B.
Sucuri have now changed the assessment of your site - after me nagging
them! I hope you are pleased!
They finally woke up and BANNED you!
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Any technical explanation would go over your head .. exceed your level
of knowledge.
Possibly - but I'd like you to try!
Forget it.
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your web
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning
error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being an
incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed their tool
in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve the BAN.
2017-06-05 16:25:41 UTC
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:41:58 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your web
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning
error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being an
incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed their tool
in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve the BAN.
OMG. It's like a comedy. BD's managed to get himself banned by
an anti-malware BOT !!!! He is now officially MALWARE.
(I restored the groups he originally accused you of hosting
malware - I'm sure he'll apologize for lying, but not before polishing
off another quart of whisky. Be patient)
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
David B.
2017-06-05 17:00:37 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:41:58 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your web
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning
error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being an
incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed their tool
in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve the BAN.
OMG. It's like a comedy. BD's managed to get himself banned by
an anti-malware BOT !!!! He is now officially MALWARE.
Why do you believe him - he's a liar?
Post by Shadow
(I restored the groups he originally accused you of hosting
malware - I'm sure he'll apologize for lying, but not before polishing
off another quart of whisky. Be patient)
No - no apology. He has been a complete dickhead. His details are
on-line so reporting him to the FBI for sponsoring terrorism should get
results quite quickly! Way to go! :-)

File a Complaint

Prior to filing a complaint with the IC3, please read the following
information regarding terms and conditions. Should you have additional
questions prior to filing your complaint, view FAQ for more information
on inquiries such as:

What details will I be asked to include in my complaint?
What happens after I file a complaint?
How are complaints resolved?
Should I retain evidence related to my complaint?
The information I've provided on this form is correct to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me
subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)

Complaints filed via this website are processed and may be referred to
federal, state, local or international law enforcement or regulatory
agencies for possible investigation. I understand any investigation
opened on any complaint I file on this website is initiated at the
discretion of the law enforcement and/or regulatory agency receiving the
complaint information.

Filing a complaint with the IC3 in no way serves as notification to my
credit card company that I am disputing unauthorized charges placed on
my card or that my credit card number may have been compromised. I
should contact my credit card company directly to notify them of my
specific concerns.

The complaint information you submit to this site is encrypted via
secure socket layer (SSL) encryption. Please see the Privacy Policy for
further information.

We thank you for your cooperation.

I Accept :-)


"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-05 17:24:23 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:41:58 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your
web site:-
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning
error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being an
incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed their
tool in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve the BAN.
OMG. It's like a comedy. BD's managed to get himself banned by
an anti-malware BOT !!!! He is now officially MALWARE.
Why do you believe him - he's a liar?
The only lies in my posts are quotes of what YOU have written.
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
(I restored the groups he originally accused you of hosting
malware - I'm sure he'll apologize for lying, but not before polishing
off another quart of whisky. Be patient)
No - no apology. He has been a complete dickhead. His details are
on-line so reporting him to the FBI for sponsoring terrorism should get
results quite quickly! Way to go! :-)
File a Complaint
LOL!!! Terrorism? You are a glutton for punishment, aren't you? And a
liar. Why don't you spend your time finding all the "bad guys" over there
in YOUR neighborhood. I'm sure the mayor of London would welcome your
David B.
2017-06-05 22:48:18 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:41:58 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about your
web site:-
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning
error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being an
incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed their
tool in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve the BAN.
OMG. It's like a comedy. BD's managed to get himself banned by
an anti-malware BOT !!!! He is now officially MALWARE.
Why do you believe him - he's a liar?
The only lies in my posts are quotes of what YOU have written.
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
(I restored the groups he originally accused you of hosting
malware - I'm sure he'll apologize for lying, but not before polishing
off another quart of whisky. Be patient)
No - no apology. He has been a complete dickhead. His details are
on-line so reporting him to the FBI for sponsoring terrorism should get
results quite quickly! Way to go! :-)
File a Complaint
LOL!!! Terrorism? You are a glutton for punishment, aren't you? And a
liar. Why don't you spend your time finding all the "bad guys" over there
in YOUR neighborhood. I'm sure the mayor of London would welcome your
Tomorrow .....

"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
David B.
2017-06-05 22:55:39 UTC
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
David B.
2017-06-07 21:53:57 UTC
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
Do something wonderful, help me check!
2017-06-07 23:38:47 UTC
On Wed, 7 Jun 2017 22:53:57 +0100, "David B."
<***@nomail.afraid.invalid> wrote:

We've all been helping. How about an update ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-08 00:05:18 UTC
Post by David B.
https://w3bin.com/domain/ tekrider.net
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
ibuoy.co.uk of course.
David B.
2017-06-08 08:02:32 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
https://w3bin.com/domain/ tekrider.net
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
ibuoy.co.uk of course.
You've bee 'involved' for a VERY long time ....


Nothing much has changed since I gave my answers there.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-08 09:01:48 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
https://w3bin.com/domain/ tekrider.net
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for
Islamist terrorists?
ibuoy.co.uk of course.
You've bee 'involved' for a VERY long time ....
Nothing much has changed since I gave my answers there.
I simply can't pass up the opportunity to show your new friends in
2017-06-08 15:31:34 UTC
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 00:05:18 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
ibuoy.co.uk of course.
Please don't post malware URLS in acf.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-08 09:01:49 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for
Islamist terrorists?
Do let scotland yard know you suspect terrorism besides that which
you're involved in on a near daily basis. Let us know what they tell

And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as, that's
NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to blame your
ignorance on IT for that, right?

Btw, I asked you to let me know what Sucuri told you about the
domain you asked them about. It's not enough that Sucuri backtracked
on their claim of malware being present when none ever was, I want
to know what they told you. :)

You were told Sucuri was misinformed (I'm being polite) and yet you
persisted in claiming the site was malicious when infact, it wasn't.
You owe BTS an apology for the LIES you told concerning his website,
David. Where might I find such a post?

Why don't you want rec.photo.digital to know what you've been doing
David? I do so hope they enjoy reading what a pile of shit you are,
with your own words no less. It gives me great pleasure to rub their
noses in a sample of your shit they thought didn't exist.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

David B.
2017-06-08 15:22:15 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as, that's
NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to blame your
ignorance on IT for that, right?
*BTS is not playing with a straight bat*, Dustin.
You deserve so much more than a "straight bat", dickhead.
It's a real fight you're after, eh?
You keep STALKING me and my web site. Do you think I'm going to roll over
and play dead or something?
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me determine the
truth but for some unknown reason you 'bottled-out'! Regardless, the
truth *WILL* out!

It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you please
explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as Tekrider.net?

Just because you had insufficient knowledge to explain how the SPAM
links were put on the IdentIt.ca web site?
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was spam-hacked?

Did YOU have something to do with that?
Maybe someone else reading here knows the answer. I'll post same down
What a wasted use of your time... and Usenet bandwidth... you still
STALKING a web site (for years now)
I've already showed you what I determined. Perhaps you have forgotten.
Look here:-

Loading Image...
that doesn't even exist any more.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please explain.


Header returned by request for: http://IdentIt.ca ->

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 15:06:25 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Length: 227
Connection: close
Location: http://identit.ca/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi
Note: This line has redirected the request to
Server: Apache

The location line in the header above has redirected the request to:

( If this redirect is not what you expected SEE: Redirects. for some
tips on clearing redirects.)

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 15:06:25 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Length: 671
Connection: close
Server: Apache

Content that was returned by your request for the URL: http://IdentIt.ca
Note: Content displayed is from the redirect location, the URL
It looks like maybe your hosting has been suspended? If that is case try
going back and checking the cache of your page, just check the Check
cache version instead? box under Options:, the cache may show the issue.

2: < html> < head>
3: < title> 500 Internal Server Error< /title>
4: < /head> < body>
5: < h1> Internal Server Error< /h1>
6: < p> The server encountered an internal error or
7: misconfiguration and was unable to complete
8: your request.< /p>
9: < p> Please contact the server administrator,
10: ***@identit.ca and inform them of the time the error occurred,
11: and anything you might have done that may have
12: caused the error.< /p>
13: < p> More information about this error may be available
14: in the server error log.< /p>
15: < p> Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error
16: error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to
handle the request.< /p>
17: < /body> < /html>

You are a pathetic excuse for a human.
No, not at all. Just like you, I am one of God's children. :-)
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-08 18:50:03 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Diesel
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for
Islamist terrorists?
And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as,
that's NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to blame
your ignorance on IT for that, right?
*BTS is not playing with a straight bat*, Dustin.
You deserve so much more than a "straight bat", dickhead.
It's a real fight you're after, eh?
You keep STALKING me and my web site. Do you think I'm going to roll
over and play dead or something?
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me determine the
truth but for some unknown reason you 'bottled-out'! Regardless, the
truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the truth you are
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you please
explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as Tekrider.net?
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was spam-hacked?
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information about any
of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
Post by David B.
What a wasted use of your time... and Usenet bandwidth... you still
STALKING a web site (for years now)
I've already showed you what I determined. Perhaps you have forgotten.
Look here:-
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer exists.
However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your http://ibuoy.co.uk . In
fact, if identit.ca existed for even a single DAY, it lasted longer than
your ibuoy.co.uk web site. Explain that!
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please explain.
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
Post by David B.
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize this
technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus! how stupid ARE
Post by David B.
You are a pathetic excuse for a human.
No, not at all. Just like you, I am one of God's children. :-)
doG disowned you more than a half-century ago.
David B.
2017-06-09 11:55:11 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Diesel
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for
Islamist terrorists?
And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as,
that's NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to blame
your ignorance on IT for that, right?
*BTS is not playing with a straight bat*, Dustin.
You deserve so much more than a "straight bat", dickhead.
It's a real fight you're after, eh?
You keep STALKING me and my web site. Do you think I'm going to roll
over and play dead or something?
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me determine the
truth but for some unknown reason you 'bottled-out'! Regardless, the
truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the truth you are
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you please
explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as Tekrider.net?
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was spam-hacked?
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information about any
of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
Post by David B.
What a wasted use of your time... and Usenet bandwidth... you still
STALKING a web site (for years now)
I've already showed you what I determined. Perhaps you have forgotten.
Look here:-
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer exists.
However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your http://ibuoy.co.uk . In
fact, if identit.ca existed for even a single DAY, it lasted longer than
your ibuoy.co.uk web site. Explain that!
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him, just as
I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU could!
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please explain.
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize this
technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus! how stupid ARE

Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....


I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public interest, of
David B.
2017-06-09 12:12:17 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 12:55:11 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer exists.
However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your http://ibuoy.co.uk . In
fact, if identit.ca existed for even a single DAY, it lasted longer than
your ibuoy.co.uk web site. Explain that!
He won't. His webpage was removed for hosting illegal content
5 days it went online.
Post by David B.
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him, just as
I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change
Was he the one you drove to suicide by posting all his (and
his loved ones) personal info and laughing about it after he was dead
Or was that someone else ?

PS Groups restored.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 12:38:01 UTC
Do come off the high before posting.

Exactly what was the illegal content?

Did you file a police report or just run your mouth?
Post by Shadow
He won't. His webpage was removed for hosting illegal content
5 days it went online.
2017-06-09 12:53:03 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 08:38:01 -0400, "BurfordTJustice"
Post by BurfordTJustice
Do come off the high before posting.
Says the guy that lives off welfare in his mother's basement.
Post by BurfordTJustice
Exactly what was the illegal content?
You seem to have accidentally deleted my post, and I can't
remember the URL to BD's website. Post it here, and I'll show you.
Unless you are trolling, in which case, don't bother.
Post by BurfordTJustice
Did you file a police report or just run your mouth?
A police report ? I don't understand. Please explain how I
could do that. Don't forget to include the appropriate jurisdiction
agreements between countries, B.J. Unless you are trolling, in which
case, don't bother.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 13:28:47 UTC
Noted you just run mouth (usually while high) and have
no balls to folow through.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 08:38:01 -0400, "BurfordTJustice"
Post by BurfordTJustice
Do come off the high before posting.
Says the guy that lives off welfare in his mother's basement.
Post by BurfordTJustice
Exactly what was the illegal content?
You seem to have accidentally deleted my post, and I can't
remember the URL to BD's website. Post it here, and I'll show you.
Unless you are trolling, in which case, don't bother.
Post by BurfordTJustice
Did you file a police report or just run your mouth?
A police report ? I don't understand. Please explain how I
could do that. Don't forget to include the appropriate jurisdiction
agreements between countries, B.J. Unless you are trolling, in which
case, don't bother.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 21:10:48 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 08:38:01 -0400, "BurfordTJustice"
Post by BurfordTJustice
Do come off the high before posting.
Says the guy that lives off welfare in his mother's basement.
Oh, did his mom relocate to the UK as well?
Post by Shadow
Post by BurfordTJustice
Exactly what was the illegal content?
You seem to have accidentally deleted my post, and I can't
remember the URL to BD's website. Post it here, and I'll show you.
Unless you are trolling, in which case, don't bother.
Post by BurfordTJustice
Did you file a police report or just run your mouth?
A police report ? I don't understand. Please explain how I
could do that. Don't forget to include the appropriate jurisdiction
agreements between countries, B.J. Unless you are trolling, in
which case, don't bother.
I'm sure you realize he is infact, trolling? :) it's all he knows how
to do.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 13:08:24 UTC
David B. STALKER wrote:
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me determine
the truth but for some unknown reason you 'bottled-out'! Regardless,
the truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the truth you
are missing.
Why do you refuse to discuss your STALKING?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you please
explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as Tekrider.net?
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was spam-hacked?
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information about
any of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer exists.
However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your http://ibuoy.co.uk .
In fact, if identit.ca existed for even a single DAY, it lasted longer
than your ibuoy.co.uk web site. Explain that!
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him, just as
I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU could!
I do not need to change anything. *YOU* are the one STALKING. Stalking
anybody and everybody who does not agree with you, or refuses to help you
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please explain.
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting servers and
how they can host many individual web sites - even thousands - all using
the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize this
technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus! how stupid ARE
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only purpose is
to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public interest, of
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.

Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic hinkies. (But
my guess would be their employees are all sitting around the lunch table
*laughing about you*.)
David B.
2017-06-09 13:29:04 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me determine
the truth but for some unknown reason you 'bottled-out'! Regardless,
the truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the truth you
are missing.
Why do you refuse to discuss your STALKING?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you please
explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as Tekrider.net?
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was spam-hacked?
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information about
any of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer exists.
However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your http://ibuoy.co.uk .
In fact, if identit.ca existed for even a single DAY, it lasted longer
than your ibuoy.co.uk web site. Explain that!
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him, just as
I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU could!
I do not need to change anything. *YOU* are the one STALKING. Stalking
anybody and everybody who does not agree with you, or refuses to help you
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please explain.
How many times will you need training about shared servers? Every other
day it seems...
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting servers and
how they can host many individual web sites - even thousands - all using
the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any 'bad
guy' sites?
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize this
technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus! how stupid ARE
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only purpose is
to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for money - yes
indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in exchange for money.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public interest, of
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic hinkies. (But
my guess would be their employees are all sitting around the lunch table
*laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....

but the Identit.ca site still exists!


Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described here:-


Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't believe me.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 14:49:08 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting servers
and how they can host many individual web sites - even thousands - all
using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any 'bad
guy' sites?
Jeebus. One does not need IP addresses to find a bad site. One only need
_SOME_ smarts. You don't have any of those.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only purpose
is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for money - yes
indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in exchange for money.
So you think scaremongering is an acceptable process? Hey, why not -- it's
some of what YOU do.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public interest, of
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic hinkies.
(But my guess would be their employees are all sitting around the lunch
table *laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....
Everyone else is...
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why can't you
get that through your thick skull?
Post by David B.
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't believe me.
His company? Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that
company for other work a long time ago? You're just pissed because during
his time at the Microsoft forums he had you BANNED from those forums.

You've been STALKING him for years.
2017-06-09 16:26:52 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains.
Why can't you get that through your thick skull?
When Dave have been been drinking, you need to use "baby talk". And it's
always best to assume that he has been drinking. Try:

Dave, "identit.ca" went 'bye bye'. Sometimes our friends go 'bye bye' and
they never come back. It's not because they are real bad, but sometimes
they just have bad luck.

So don't go to the place where he used to live and call out his name. There
are other people living there now.

Have another pull on your bottle. It will make you feel less sad about
losing your friend. Maybe you can use Facebook and find a new friend.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 16:58:17 UTC
Post by Mike_Duffy
Have another pull on your bottle. It will make you feel less sad about
losing your friend. Maybe you can use Facebook and find a new friend.
LOL! Yes, there are probably a *billion* new potential victi^Wfriends
awaiting his beck and call at Facepuke.
2017-06-09 21:10:49 UTC
Post by Mike_Duffy
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains.
Why can't you get that through your thick skull?
When Dave have been been drinking, you need to use "baby talk".
Dave, "identit.ca" went 'bye bye'. Sometimes our friends go 'bye
bye' and they never come back. It's not because they are real bad,
but sometimes they just have bad luck.
Ayep. Like his kid:

Post by Mike_Duffy
So don't go to the place where he used to live and call out his
name. There are other people living there now.
Well, technically, there's nobody 'living' where this is:
Post by Mike_Duffy
Have another pull on your bottle. It will make you feel less sad
about losing your friend. Maybe you can use Facebook and find a
new friend.
http://picpaste.com/U5np7XvN.jpg - There isn't enough alcohol in the
world to fix that pain. He's tried it for years. He'll continue
trying until he can no longer pick a bottle up. The sooner, the
better, imo.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

David B.
2017-06-09 17:01:33 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting servers
and how they can host many individual web sites - even thousands - all
using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any 'bad
guy' sites?
Jeebus. One does not need IP addresses to find a bad site. One only need
_SOME_ smarts. You don't have any of those.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only purpose
is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for money - yes
indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in exchange for money.
So you think scaremongering is an acceptable process? Hey, why not -- it's
some of what YOU do.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public interest, of
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic hinkies.
(But my guess would be their employees are all sitting around the lunch
table *laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....
Everyone else is...
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why can't you
get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this. :-(
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't believe me.
His company?
Yes - *THIS* company, as quoted on his LinkedIn page:-

Company Name FYI TechKnowlogy Services
Dates Employed Jan 1994 – Present Employment Duration 23 yrs 6 mos


Do, please, post details of this company - if you can find any!
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that
company for other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You're just pissed because during
his time at the Microsoft forums he had you BANNED from those forums.
HE did *NOT* have me banned!

He was, though, promoting links to malicious pages - www.aumha.net - now
shut down - in every post he made on the Answers Forums.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You've been STALKING him for years.
I've been investigating for years, that's true.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-09 17:41:45 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 18:01:33 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why can't you
get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this.
Why do you doctor the headers every single time you admit you
are wrong ?
I restored the groups you posted FALSE and MISLEADING
information in. If you are going to apologize, be civil, let everyone
you tricked know.

PS BD has been stalking the former owner of the site above,
even though the guy abandoned it and it has remained unchanged for
over 10 years, one of Internet's "ghosts"
BD says it contains "malware".
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 20:28:25 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 18:01:33 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this.
Why do you doctor the headers every single time you admit you
are wrong ?
:) Glad of you to have noticed that. He does that to keep the new
groups he's fishing for help in unaware of his actual activities. He
would prefer they are kept in the dark, so the users (suckers) of said
group(s) can assist him in doing what he wants from them. If they knew
in advance he was a psycho stalking prick who's only getting a taste of
what he has coming, they wouldn't be so inclinded to provide

Here's some examples of his recruitment efforts:

MID: <xkCWA.135891$***@fx21.fr7>
MID: <og24t8$v6f$***@dont-email.me>
MID: <wfTQA.574616$***@fx18.fr7>

You'll notice the newsgroups? Especially the 2nd one. He didn't want me
knowing ANYTHING about his activities.

Here's a fine example of him trying to set someone up (he'd prefer an
email contact for the purpose) into assisting him in stalking me, or

MID: <UOlQA.740019$***@fx16.fr7>

Will you be happy for me to contact you by email? Your experience as a
police officer might be helpful to me.

This post will give you some idea of what I'd like to ask you about:-

MID: <***@N3MLgZ82.p28guqPTAElyc>

The guy tells him no thanks, so BD tries via usenet instead:
MID: <PZLQA.735267$***@fx02.fr7>

Now, David writes exactly what he's upto, in plain language:
MID: <C87RA.739350$***@fx27.fr7>

The reply from Savageduck really has no importance, except for the
amusement it offers anyone who's had prior experience with David Brooks
the stalker. That and it shows how gullible this supposed retired
police officer actually is. Here it is:

MID: <2017051120551119821-***@REMOVESPAMmecom>

It's just too damn funny to pass up.. Here's the highlights:
3: alt.computer.workshop seems to have no value at all, and any sane
individual should abandon it ASAP, and I recommend the same for you.
4: As far as "hanging him out to dry" goes, it isn't worth the effort
and frustration. He currently sits in my filter #26 titled "Freeware
Warrior Assholes". The action for that filter is, "KILL".
5: You seem to be a nice enough guy, don't drive yourself crazy with
alt.computer.workshop, or "Diesel/Cook", just baffle all of them and
vanish from the alt.computer.workshop World.

Why yes, confirmed stalkers and people who insist upon breaking forum
rules to the point where they get banned and then try to hire people
like me to break into them and get them user records are all hallmarks
of a 'nice guy'. And, this doesn't even include the lies BD is well
known for telling about other posters, such as BTS and his website
(most recently)

David pays him a little bit of lip service, they discuss some aircraft
history; David admits he flunked out... :)

David trying to out me, yet again..

MID: <wfTQA.574616$***@fx18.fr7>

So, for that, he tried to dox me by posting what he thought was a good
address via gsv, into seperate newsgroups. When busted and called out
for it by another poster who met him in person, he forked out a fake
apology, claiming he had no idea what the situation was that he was
trying to place me in. I call bullshit, he knew exactly what he was
trying to do, and why he was doing it. I refused his advances, I turned
down his requests, I turned them down again when he offered to PAY ME
for them. I wouldn't help him stalk or gain unauthorized access to
others, so, that made me a bad guy in his eyes.
Post by Shadow
I restored the groups you posted FALSE and MISLEADING
information in. If you are going to apologize, be civil, let
everyone you tricked know.
It seems to me, that he could have easily tricked a few in
rec.photo.digital. One even commented that they thought he was a 'nice
guy'; sucker born every minute, right? :) And this guy is supposedly a
retired police officer...I can see why retired is what they wrote. As
it's not PC to write 'one gullible fucker' on their paperwork. Retired
is more PC. :)
Post by Shadow
PS BD has been stalking the former owner of the site above,
even though the guy abandoned it and it has remained unchanged for
over 10 years, one of Internet's "ghosts"
BD says it contains "malware".
BD has been stalking various people for years. It's easy to become one
of BD's stalking victims. Just don't provide him what he wants to know,
exactly when he expects you to do so; tada; there's something 'shady'
about you, let the stalking and recruitment of others to assist!

The HH guy is fucking gullible as all hell too, fwiw. He thought David
gave me a case of butthurt two years ago. ROFL, not only can the dude
not read so well, he proceeds to brag about his superior skills in IT
as compared to mine. To summerize, he thought all apps had to be
installed in order to use them. He's been doing the IT thing for 30
something years, and portable apps (neat buzzword) or apps that require
no installer, somehow escaped him.

The moron even thought Malwarebytes was a part time gig. ROFL! and his
ability to troll really sucks, he needs to take lessons from someone
well versed in it. It's no surprise AUK thinks so highly of his
ignorant arse.

*waves rec.photo.digital* You guys have a real stalker on your hands
that will stop at nothing to stalk whoever he likes, whenever he likes,
and for whatever reason he likes, just like I warned you about. I'm
*not* the bad guy he tried to paint me out to be, but several of you
are some really gullible individuals, and, I sincerely hope you get a
taste of the David Brooks many others have already experienced. It
would be just karma in my book.

That newsgroup cracks me up. Mac fanboys, IT incompetence, wannabe
trolls, and gullible suckers for the most part, with a few noted
exceptions. Mind you, the amount I've observed is small enough to count
on one hand with fingers still available, but I digress.

As for me, I'm going to continue sharing BD's cockups by ensuring the
rec.photo.digital newsgroup is included in his crossposts. Some
information in my headers is static so they can always filter me, if
they'd like. I'll still share what BD really is though; as some of them
are google groupies and have no way of filtering these posts. I
encourage you to share with them what BD is really like as well. If you
catch BD trying to remove the newsgroup, rec.photo.digital, do be sure
and re-add it. It's not fair not to let them know what a stalking piece
of shit he really is.

And don't forget to include this url (as it seems to have really pissed
him off)

Loading Image...

Do, please, read the WHOLE thread started by Mr Cook - called "Wanna
torrent? :)" - on the 'alt.computer.workshop' group.

Just *HOW* can I 'hang him out to dry'? (if you catch my drift!)

For my part, I'll ensure it's included in every single release for a
long long time to come. I'll sample newsgroups at random and share the
url. [g] And don't worry if he does complain enough to get it canned,
I've got plenty more of them where that came from.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my finger
back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 21:28:49 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 18:01:33 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this.
Why do you doctor the headers every single time you admit you
are wrong ?
Glad of you to have noticed that. He does that to keep the new
groups he's fishing for help in unaware of his actual activities. He
would prefer they are kept in the dark, so the users (suckers) of said
group(s) can assist him in doing what he wants from them. If they knew
in advance he was a psycho stalking prick who's only getting a taste of
what he has coming, they wouldn't be so inclinded to provide
You'll notice the newsgroups? Especially the 2nd one. He didn't want me
knowing ANYTHING about his activities.
OMG, he tried to con a police officer to commit a serious
crime for him ?
Hope the guy didn't fall for it.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-10 00:46:11 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by Diesel
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 18:01:33 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this.
Why do you doctor the headers every single time you admit you
are wrong ?
Glad of you to have noticed that. He does that to keep the new
groups he's fishing for help in unaware of his actual activities.
He would prefer they are kept in the dark, so the users (suckers)
of said group(s) can assist him in doing what he wants from them.
If they knew in advance he was a psycho stalking prick who's only
getting a taste of what he has coming, they wouldn't be so
inclinded to provide assistance.
You'll notice the newsgroups? Especially the 2nd one. He didn't
want me knowing ANYTHING about his activities.
OMG, he tried to con a police officer to commit a serious
crime for him ?
Hope the guy didn't fall for it.
Yep, that he did. No, the guy was actually very polite with him when
he declined the request. Davids efforts to butter him up didn't work.

David didn't initially claim the picture offended him, but, clearly,
it's the best example of offending him so far. To the point where he
wanted to 'hang me out to dry', but, doesn't have the foggiest idea
how to do it on his own. And, this is all because he tried to dox me
on several occasions because I wouldn't break various laws and hack
into two! seperate web forums for him. He'd already stalked me prior
to his first email, and, wrongly assumed I was still the same asshole
various individuals wrote about. So, he thought i'd be perfect for
the abusive job he had in mind. He seems to think it's perfectly okay
to use somebody to get something done, under the guise of
establishing friendship.

When I wouldn't, he thought it was necessary to try and dox me, to
teach me a lesson and force me to do as he wanted. That didn't work
out so well for him. My associates decided they'd teach him a lesson
via an .nfo file greet, and, he's been revenge motivated ever since,
under the guise of hunting bad guys. He just doesn't want to be
honest about the problem he has with me, or, how he started the
problem he has with me, or why he has a problem with me. He's not
being honest at all. Yet, he'll take you he's an xian. :)

I believe he's of the pick and choose what he wants to obey kind,
Insert witty tagline here

2017-06-10 10:56:25 UTC
LOL A fucking joke of a word wall.

Talking about stalking...dustin is stalking david brooks (Devon)
has been for years, yet is too much the coward to take action.
Post by Diesel
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 18:01:33 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this.
Why do you doctor the headers every single time you admit you
are wrong ?
:) Glad of you to have noticed that. He does that to keep the new
groups he's fishing for help in unaware of his actual activities. He
would prefer they are kept in the dark, so the users (suckers) of said
group(s) can assist him in doing what he wants from them. If they knew
in advance he was a psycho stalking prick who's only getting a taste of
what he has coming, they wouldn't be so inclinded to provide
You'll notice the newsgroups? Especially the 2nd one. He didn't want me
knowing ANYTHING about his activities.
Here's a fine example of him trying to set someone up (he'd prefer an
email contact for the purpose) into assisting him in stalking me, or
Will you be happy for me to contact you by email? Your experience as a
police officer might be helpful to me.
This post will give you some idea of what I'd like to ask you about:-
The reply from Savageduck really has no importance, except for the
amusement it offers anyone who's had prior experience with David Brooks
the stalker. That and it shows how gullible this supposed retired
3: alt.computer.workshop seems to have no value at all, and any sane
individual should abandon it ASAP, and I recommend the same for you.
4: As far as "hanging him out to dry" goes, it isn't worth the effort
and frustration. He currently sits in my filter #26 titled "Freeware
Warrior Assholes". The action for that filter is, "KILL".
5: You seem to be a nice enough guy, don't drive yourself crazy with
alt.computer.workshop, or "Diesel/Cook", just baffle all of them and
vanish from the alt.computer.workshop World.
Why yes, confirmed stalkers and people who insist upon breaking forum
rules to the point where they get banned and then try to hire people
like me to break into them and get them user records are all hallmarks
of a 'nice guy'. And, this doesn't even include the lies BD is well
known for telling about other posters, such as BTS and his website
(most recently)
David pays him a little bit of lip service, they discuss some aircraft
history; David admits he flunked out... :)
David trying to out me, yet again..
So, for that, he tried to dox me by posting what he thought was a good
address via gsv, into seperate newsgroups. When busted and called out
for it by another poster who met him in person, he forked out a fake
apology, claiming he had no idea what the situation was that he was
trying to place me in. I call bullshit, he knew exactly what he was
trying to do, and why he was doing it. I refused his advances, I turned
down his requests, I turned them down again when he offered to PAY ME
for them. I wouldn't help him stalk or gain unauthorized access to
others, so, that made me a bad guy in his eyes.
Post by Shadow
I restored the groups you posted FALSE and MISLEADING
information in. If you are going to apologize, be civil, let
everyone you tricked know.
It seems to me, that he could have easily tricked a few in
rec.photo.digital. One even commented that they thought he was a 'nice
guy'; sucker born every minute, right? :) And this guy is supposedly a
retired police officer...I can see why retired is what they wrote. As
it's not PC to write 'one gullible fucker' on their paperwork. Retired
is more PC. :)
Post by Shadow
PS BD has been stalking the former owner of the site above,
even though the guy abandoned it and it has remained unchanged for
over 10 years, one of Internet's "ghosts"
BD says it contains "malware".
BD has been stalking various people for years. It's easy to become one
of BD's stalking victims. Just don't provide him what he wants to know,
exactly when he expects you to do so; tada; there's something 'shady'
about you, let the stalking and recruitment of others to assist!
The HH guy is fucking gullible as all hell too, fwiw. He thought David
gave me a case of butthurt two years ago. ROFL, not only can the dude
not read so well, he proceeds to brag about his superior skills in IT
as compared to mine. To summerize, he thought all apps had to be
installed in order to use them. He's been doing the IT thing for 30
something years, and portable apps (neat buzzword) or apps that require
no installer, somehow escaped him.
The moron even thought Malwarebytes was a part time gig. ROFL! and his
ability to troll really sucks, he needs to take lessons from someone
well versed in it. It's no surprise AUK thinks so highly of his
ignorant arse.
*waves rec.photo.digital* You guys have a real stalker on your hands
that will stop at nothing to stalk whoever he likes, whenever he likes,
and for whatever reason he likes, just like I warned you about. I'm
*not* the bad guy he tried to paint me out to be, but several of you
are some really gullible individuals, and, I sincerely hope you get a
taste of the David Brooks many others have already experienced. It
would be just karma in my book.
That newsgroup cracks me up. Mac fanboys, IT incompetence, wannabe
trolls, and gullible suckers for the most part, with a few noted
exceptions. Mind you, the amount I've observed is small enough to count
on one hand with fingers still available, but I digress.
As for me, I'm going to continue sharing BD's cockups by ensuring the
rec.photo.digital newsgroup is included in his crossposts. Some
information in my headers is static so they can always filter me, if
they'd like. I'll still share what BD really is though; as some of them
are google groupies and have no way of filtering these posts. I
encourage you to share with them what BD is really like as well. If you
catch BD trying to remove the newsgroup, rec.photo.digital, do be sure
and re-add it. It's not fair not to let them know what a stalking piece
of shit he really is.
And don't forget to include this url (as it seems to have really pissed
him off)
Do, please, read the WHOLE thread started by Mr Cook - called "Wanna
torrent? :)" - on the 'alt.computer.workshop' group.
Just *HOW* can I 'hang him out to dry'? (if you catch my drift!)
For my part, I'll ensure it's included in every single release for a
long long time to come. I'll sample newsgroups at random and share the
url. [g] And don't worry if he does complain enough to get it canned,
I've got plenty more of them where that came from.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...
I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my finger
back out and within seconds she was going down on me.
"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 17:53:07 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why can't
you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this. :-(
You have never been "sorry" about anything in your entire miserable life.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul [STALKING]' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't believe me.
His company?
Yes - *THIS* company, as quoted on his LinkedIn page:-
Do, please, post details of this company - if you can find any!
What's the matter? Is your search engine broken? Ahh, you've probably
stopped using it because it has *more than one IP address*! I got
numerous references to the company with my search engine.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that company for
other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You're just pissed because during his time at the Microsoft forums he
had you BANNED from those forums.
HE did *NOT* have me banned!
*MANY* MVPs and Administrators at Microsoft forums had you BANNED, and did
so for so many of the new nyms and accounts you created to attempt to
thwart the process.
Post by David B.
He was, though, promoting links to malicious pages - www.aumha.net - now
shut down - in every post he made on the Answers Forums.
Ah, good ol' "aumha." Another one of your STALKING targets. Which was
never malicious except to you since you were BANNED from there as well.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You've been STALKING him for years.
I've been STALKING for years, that's true.
Yes, it is. The truth *is* out! In all those years you've never caught a
*single bad guy*.
2017-06-09 21:10:50 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this. :-(
You have never been "sorry" about anything in your entire
miserable life.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul [STALKING]' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't
believe me.
His company?
Yes - *THIS* company, as quoted on his LinkedIn page:-
Do, please, post details of this company - if you can find any!
What's the matter? Is your search engine broken? Ahh, you've
probably stopped using it because it has *more than one IP
address*! I got numerous references to the company with my search
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that
company for other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
It's possible he accidently deleted and/or overwrote it with
something else when he was working on it. As he did with the video
file he uploaded to youtube. The video I was succesfully able to
provide he had no right to do, and, they deleted it as a result. he
did invite me to try, after all. :)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You're just pissed because during his time at the Microsoft
forums he had you BANNED from those forums.
HE did *NOT* have me banned!
*MANY* MVPs and Administrators at Microsoft forums had you BANNED,
and did so for so many of the new nyms and accounts you created to
attempt to thwart the process.
All true.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
He was, though, promoting links to malicious pages -
www.aumha.net - now shut down - in every post he made on the
Answers Forums.
Ah, good ol' "aumha." Another one of your STALKING targets. Which
was never malicious except to you since you were BANNED from there
as well.
Not only that, He tried to hire me! (no kidding) to hack the site for
him, and turn over user records/account information and anything else
I thought might be interesting. He claimed the site hosted malicious
content, but, not one single time, did he ever provide a url pointing
to anything malicious. Not one single time.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You've been STALKING him for years.
I've been STALKING for years, that's true.
Yes, it is. The truth *is* out! In all those years you've never
caught a *single bad guy*.
Not one. Not a single one. He's stalked people, And he's faced
retaliation in various forms for his bad deeds, but, he's never done
anything about real bad guys. Case in point, the acts of terrorism
going on in his own backyard. He hasn't made any effort to
reduce/prevent any of it. He'd rather spend his time on the
'interwebs' and harass people he doesn't even know.

He's such a good guy. Like a catholic priest who's been shuffled
around churches to keep them from being prosecuted for going a little
too far in the sex education.

Don't forget, BTS, when you catch him outright lying about stalking,
OR trying to stalk, add rec.photo.digital to the newsgroups. They
don't understand what he is yet, and, I'd hate to see for one or more
of them (who grossly underestimate his abilities to be a pain in the
ass) get taken advantage of by him.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 21:34:30 UTC
Don't forget, BTS, when you catch him outright lying about stalking, OR
trying to stalk,
Heh, that's damn near EVERY post he makes.
add rec.photo.digital to the newsgroups.
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements, and the
group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it otherwise.
They don't
understand what he is yet, and, I'd hate to see for one or more of them
(who grossly underestimate his abilities to be a pain in the ass) get
taken advantage of by him.
I'm sure by now all the regulars in r.p.d already know what a slimy
scumbag David Brooks really is. (I would assume the group has regulars..
I've never subscribed to it or even accessed it.)
2017-06-10 00:46:11 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Diesel
Don't forget, BTS, when you catch him outright lying about
stalking, OR trying to stalk,
Heh, that's damn near EVERY post he makes.
True again. You're batting average is impressive. :)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Diesel
add rec.photo.digital to the newsgroups.
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements,
and the group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it
I respect your decision. I should have known better than to suggest
it to you, infact. You've always impressed me with your level heading
line of thinking. FWIW, I think you're a bit more generous and far
more patient with David than myself.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Diesel
They don't
understand what he is yet, and, I'd hate to see for one or more
of them (who grossly underestimate his abilities to be a pain in
the ass) get taken advantage of by him.
I'm sure by now all the regulars in r.p.d already know what a
slimy scumbag David Brooks really is. (I would assume the group
has regulars.. I've never subscribed to it or even accessed it.)
I respectfully would have to disagree with you concerning all the
regulars already knowing what he is. The majority of what I think are
regulars have no clue what he is, or, possibly how harmful he can be.
And, I wouldn't expect them to just take my word for it. I learned
that many of the regulars to the newsgroup absolutely fear a .zip

To the point where they quote askleo snippits and refuse to touch one
with a barge pole. I was astounded at the ignorance level displayed.
And, rather dismayed at their defense of it. One regular even went so
far as to tell me he trusts a pdf more than he does a .zip file; And
we all know how dangerous a pdf can be under the right conditions.
AFAIK, a .zip file has a long ways to go to even come close to Adobes
titantic grade holes and exploitability. So, it's an uphill battle to
say the least to educate the majority posting there. They seem snug
in their ignorance.

One supposed 'tech' lightyears beyond me (No, I'm not making this up,
it's their own claim, paraphrased) made the comment that apps have to
be installed. And, google groups is a superior way of accessing
usenet. I kid you not. So, that should give you an idea of the
ignorance factor you'd be dealing with, outside of digital picture
discussions. That's another ball of wax entirely. So I can completely
understand your reason for not adding the group to your replies. If
it's alright by you though, I will add it to mine. If you have an
issue with it, out of respect to you, I will cease doing so. I don't
believe that would be beneficial, but, as I said, I do respect you
and will continue to honor your requests. You've earned that right
with me. You earned it a long time ago, infact.

They really have no idea. He's 'new' to them. And, that's what he's
been taking advantage of for a short period of time now, too. As he
always does when he visits a 'new' group looking to find people
willing to help him stalk those he no longer gets along with and
can't stand toe to toe with.

Eventually, they might? realize what his so called, noble intentions
really are, but, that will require others, like myself, Shadow,
Sycho, Froz, you, etc, letting them know. They aren't about to take a
single individuals word for anything, nor should they. Atleast one
has demonstrated that they might be onto him, due to a thread
dedicated to me and further requests to help find me. [g]
Insert witty tagline here

Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 02:52:27 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements, and
the group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it
I respect your decision. I should have known better than to suggest it
to you, infact. You've always impressed me with your level heading line
of thinking. FWIW, I think you're a bit more generous and far more
patient with David than myself.
Thanks for the complement. It's just I have no desire to say anything
about the r.p.d. people, and don't wish to discuss any of them.
David B.
2017-06-10 09:29:22 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements, and
the group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it
I respect your decision. I should have known better than to suggest it
to you, infact. You've always impressed me with your level heading line
of thinking. FWIW, I think you're a bit more generous and far more
patient with David than myself.
Thanks for the complement. It's just I have no desire to say anything
about the r.p.d. people, and don't wish to discuss any of them.
I've made NO libelous statements.

Do you dispute THIS information?


Web Page Speed Report

URL: tekrider.net
Title: tekrider.net - Welcome to Tekrider.net
Date: Report run on Sat Jun 10 04:44:21EDT2017

Global Statistics

Total HTTP Requests: 11
Total Size: 40340 bytes
Object Size Totals

Object type Size (bytes) Download @ 56K (seconds) Download @ T1 (seconds)
HTML: 5733 1.34 0.23
HTML Images: 26014 6.78 1.74
CSS Images: 309 0.26 0.20
Total Images: 26323 7.04 1.94
Javascript: 0 0.00 0.00
CSS: 8284 1.85 0.24
Multimedia: 0 0.00 0.00
Other: 0 0.00 0.00
External Objects

External Object QTY
Total HTML: 1
Total HTML Images: 8
Total CSS Images: 1
Total Images: 9
Total Scripts: 0
Total CSS imports: 1
Total Frames: 0
Total Iframes: 0
Download Times*

Connection Rate Download Time
14.4K 33.47 seconds
28.8K 17.83 seconds
33.6K 15.60 seconds
56K 10.24 seconds
ISDN 128K 4.66 seconds
T1 1.44Mbps 2.41 seconds

*Note that these download times are based on the full connection rate
for ISDN and T1 connections. Modem connections (56Kbps or less) are
corrected by a packet loss factor of 0.7. All download times include
delays due to round-trip latency with an average of 0.2 seconds per
object. With 11 total objects for this page, that computes to a total
lag time due to latency of 2.2 seconds. Note also that this download
time calculation does not take into account delays due to XHTML parsing
and rendering.

Page Objects

1 12690 IMG Loading Image... Header size =
178 bytes
1 8284 CSS http://tekrider.net/style/tekrider.css Header size = 176 bytes
Up to 5903 bytes could have been saved through compression.
View a formatted version of this CSS file
1 6051 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 177 bytes
1 5733 HTML http://tekrider.net Header size = 611 bytes
Up to 3351 bytes could have been saved through compression.
View a formatted version of this HTML file
1 4849 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 178
1 1867 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 177 bytes
1 945 CSS* http://tekrider.net/style/tekprint.css Header size = 175 bytes
1 309 CSS IMG Loading Image... Header size = 176 bytes
2 165 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 176 bytes
5 163 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 176 bytes
Missing width attribute.
Missing height attribute.
1 132 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 176 bytes
Missing width attribute.
Missing height attribute.
1 97 IMG Loading Image... Header size = 175 bytes
11 ^ 40340* Total (^unique objects)
# This site is not using HTTP compression, otherwise called content
encoding using gzip. Consider compressing your textual content (XHTML,
JavaScript, etc.) with mod_gzip or similar products.

* CSS alternate stylesheets may be referenced in the HTML but are not
actually downloaded until they are needed and are therefore not included
in the total page size.

Analysis and Recommendations

TOTAL_HTML - Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this
page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can
multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization. Y
TOTAL_OBJECTS - Caution. You have 11 total objects on this page. From 12
to 20 objects per page, the latency due to object overhead makes up from
75% to 80% of the delay of the average web page. See Figure II-3:
Relative distribution of latency components showing that object overhead
dominates web page latency in Website Optimization Secrets for more
details. Consider reducing, eliminating, and combining external objects
(graphics, CSS, JavaScript, iFrames and XHTML) to reduce the total
number of objects, and thus separate HTTP requests. Consider using CSS
sprites to help consolidate decorative images.
TOTAL_IMAGES - Caution. You have a moderate amount of images on this
page (9 ). Consider using fewer images on the site or try reusing the
same image in multiple pages to take advantage of caching. Using CSS
techniques such as colored backgrounds, borders, or spacing instead of
graphic techniques can help reduce HTTP requests.
TOTAL_CSS - Congratulations, the total number of external CSS files on
this page is 1 . Because external CSS files must be in the HEAD of your
HTML document, they must load first before any BODY content displays.
Although they are cached, CSS files slow down the initial display of
your page. Remember to place CSS files in the HEAD and JavaScript files
at the end of the BODY to enable progressive display.
TOTAL_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of this page is 40340
bytes. This page should load in 10.24 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Based
on current average web page size and composition trends you want your
page to load in less than 20 seconds on a 56Kbps connection, with
progressive feedback. Ideally you want your page to load in 3 to 4
seconds on a broadband connection, and 8 to 12 seconds for the HTML on a
dialup connection. Of course, there's always room for improvement.
HTML_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of this HTML file is 5733
bytes, which less than 50K. Assuming that you specify the HEIGHT and
WIDTH of your images, this size allows your HTML to display content in
under 10 seconds, the average time users are willing to wait for a page
to display without feedback.
IMAGES_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your images is
26323 bytes, which is less than 50K. Even with a 50K HTML page this page
should load in less than 20 seconds on a 56Kbps connection. Ideally each
image should be less than 1160 bytes, to easily fit into one TCP-IP packet.
CSS_SIZE - Caution. The total size of your external CSS is 8284 bytes,
which is above 8K and less than 20K. For external files, ideally keep
them less than 1160 bytes to fit within one higher-speed TCP-IP packet
(or an approximate multiple thereof). Consider optimizing your CSS and
eliminating features to reduce this to a more reasonable size.
MULTIM_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your external
multimedia files is 0 bytes, which is less than 10K.


You once said this to me ...

"I said "overzealous anti-malware software", not overzealous browser.
You must have some Google tool installed on your computer."

I asked you ...

"How could you/would you know if there was anything 'malicious' there if
you received no other warning? Indeed, what software programme do you
employ which would recognise every bit of malware out 'in the wild'?"

You replied ...

"Because I know how to read the source of web pages, that's how. I write
web pages, and I'm also a retired programmer."

Reference: Message-ID: <mmb4rr$62p$***@dont-email.me>


It was Sucuri which mistakenly reported that there was malware on your
web site. You tried to shoot me when I was simply the messenger.

IMO, YOU should have contacted Sucuri and disputed their findings!
David B.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 11:39:54 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements, and
the group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it
I respect your decision. I should have known better than to suggest it
to you, infact. You've always impressed me with your level heading
line of thinking. FWIW, I think you're a bit more generous and far
more patient with David than myself.
Thanks for the complement. It's just I have no desire to say anything
about the r.p.d. people, and don't wish to discuss any of them.
I've made NO libelous statements.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form
other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it. "

Your attempts to besmirch my web site is certainly defamation.
Post by David B.
Do you dispute THIS information?
Web Page Speed Report .....
What's the point? It's a good report - and displays information you don't
understand, not even a little bit.
Post by David B.
It was Sucuri which mistakenly reported that there was malware on your
web site. You tried to shoot me when I was simply the messenger.
IMO, YOU should have contacted Sucuri and disputed their findings!
YOU published it with malicious intent. I.E.: libelous. I'm sure that
if sucuri had not made a mistake - if it said the site was "clean" - you
would not have bothered to publish it.
David B.
2017-06-10 13:19:39 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
No thanks. If I'm defending myself from his libelous statements, and
the group is already there, I'll leave it. But I won't add it
I respect your decision. I should have known better than to suggest it
to you, infact. You've always impressed me with your level heading
line of thinking. FWIW, I think you're a bit more generous and far
more patient with David than myself.
Thanks for the complement. It's just I have no desire to say anything
about the r.p.d. people, and don't wish to discuss any of them.
I've made NO libelous statements.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form
other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it. "
Your attempts to besmirch my web site is certainly defamation.
I've done no such thing!
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Do you dispute THIS information?
Web Page Speed Report .....
What's the point? It's a good report - and displays information you don't
understand, not even a little bit.
Yes, perhaps you are right - but there is no link showing my 'special'
"Stalker" page. Had you noticed that?

Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
It was Sucuri which mistakenly reported that there was malware on your
web site. You tried to shoot me when I was simply the messenger.
IMO, YOU should have contacted Sucuri and disputed their findings!
YOU published it with malicious intent. I.E.: libelous. I'm sure that
if sucuri had not made a mistake - if it said the site was "clean" - you
would not have bothered to publish it.
I've told you many, MANY, times, that all I seek is the truth. Why do I
always get that 'hinky' feeling that you aren't being totally honest
with me?

Are you HIDING something?
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-10 14:14:22 UTC
[...] no link showing my 'special' "Stalker" page. [...]
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?)
'Officially'? Be sure to send a hardcopy by registered mail as well as
another to yourself so that the postmark shows when you sent it. Be sure to
leave that envelope intact because later in court it will have more legal
weight than verbal testimony or material printed afterwards. Remember, you
will be in a legal position of trying to proove that
'websiteoptimization.com' considers you to be a waste of their time.
[...] Why do I always get that 'hinky' feeling
Are you HIDING something?
Personal info. We all hide it from inveterate staulkers.
David B.
2017-06-10 14:28:10 UTC
Post by Mike_Duffy
[...] no link showing my 'special' "Stalker" page. [...]
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?)
'Officially'? Be sure to send a hardcopy by registered mail as well as
another to yourself so that the postmark shows when you sent it. Be sure to
leave that envelope intact because later in court it will have more legal
weight than verbal testimony or material printed afterwards. Remember, you
will be in a legal position of trying to proove that
'websiteoptimization.com' considers you to be a waste of their time.
Such a pity you didn't answer my question.

You must feel VERY insecure. So sad. :-(
Post by Mike_Duffy
[...] Why do I always get that 'hinky' feeling
You have been totally misled.
Post by Mike_Duffy
Are you HIDING something?
Personal info. We all hide it from inveterate staulkers.
May I suggest you read here?


(Written by Wolf K - Windows 10 group)

Perhaps someone you should try to emulate!
David B.
Posting using Windows 10
David B.
2017-06-10 14:35:43 UTC
My response was meant for BTS

I had no idea that you were going to poke your nose into someone else's
serious discussion.

Perhaps, though, YOU will also benefit from reading Wolf's Blog post.

Our Lord truly does move in mysterious ways! :-)
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-11 00:39:29 UTC
Post by David B.
I had no idea that you were going to poke your nose into someone else's
serious discussion.
Use email if you want privacy.
David B.
2017-06-11 05:10:51 UTC
Post by Mike_Duffy
Post by David B.
I had no idea that you were going to poke your nose into someone else's
serious discussion.
Use email if you want privacy.

Or Facebook Messages.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 15:58:46 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've made NO libelous statements.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form
other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it. "
Your attempts to besmirch my web site is certainly defamation.
I've done no such thing!
More lying bullshit. There is NO other way all these posts by you
attempting to "analyze" and prove my web site is "malicious" could be
anything other than libel, defamation, besmirching. Is your dictionary

verb (used with object)
1. to soil; tarnish; discolor.
2. to detract from the honor or luster of:
to besmirch someone's good name.

..and that is *EXACTLY* what you have been doing these past weeks.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Do you dispute THIS information?
Web Page Speed Report .....
What's the point? It's a good report - and displays information you
don't understand, not even a little bit.
Yes, perhaps you are right - but there is no link showing my 'special'
"Stalker" page. Had you noticed that?
Why should I? I already know what is on my web site.
Post by David B.
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
More stalking, libel, defamation, besmirching. But do let us know what the
result was.
Post by David B.
I've told you many, MANY, times, that all I seek is the truth. Why do I
always get that 'hinky' feeling that you aren't being totally honest
with me?
You get hinky every time someone/ANYone refuses to give you STALKING help.
Then you use the refusal as fodder for adding them to your STALKING list
of good people.
Post by David B.
Are you HIDING something?
Yes. My integrity and personal information.
David B.
2017-06-10 16:41:34 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've made NO libelous statements.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form
other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it. "
Your attempts to besmirch my web site is certainly defamation.
I've done no such thing!
More lying bullshit. There is NO other way all these posts by you
attempting to "analyze" and prove my web site is "malicious" could be
anything other than libel, defamation, besmirching. Is your dictionary
verb (used with object)
1. to soil; tarnish; discolor.
to besmirch someone's good name.
..and that is *EXACTLY* what you have been doing these past weeks.
Are you going to attempt to sue me?
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Do you dispute THIS information?
Web Page Speed Report .....
What's the point? It's a good report - and displays information you
don't understand, not even a little bit.
Yes, perhaps you are right - but there is no link showing my 'special'
"Stalker" page. Had you noticed that?
Why should I? I already know what is on my web site.
So do I! I looked here:-

Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
More stalking, libel, defamation, besmirching. But do let us know what the
result was.
See for yourself: https://www.webpagetest.org/result/170610_NY_120E/
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've told you many, MANY, times, that all I seek is the truth. Why do I
always get that 'hinky' feeling that you aren't being totally honest
with me?
You get hinky every time someone/ANYone refuses to give you STALKING help.
Then you use the refusal as fodder for adding them to your STALKING list
of good people.
Post by David B.
Are you HIDING something?
Yes. My integrity and personal information.
I am well aware that you are paying games with me.

You are a fool to waste your time doing so.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
David B.
2017-06-10 16:53:03 UTC

*playing* games
2017-06-10 16:55:21 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've made NO libelous statements.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form
other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it. "
Your attempts to besmirch my web site is certainly defamation.
I've done no such thing!
More lying bullshit. There is NO other way all these posts by you
attempting to "analyze" and prove my web site is "malicious" could be
anything other than libel, defamation, besmirching. Is your dictionary
verb (used with object)
1. to soil; tarnish; discolor.
to besmirch someone's good name.
..and that is *EXACTLY* what you have been doing these past weeks.
Are you going to attempt to sue me?
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Do you dispute THIS information?
Web Page Speed Report .....
What's the point? It's a good report - and displays information you
don't understand, not even a little bit.
Yes, perhaps you are right - but there is no link showing my 'special'
"Stalker" page. Had you noticed that?
Why should I? I already know what is on my web site.
So do I! I looked here:-
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
More stalking, libel, defamation, besmirching. But do let us know what the
result was.
See for yourself: https://www.webpagetest.org/result/170610_NY_120E/
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've told you many, MANY, times, that all I seek is the truth. Why do I
always get that 'hinky' feeling that you aren't being totally honest
with me?
You get hinky every time someone/ANYone refuses to give you STALKING help.
Then you use the refusal as fodder for adding them to your STALKING list
of good people.
Post by David B.
Are you HIDING something?
Yes. My integrity and personal information.
I am well aware that you are paying games with me.
You are a fool to waste your time doing so.
You used a faulty tool to examine a website, and BtS is playing games,
right, glad I got that straight.
David B.
2017-06-11 05:06:29 UTC
On 10/06/2017 17:55, FrozenNorth wrote:
Post by FrozenNorth
You used a faulty tool to examine a website, and BtS is playing games,
right, glad I got that straight.
Bts ADMITS he's been playing games, here: Message-ID:

Yes, I did use a 'faulty tool' if you mean Sucuri but I DID discover
that there was script on his web page of which he was apparently
unaware. Mike Easter found it too.

Why is it there and what did it (does it) do?

BTS is a retired programmer and knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He can
'hide' his site from my view if I go there in normal course but NOT if I
use a VPN. I also posted a link to another web site inspection tool
which ALSO reveals the 'stalker' page reference on his site.


I don't think he's a 'bad guy', just misguided. There was what I'll
refer to as 'clickjack' SPAM code on the IdentIt.ca web site. SOMEBODY
put it there.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-11 12:02:56 UTC
Post by David B.
Yes, I did use a 'faulty tool' if you mean Sucuri but I DID discover
that there was script on his web page of which he was apparently
unaware. Mike Easter found it too.
You even thanked him for his services -- but you did not UNDERSTAND any of
the explanation. I even told you to pick another browser from that faulty
tool's selection other than Internet Explorer 6 -- and the faulty message
is NOT there.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 19:59:15 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
..and that is *EXACTLY* what you have been doing these past weeks.
Are you going to attempt to sue me?
LOL! Are you quaking in your boots?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why should I? I already know what is on my web site.
So do I! I looked here:-
Ha! Another large batch of information you KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
How much did they charge you? Did you use a credit card?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You get hinky every time someone/ANYone refuses to give you STALKING help.
Then you use the refusal as fodder for adding them to your STALKING
list of good people.
Post by David B.
Are you HIDING something?
Yes. My integrity and personal information.
I am well aware that you are paying games with me.
You are a fool to waste your time doing so.
Do you want me to *stop* "playing games?" STOP THE FUCKING STALKING! Of
*everyone*. If, after a suitable period of time (determined by me), you
have not STALKED a single person in *any way*, I might consider
reassigning your special page to the archives. Make one mistake and the
time resets. What do you think?
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-11 02:16:03 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Do you want me to *stop* "playing games?" STOP THE FUCKING STALKING! Of
*everyone*. If, after a suitable period of time (determined by me), you
have not STALKED a single person in *any way*, I might consider
reassigning your special page to the archives. Make one mistake and the
time resets. What do you think?
The original "suitable period" I was thinking about just grew longer. You
just can't stop spreading personal details, can you? even when you make
them up (as you have NO proof of your statement).

Message-ID: <8O__A.6363$***@fx13.fr7>
"I believe he committed suicide well over 12 months ago."

You are despicable.
David B.
2017-06-11 05:24:49 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Do you want me to *stop* "playing games?" STOP THE FUCKING STALKING! Of
*everyone*. If, after a suitable period of time (determined by me), you
have not STALKED a single person in *any way*, I might consider
reassigning your special page to the archives. Make one mistake and the
time resets. What do you think?
The original "suitable period" I was thinking about just grew longer. You
just can't stop spreading personal details, can you? even when you make
them up (as you have NO proof of your statement).
"I believe he committed suicide well over 12 months ago."
That *IS* what I *BELIEVE* - I suspect in a mutual suicide pact with a

Perhaps, living over there in the USA, you could find the proof YOU
seek? Dustin Cook has declared that HE knows - ask HIM.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You are despicable.
No, I'm not. :-) I'm INSIGHTFUL :-D
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
David B.
2017-06-11 05:19:44 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
..and that is *EXACTLY* what you have been doing these past weeks.
Are you going to attempt to sue me?
LOL! Are you quaking in your boots?
Absolutely! :-)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why should I? I already know what is on my web site.
So do I! I looked here:-
Ha! Another large batch of information you KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT.
Correct - but I CAN recognize the web page shown! ;-)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Can you explain *WHY* it is missing (before I use the contact form to
ask officially?) http://www.websiteoptimization.com/contact/
How much did they charge you? Did you use a credit card?
No charge was made. I did NOT use a credit card.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Are you HIDING something?
Yes. My integrity and personal information.
I am well aware that you are paying games with me.
You are a fool to waste your time doing so.
Do you want me to *stop* "playing games?" STOP THE FUCKING STALKING! Of
*everyone*. If, after a suitable period of time (determined by me), you
have not STALKED a single person in *any way*, I might consider
reassigning your special page to the archives. Make one mistake and the
time resets. What do you think?
I think you should have HELPED me get to the bottom of the Paul Adare
scenario. I just KNOW the IdentIt.ca site was a 'front' and I've shown
you the hidden SPAM links which were in the source code.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-11 12:02:53 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I am well aware that you are paying games with me.
You are a fool to waste your time doing so.
Do you want me to *stop* "playing games?" STOP THE FUCKING STALKING! Of
*everyone*. If, after a suitable period of time (determined by me),
you have not STALKED a single person in *any way*, I might consider
reassigning your special page to the archives. Make one mistake and the
time resets. What do you think?
I think you should have HELPED me get to the bottom of the Paul Adare
scenario. I just KNOW the IdentIt.ca site was a 'front' and I've shown
you the hidden SPAM links which were in the source code.
What a shit you are. I attempt to give you an out, and you just turn it
into more STALKING.

Notice my typing of the words "playing games" is in quotes. I am NOT
playing games. You *ARE* despicable.
David B.
2017-06-10 10:22:26 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that company for
other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
Come clean ......

.... and explain *what makes you think* that Paul Adare "told me
directly" that he left that company (www.IdentIt.ca) a long time ago?

I'd *REALLY* like to know, BTS.

Indeed, please cite a reference.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 11:40:08 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that company for
other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
Come clean ......
.... and explain *what makes you think* that Paul Adare "told me
directly" that he left that company (www.IdentIt.ca) a long time ago?
I'd *REALLY* like to know, BTS.
Indeed, please cite a reference.
You posted a link to it. Look in your dossiers.
David B.
2017-06-10 13:10:28 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that company for
other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
Come clean ......
.... and explain *what makes you think* that Paul Adare "told me
directly" that he left that company (www.IdentIt.ca) a long time ago?
I'd *REALLY* like to know, BTS.
Indeed, please cite a reference.
You posted a link to it. Look in your dossiers.
I've looked. Not found.

If you are telling the truth, *PLEASE* post a Message ID or a link.

I've emphasized the PLEASE!
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-10 15:58:40 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that company
for other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that claim.
Look in your own STALKING dossiers. I'm sure you saved it.
Come clean ......
.... and explain *what makes you think* that Paul Adare "told me
directly" that he left that company (www.IdentIt.ca) a long time ago?
I'd *REALLY* like to know, BTS.
Indeed, please cite a reference.
You posted a link to it. Look in your dossiers.
I've looked. Not found.
This is very much like your ability to REpost stalking links to Microsoft
Answers forums that YOU wrote years in the past. Yet you retain NO ability
to remember simple technical instruction that you have been given - even
in the last couple of months. Your selective memory is a joke.

You don't save posts that PROVE YOU WRONG.
Post by David B.
If you are telling the truth, *PLEASE* post a Message ID or a link.
I've emphasized the PLEASE!
Screw your PLEASE.
2017-06-09 21:10:49 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting
servers and how they can host many individual web sites - even
thousands - all using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any
'bad guy' sites?
Jeebus. One does not need IP addresses to find a bad site. One
only need _SOME_ smarts. You don't have any of those.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca
site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only
purpose is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for
money - yes indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in
exchange for money.
So you think scaremongering is an acceptable process? Hey, why
not -- it's some of what YOU do.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public
interest, of course.
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic
hinkies. (But my guess would be their employees are all sitting
around the lunch table *laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....
Everyone else is...
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Shucks. I really am sorry about this. :-(
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't
believe me.
His company?
Yes - *THIS* company, as quoted on his LinkedIn page:-
Company Name FYI TechKnowlogy Services
Dates Employed Jan 1994 – Present Employment Duration 23 yrs 6
Do, please, post details of this company - if you can find any!
Why do you continue asking others to help you stalk? Do you really
think that what you do is just a game and has no possible
repercussions, David?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left that
company for other work a long time ago?
Whatever gave you *THAT* idea? Please cite a reference to that
Translation: I don't have a copy of this in my dossier, so, if you'd
be so kind as to help me file it, I'd appreciate it.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You're just pissed because during
his time at the Microsoft forums he had you BANNED from those
HE did *NOT* have me banned!
That isn't what you wrote, previously, David...
Having trouble keeping your lies straight?
Post by David B.
He was, though, promoting links to malicious pages - www.aumha.net
- now shut down - in every post he made on the Answers Forums.
aumha was another forum where you were banned. You were asked when
you tried to hire me to hack that site what urls contained malware.
You never provided one. Not a single one. So, again, where was the
malicious code hiding then?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You've been STALKING him for years.
I've been investigating for years, that's true.
Do you have a license for investigating? As, uhh, what you've been
doing is stalking. Certainly, NOT investigating. Oh wait, that's
right, your playing with words again. I get it.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 21:10:48 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting
servers and how they can host many individual web sites - even
thousands - all using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any
'bad guy' sites?
Jeebus. One does not need IP addresses to find a bad site. One
only need _SOME_ smarts. You don't have any of those.
When did he ever give you the impression that he did? He pickled his
brain ages ago! If anyone would make a good example of what alcohol
does over an extended period of usage, one need look no further than

Btw, he's been playing with newsgroups again. Be sure to double check
and re-add rec.photo.digital if you find it missing. For some reason,
he really doesn't want them to see him for what he is.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only
purpose is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for money
- yes indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in exchange
for money.
So you think scaremongering is an acceptable process? Hey, why not
-- it's some of what YOU do.
Yes, he does. He practices it from time to time, himself. After I
turned down his request with payment the second time (verified via
the email correspondence between him and I), he thought creating a
gsv of what he thought was my house address and posting it as a new
subject (not crossposted) into several different newsgroups would get
me to comply with his demands. It didn't work.

Instead, the favor was returned, in a big way, via scene group .nfo
file; including his pertinent details. He's been pissed about that
ever since. But, this really pissed him off:


Had I known that would have gotten the point across how wrong it was
for him to have done what he did, I would have done it, years ago.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public
interest, of course.
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic
hinkies. (But my guess would be their employees are all sitting
around the lunch table *laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....
Everyone else is...
For sure. The only ones who wouldn't be, either (a) don't know him
yet, or (b) are incurably gullible people who think the tooth fairy
is real too.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
The _site_ does *NOT* exist. Only the domain name remains. Why
can't you get that through your thick skull?
Post by David B.
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't
believe me.
His company? Have you forgotten that he told you directly he left
that company for other work a long time ago? You're just pissed
because during his time at the Microsoft forums he had you BANNED
from those forums.
That he did. BD kept violating the forum policies, soliciting for
help in stalking other MVPs at the time, no less.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You've been STALKING him for years.
Indeed. He doesn't understand that stalking isn't an okay thing to be
doing. Or, he does, and just doesn't give a shit. Excessive alcohol
abuse has a way of damaging important regions in the brain.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 16:16:49 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me
determine the truth but for some unknown reason you
'bottled-out'! Regardless, the truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the
truth you are missing.
Why do you refuse to discuss your STALKING?
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you
please explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as
How many times will you need training about shared servers?
Every other day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information
about any of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer
exists. However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your
http://ibuoy.co.uk . In fact, if identit.ca existed for even a
single DAY, it lasted longer than your ibuoy.co.uk web site.
Explain that!
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him,
just as I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU
I do not need to change anything. *YOU* are the one STALKING.
Stalking anybody and everybody who does not agree with you, or
refuses to help you stalk.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please
How many times will you need training about shared servers?
Every other day it seems...
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting
servers and how they can host many individual web sites - even
thousands - all using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
If that's the case, how can one separate the good sites from any
'bad guy' sites?
"If"? :) *waves again rec.photo.digital*; You guys have a real
'winner' with this one.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
The location line in the header above has redirected the
request to: http://identit.ca/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize
this technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus!
how stupid ARE you?
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only
purpose is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
The company provides a web cleaning service in exchange for money
- yes indeed. MANY businesses provide their services in exchange
for money.
A web cleaning service? ROFL! They guarantee to clean your site from
something it never had in the first place, eh? Where I live, that's
shady and illegal, David. YMMV.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public
interest, of course.
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic
hinkies. (But my guess would be their employees are all sitting
around the lunch table *laughing about you*.)
Perhaps they are ....
If I worked for them, you would be the entertainment of the day. Of
Post by David B.
but the Identit.ca site still exists!
Why cannot you accept that the 'Paul Adare' - as described here:-
Is a FAKE? YOU check him and his company out as you don't believe me.
Why are you trying to solicit others to stalk for you? You tried that
with me, too, btw. I wouldn't, so you've had it in for me since then,
for years. You just don't want to be honest about the issue you and I
have. I understand that. You're a shady motherfucker, and, who wants
to be honest about that? Right? Heh.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

David B.
2017-06-09 13:56:27 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only purpose is
to get unsuspecting persons to*give them money*?
This is a copy of the email they sent me:-



Sorry for the late response.

Do you mean the "windows-web-browsers" script that SiteCheck reports on
tekrider[.]net. Yes. It's there. I can see it even if I open the page in
a browser:


The windows-web-browsers[.]co[.]cc domain looks to be abandoned though.

It's up to the site owner believe it or not. We just warn on the
malicious code we find.


How would you rate my reply?
Great Okay Not Good
Denis Sinegubko
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-09 21:10:50 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only
purpose is to get unsuspecting persons to*give them money*?
This is a copy of the email they sent me:-
Sorry for the late response.
Do you mean the "windows-web-browsers" script that SiteCheck
reports on tekrider[.]net. Yes. It's there. I can see it even if I
Except when viewed with firefox, wget, or manually leeching said
site, it doesn't show up. Amazing.
Post by David B.
The windows-web-browsers[.]co[.]cc domain looks to be abandoned though.
Post by David B.
It's up to the site owner believe it or not. We just warn on the
malicious code we find.
Except that they didn't find any malicious code. A url isn't
malicious, as you've been told and told. What it points to, could be,
but, the url itself isn't malicious. Sucuri fed you a line of horse
shit and you asked for seconds.
Post by David B.
How would you rate my reply?
Great Okay Not Good
Technological idiot wasn't an available option, so I'd have to go
with 'Not Good'
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 16:16:48 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
No, not at all. I approached you at the outset to help me
determine the truth but for some unknown reason you
'bottled-out'! Regardless, the truth *WILL* out!
Bottled out? ROFL! "Not supporting your STALKING" is the truth
you are missing.
Why do you refuse to discuss your STALKING?
1) It's illegal
2) He doesn't want to get sued
3) If he admits what he does, it's less likely newcomers (read:
suckers) will fall for it and assist him.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
It's probably a very simple technical explanation, but can you
please explain why THIS web page has the same IP address as
How many times will you need training about shared servers?
Every other day it seems...
Post by David B.
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Are you saying that you *DO* know how IdentIt.ca was
I would not give you the time of day, much less any information
about any of your STALKING targets.
Post by David B.
Did YOU have something to do with that?
Go ahead... make up another lie!
You keep forgetting you are STALKING a web site which no longer
exists. However, it DID exist for *far* longer than your
http://ibuoy.co.uk . In fact, if identit.ca existed for even a
single DAY, it lasted longer than your ibuoy.co.uk web site.
Explain that!
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him,
just as I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU
I do not need to change anything. *YOU* are the one STALKING.
Stalking anybody and everybody who does not agree with you, or
refuses to help you stalk.
Dead or living. Don't forget, he'll try to stalk dead persons too.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Yet the SERVER is *NOT* 'dead', now is it?!!! Do, please
How many times will you need training about shared servers?
Every other day it seems...
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
Bullshit. You've been told many times about shared web hosting
servers and how they can host many individual web sites - even
thousands - all using the same IP address. Stop playing stupid.
I don't think he's playing...
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
The location line in the header above has redirected the
request to: http://identit.ca/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi
What part of "suspendedpage" can't you figure out? I realize
this technical shite can be difficult for some .. but Jeebus!
how stupid ARE you?
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site ....
Why do you continue to use that scaremongering tool that's only
purpose is to get unsuspecting persons to *give them money*?
He owes you an apology concerning your site. Don't hold your breath
waiting for it, though.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I've asked the firm to take a closer look - in the public
interest, of course.
There is no "public interest" - only your incessant STALKING.
Which he seems to think is perfectly okay. And, unless/until his
local authorities have another chat with him, or, someone else he's
fucked with online does in person, he'll just continue to do it.

And, roam other newsgroups, soliciting help in doing so. *waves
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Give them MONEY and I'm sure they will fulfill your paranoic
hinkies. (But my guess would be their employees are all sitting
around the lunch table *laughing about you*.)
He offers to pay, but, later admits, he had no intentions of actually
doing so. So, that might be why he has trouble getting others to
stalk/hack on his behalf. He can't even be trusted to pay when he
says he will.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 16:16:47 UTC
Post by David B.
Graham Morgan took me for a ride. Simple as that. I trusted him,
just as I trusted you. It's too late for HIM to change, but YOU
GM did no such thing to you! He gave you the benefit of the doubt
initially and formed his own opinion concerning the stalking and
abuse you peddle on others. That was entirely ON YOU.

And to his memory, he wasn't the first or the only person to have
already gotten your details from the site. He was ONE OF THE FIRST to
go ahead and let everybody else know your site had your mailing
address; because you chose to do that.

You can't blame him for what YOU DID, or, how others used information
they already had and/or acquired as a result of his post to do to you
what you've been doing to people for years, David. That's ALL on you.
Post by David B.
I've not HAD training is server activity/operations.
You've had no training in anything related to IT. Whenever someone
takes the time to try and teach you something, you don't retain the
information. You ignore it, and, I suspect, deliberately. You want
others to do for you what you can't seem to do for yourself.
Post by David B.
Take a look at what Sucuri thinks about the www.IdentIt.ca site
Sucuri told us tekrider was 'bad' too when it wasn't. So, you'll have
to excuse me if I continue to laugh in your face about that. You owe
BTS an apology for wrongfully claiming his site was dangerous.
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 13:50:22 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.

Groups restored
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
David B.
2017-06-09 14:14:29 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.

I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
number. If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-09 14:37:20 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:14:29 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
What's google.com 's "unique IP number" ?
Post by David B.
If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
David B.
2017-06-09 16:01:05 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:14:29 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
What's google.com 's "unique IP number" ?
Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:
Post by Shadow
Post by David B.
If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-09 16:38:56 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:14:29 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
If you had any clue at all -- even a TINY one -- you would not be making
really stupid statements such as that.
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
What's google.com 's "unique IP number" ?
Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:
Have you tried "sucuri" with this site? What was the result?
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
Post by David B.
If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
It is pointless to do so, as you can't remember such "evidence" even the
next day. You should keep dossiers of technical matters *instead* of files
upon files upon files of your forum stalking posts and links to web sites
that you stalk.
p-0''0-h the cat (coder)
2017-06-09 16:48:39 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:38:56 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
<***@example.inwalid> wrote:

For the crime of monotony I sentence you to


Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.
p-0.0-h the cat

Internet Terrorist, Mass sock puppeteer, Agent provocateur, Gutter rat,
Devil incarnate, Linux user#666, BaStarD hacker, Resident evil, Monkey Boy,
Certifiable criminal, Spineless cowardly scum, textbook Psychopath,
the SCOURGE, l33t p00h d3 tr0ll, p00h == lam3r, p00h == tr0ll, troll infâme,
the OVERCAT [The BEARPAIR are dead, and we are its murderers], lowlife troll,
shyster [pending approval by STATE_TERROR], cripple, sociopath, kook,
smug prick, smartarse, arsehole, moron, idiot, imbecile, snittish scumbag,
liar, total ******* retard, shill, pooh-seur, scouringerer, jumped up chav,
lycanthropic schizotypal lesbian, the most complete ignoid, joker, and furball.

NewsGroups Numbrer One Terrorist

Honorary SHYSTER and FRAUD awarded for services to Haberdashery.
By Appointment to God Frank-Lin.

Signature integrity check
md5 Checksum: be0b2a8c486d83ce7db9a459b26c4896

I mark any message from »Q« the troll as stinky
2017-06-09 20:28:24 UTC
Post by p-0''0-h the cat (coder)
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 16:38:56 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
For the crime of monotony I sentence you to
Sent from my iFurryUnderbelly.
Nobody cares about your lack of interest in BD's ongoing stalking
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my finger
back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

David B.
2017-06-10 10:40:57 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:14:29 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
If you had any clue at all -- even a TINY one -- you would not be making
really stupid statements such as that.
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
What's google.com 's "unique IP number" ?
Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:
That IP address CAME from Sucuri!
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Have you tried "sucuri" with this site? What was the result?
Yes. Look under "Website Details", here:


*SHOCK* The IP address is DIFFERENT now!

Scan for: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl
Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:

But posting *that* IP address into a browser STILL takes me to the
Google web site! :-)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
Post by David B.
If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
It is pointless to do so, as you can't remember such "evidence" even the
next day.
Try me! :-)
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-09 17:25:14 UTC
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 17:01:05 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:14:29 +0100, "David B."
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
What's google.com 's "unique IP number" ?
Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:
OMG, I get

Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:

Oh. no, it's just changed again !!!!

Hostname: www.google.com
IP address:

Which one is fake ?
After all "each and every domain should have a unique IP
number". - Inveterate Stalker circa 2017
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
Post by David B.
If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 16:16:46 UTC
Post by David B.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
number. If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
IPv4 has already been exhausted. Are you trying to deplete the entire
IPv6 range as well? "If" you're wrong? LOL, you've been wrong for
years, and evidence has been provided, ad nausem, for years, pointing
this out. You've ignored it, for years. There's no logical reason to
assume anything will change with regard to that. So, why should
*anybody* continue wasting time trying to educate you?
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my finger
back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-09 21:10:48 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:17:36 +0100, "David B."
What is the use of explaining something to you if you don't
retain it?
But do all those domain names have the SAME IP address?
Yes, the same IP ranges of the server that hosts them, as
you've been told dozens of times.
An IP "range" is NOT the same as an identical IP number.
I still believe that each and every domain should have a unique IP
number. If I'm wrong, point me to independent evidence, please.
ROFL. I know, I already responded, but, this is still hillarious.

Say, -hh from rec.photo.digital, would you like to provide him the
independent evidence as to why he's wrong? each and every domain
should have a unique IP number, in the event you didn't notice his
statement. Go ahead, tell him why this isn't feasable. :)
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-08 16:16:29 UTC
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 13:37:12 +0100, "David B."
Maybe someone else reading here knows the answer. I'll post same down below.
Here's the link again - UNBROKEN!
//Note: It looks like your site has returned a 403 Forbidden.
In some cases the firewall or a bad bot utility will block the use of
this tool as a "fake Googlebot", the primary reason for this is the
tool is a "fake Googlebot". With a 403 response you should use the
Fetch as Goolgebot utility in Webmaster Tools to verify your site is
returning a 403.//

The SERVER hosting the "tekrider" site is blocking bots (which
the aw-snap site uses to examine sites). Which prevents un-ethical
datamining and privacy issues. It's a good host.


# Do not allow any robots/spiders/crawlers for this entire website
User-agent: *
Disallow: /


So, AS THEY SAY QUITE CLEARLY, ANY results obtained by their
bots are INVALID.

You still owe the guy that did this public service:


...an apology, for FALSELY accusing him of hosting malware.

PS Original groups restored. Did you really think we wouldn't
notice you sending your follow-ups to /dev/null ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
David B.
2017-06-13 07:59:34 UTC
Post by Shadow
PS Original groups restored. Did you really think we wouldn't
notice you sending your follow-ups to /dev/null ?
I did no such thing. Why did you say that?

Did you not notice that https://aw-snap.info/ found the 'script' too, it
wasn't JUST Sucuri.

Don't you find it 'strange' that BTS has now blocked access to his site
- www.tekrider.net.

I'm coming to the conclusion that he just might be associated with some
of the naughty things which go on on-line, maybe without even knowing it!
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."

2017-06-13 10:09:07 UTC
Post by David B.
Did you not notice that https://aw-snap.info/ found the 'script'
too, it wasn't JUST Sucuri.
You're an idiot...
Post by David B.
I'm coming to the conclusion that he just might be associated with
some of the naughty things which go on on-line, maybe without even
knowing it!

I tried to bluff him with a fake apology to have the site with
truthful information concerning me and my many nyms I use for
stalking removed. That didn't work. I tried to accuse him of hosting
malware, that didn't work. I tried to convince him I was the
copyright owner and demanded he take the picture down; he wasn't
fooled by that either.

So, I'm going to try attacking his site again using another
inaccurate tool and hope nobody bothers to check for accuracy like
they did previously. As, I'm a technological idiot and rely on others
having the same issues with technology as myself. I really don't like
the truth about me being so easily accessed. And my wife isn't that
pleased with me since I invited a picture of her to be shared on the
site awhile ago. I didn't really think he could do it, but, I already
wrote, I'm an idiot. I'm going to repeat the lie often enough that it
convinces some it's the truth, it's all I can really do. The site
admin knows me, and, so won't comply with my demands to remove the

Whatever I can think of to convince other idiots the site isn't safe
is in my best interests, as, it contains truthful things about me and
the things I like to do to people when I get a hinky feeling about
them. Mostly due to my excessive drinking. I think if I ask a
question, it should be answered honestly and completely forthcoming
with whatever I want to know about the person. It doesn't matter how
personal the question might be, or, what I want the person to do to
another on my behalf, they should just do it. And, expect no
explanation of any kind from me as to why I want to know whatever it
is I've asked. Or why I want them to do something to another
individual that I don't know how to do myself. They should just
'trust me' and do as I command.

Due to my incurable ignorance, I have a habit of starting fights I
cannot win; so I need others to step in for me and help me put an end
to the problem I caused for myself, whenever possible. I've always
been this much of a coward.
Insert witty tagline here

David B.
2017-06-13 10:55:47 UTC
SOLVING puzzles is my forte! :-)

Can you explain why the link in your signature doesn't 'work', Dustin?


Can ANYONE explain?
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Vassilis Spiliopoulos
2017-06-13 11:25:06 UTC
Post by David B.
SOLVING puzzles is my forte! :-)
Can you explain why the link in your signature doesn't 'work', Dustin?
Can ANYONE explain?

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
2017-06-13 11:45:07 UTC
Yo bitch boi you are posting over in Freeware...
how about posting your proof?

How about posting some pictures for bd of you doing
your RuPaul action??
Yo bitch boi you are posting over in Freeware...
how about posting your proof?
How about posting some pictures for bd of you doing
your RuPaul action??
Come on bitch boi, you are reading here , post up the proof!
Not unexpected...
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 09:01:47 -0000 (UTC)
For what little good it'll
do him, he was bragging about the relocation from the states to the
uk prior to doing it, and, he bragged about it again when he arrived
in the uk.
Show proof your whiny little lying bitch boi (faggot).
You have no clue where we are and you are not nearly as good
as bd at pulling out information from people....LOL
Not unexpected...
Ralph Cramdom
AKA Peter
"Diesel" <***@privacy.net> wrote in message
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2017-06-13 11:46:17 UTC
I'm coming to the conclusion ...
Everyone else came to the conclusion - YEARS ago - that you are a drunken
STALKER and that you can't handle it when someone refuses to help you
STALK innocent people.
"I tried to bluff him with a fake apology ..."
Spot on, Diesel!!! The truth *HAS* out! :-)
David B.
2017-06-13 12:13:37 UTC
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
I'm coming to the conclusion ...
Everyone else came to the conclusion - YEARS ago - that you are a drunken
STALKER and that you can't handle it when someone refuses to help you
STALK innocent people.
You are 100% wrong about that! :-)

Answer this question:-

Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
References: <30a21e-***@paranoia.mcleod-schmidt.id.au>
From: "David B." <***@nomail.afraid.invalid>
Message-ID: <7kP%A.39086$***@fx04.fr7>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:42:11 +0100
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Here are the latest links on alt.comp.freeware
*WARNING* (was Insider 16215)
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Loading Image...
Can anyone reading here please explain how the link to ...


... has mysteriously appeared in the list above?

It most certainly was NOT in the list which I posted here:-

Message-ID: <8Ri%A.11609$***@fx18.fr7>
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-13 11:41:37 UTC
Proof or just running mouth>????
Post by Shadow
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 13:37:12 +0100, "David B."
Maybe someone else reading here knows the answer. I'll post same down below.
Here's the link again - UNBROKEN!
//Note: It looks like your site has returned a 403 Forbidden.
In some cases the firewall or a bad bot utility will block the use of
this tool as a "fake Googlebot", the primary reason for this is the
tool is a "fake Googlebot". With a 403 response you should use the
Fetch as Goolgebot utility in Webmaster Tools to verify your site is
returning a 403.//
The SERVER hosting the "tekrider" site is blocking bots (which
the aw-snap site uses to examine sites). Which prevents un-ethical
datamining and privacy issues. It's a good host.
# Do not allow any robots/spiders/crawlers for this entire website
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
So, AS THEY SAY QUITE CLEARLY, ANY results obtained by their
bots are INVALID.
...an apology, for FALSELY accusing him of hosting malware.
PS Original groups restored. Did you really think we wouldn't
notice you sending your follow-ups to /dev/null ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-08 16:23:21 UTC
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 12:48:51 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Diesel
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for Islamist
And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as, that's
NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to blame your
ignorance on IT for that, right?
*BTS is not playing with a straight bat*, Dustin.
You deserve so much more than a "straight bat", dickhead.
It's a real fight you're after, eh?
You keep STALKING me and my web site. Do you think I'm going to roll over
and play dead or something?
Just because you had insufficient knowledge to explain how the SPAM
links were put on the IdentIt.ca web site?
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Maybe someone else reading here knows the answer. I'll post same down
What a wasted use of your time... and Usenet bandwidth... you still
STALKING a web site (for years now) that doesn't even exist any more. You
are a pathetic excuse for a human.
Actually, he changed the follow ups, so I suggest you read the
headers before you reply to ANY BD post.
Done in this reply. YW.
Don't forget the [OT] for groups he's spammed with his
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-06-09 21:10:47 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Thu, 8 Jun 2017 12:48:51 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T. Shagnasty"
Post by Diesel
Post by David B.
WHICH of these affiliated web sites, if any, is a haven for
Islamist terrorists?
And feel free to let us know what you mean by affiliated; as,
that's NOT what w3bin is telling you. I fully expect you to
blame your ignorance on IT for that, right?
*BTS is not playing with a straight bat*, Dustin.
You deserve so much more than a "straight bat", dickhead.
It's a real fight you're after, eh?
You keep STALKING me and my web site. Do you think I'm going to
roll over and play dead or something?
Just because you had insufficient knowledge to explain how the
SPAM links were put on the IdentIt.ca web site?
More lies. I'd never tell you the answer.
Maybe someone else reading here knows the answer. I'll post same
down below.
What a wasted use of your time... and Usenet bandwidth... you
still STALKING a web site (for years now) that doesn't even exist
any more. You are a pathetic excuse for a human.
Actually, he changed the follow ups, so I suggest you read
the headers before you reply to ANY BD post.
Done in this reply. YW.
Don't forget the [OT] for groups he's spammed with his
He's trying to keep his real activities a secret from the groups he
solicits help in further stalking in. I completely agree with you,
one does need to check headers when responding to David Brooks; to
make sure your post is going to the proper places. He seems
interested in keeping this discussion calling him out, point blank,
out of rec.photo.digital. So, I consider it my duty to re-insert it
on his behalf. :-)
As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.

2017-06-06 09:28:31 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:41:58 -0000 (UTC), "Beauregard T.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
I'd certainly like to know why Sucuri are now saying THIS about
your web site:-
Running on: Apache Unable to properly scan your site. Site
returning error (40x): HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Whoohoo! They HAVE banned you!!! That's what you get for being
an incessant prick! How many hundreds of times have you accessed
their tool in order to flame me for a non-entity? You deserve
the BAN.
OMG. It's like a comedy. BD's managed to get himself banned by
an anti-malware BOT !!!! He is now officially MALWARE.
Why do you believe him - he's a liar?
Heh, no he isn't. You are, though. A confirmed one, at that.
Post by David B.
Post by Shadow
(I restored the groups he originally accused you of hosting
malware - I'm sure he'll apologize for lying, but not before
polishing off another quart of whisky. Be patient)
No - no apology. He has been a complete dickhead. His details are
on-line so reporting him to the FBI for sponsoring terrorism
should get results quite quickly! Way to go! :-)
You wrongfully attacked him and his website. You wrongfully accused
him of having malware on his website. After you challenged him to
create a page specifically about you.

Shadow forgot a newsgroup, I've since added it to this reply so that
your 'friends' in rec.photo.digital can see you for what you really
are, David. :-) You're welcome.

Btw, making bogus complaints such as the one you've hinted about
towards the FBI is illegal. Do you file bogus police reports as well?
Nope, I can't go to hell.
Satan still has a restraining order against me.
2017-06-06 09:28:31 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Post by David B.
Just as a reminder, this is the script posted on BTS's web
site ....
There is no script on BTS's web site. Read the other thread
where Mike Easter discovered it is a fault of the tool you
don't know how to use. Internet Explorer 6 only.
Have you read Mike Easter's posts yet? Why won't you acknowledge
his answers?
Yes - I've read and responded to them.
Sucuri have now changed the assessment of your site - after me
nagging them! I hope you are pleased!
Nice spin, David. So you'll be issuing followups to all of your posts
previously attacking the site and claiming it was harmful when it was
not, then? :)
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
Any technical explanation would go over your head .. exceed your
level of knowledge.
Possibly - but I'd like you to try!
I'd like for you to fuckoff. But, I won't get my wish anytime soon.
Post by David B.
Post by Beauregard T. Shagnasty
You don't "uncover wrong-doing." You STALK innocent people, MVPs,
forum owners and operators, and Usenet posters who don't like
your stalking.
You are free to have your own opinion, even though you have
limited experience of past events. Did you ever bother to read
about the 'sting' operation I described on the Google Webmaster
limited how?


Everything BTS wrote above is entirely true. YOU STALK people that
won't help you, and/or give you a hinky feeling for any reason you
deem fit. If they don't want to answer personal questions you have no
right to ask, you get a hinky feeling. If they don't want to help you
fuck with others, you get a hinky feeling.
Nope, I can't go to hell.
Satan still has a restraining order against me.
2017-06-06 09:28:30 UTC
Post by David B.
Please explain why I can see your 'stalker' web page when I view
your web site using a VPN but cannot do so if I connect to your
site directly. That might help me better understand you - and what
you have done technically.
Which VPN might you be using David? And why after all this time
online, haven't you figured out how ANYTHING works yet?
Post by David B.
I don't understand why you appear not to want to help me uncover
wrong-doing on-line ...... unless you are involved in crime
Your logic needs a considerable amount of work. You tried the same
bullshit with me! When I wouldn't help you, for free or otherwise, to
hack into two web forums and get information you wanted on people to
continue your stalking efforts, you determined I was a 'bad guy'

You drink far too much! Your brain must be nearly pickled by now.
Post by David B.
Although the www.IdentIt.ca web pages have been removed, it
appears to me that a server is still 'active' there. How can one
'see' what that server is currently being employed to do?
At this point, only a fucking fool would provide you any useful
information. You wouldn't use it for the benefit of anyone, you'd use
it to become a better stalker.
Post by David B.
Would YOU be at all concerned if it is being utilised for
cybercrime purposes or is that simply someone else's

unauthorized access to systems you don't have a right to be on, is
cybercrime. Stalking individuals, is cybercrime. Perhaps you should
take a good long look in the mirror.
Nope, I can't go to hell.
Satan still has a restraining order against me.
David B.
2017-06-07 23:04:56 UTC
Post by Diesel
unauthorized access to systems you don't have a right to be on, is
cybercrime. Stalking individuals, is cybercrime. Perhaps you should
take a good long look in the mirror.
"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
2017-06-08 09:01:48 UTC
Post by David B.
Post by Diesel
unauthorized access to systems you don't have a right to be on,
is cybercrime. Stalking individuals, is cybercrime. Perhaps you
should take a good long look in the mirror.
You had no issues with those activities until I wouldn't accept your
free and later, paid, job offers to break into web forums for you
and turn over user data. Only when you got dox'd via HHI for trying
to dox me first did you decide you had an issue.

I also note, you don't dispute what I wrote about you. It would have
been pointless for you to have done so, you have thousands of posts
asking and bragging about your stalking, along with your poor excuses
for doing it. And many posts by myself and others citing specific
laws in your country and theirs/ours concerning cyber stalking and
criminal computer trespass.

You've used the piracy thing as an excuse to justify what you've
done since then. I'll remind you, this was discussed in the email
correspondence between us, and, you had NO ISSUES whatsoever with it
then. ONLY when I returned your 'doxing' did you decide you had an
issue, and, that was after you tried to hire me to break into
systems I had no legal right to access beyond that of a normal user;
because you got banned from both of them.

What you've done in all seriousness is far more damaging and taken
much more seriously than someone who rips an occasional cd and
uploads that to a private (yep, private) site someplace. I don't
stalk people as a rule, I don't violate their personal space as a
rule, and, I don't commit computer tresspass as a rule, unlike

You ARE A VERY BAD individual; and rotten internet citizen.

I also don't go out of my way to LIE about other websites in an
effort to discredit them because they hosted something I
specifically DEMANDED they host either. You only resorted to lying
about that site and it's admin because they didn't believe your
bullshit fake apology and take the site offline for you. So, being
the POS you are, you thought you'd go after the site and it's
administrator; for nothing more than being truthful concerning you.

https://tekrider.net/pages/david-brooks-stalker.php David Brooks,
Internet Stalker 23 June 2015: An Internet Stalker named David
Brooks of Devon, England has challenged me to post this picture of
him. The why comes from a Usenet post ( M-ID:
<mmcbja$ubo$***@dont-email.me> )

[snip your invitation to post picture and the picture itself] Well,
there you have it. This man, David Brooks of Devon, England, is one
of the most despicable persons I have ever run into on the
Interwebs. Google up 'BoaterDave', '~BD~', 'Beady', 'Imbeady2',
'David B', 'David DewGud', 'BDonTJ', 'CommanderB', 'Commander_B',
'Angela Bennett', and dozens of other pseudonyms. He just recently
used my domain name as a nym: ( M-ID: <***@fx28.fr7> )
He stalks innocent good people, Microsoft MVPs, web forum owners
where he has been banned (most of them), posts pictures of your dead
relatives years after the fact, insults people with cancer, and lots
more. He's been doing it since about 2006, under the guise of
hunting 'bad guys.' So far he hasn't caught a single one. He even
supports a known 'bad guy.'

On 17 November 2015, a person named Nil responded to David Brooks in
a Windows newsgroup where he stalks: "You're a well-known net kook
and stalker. Your fake cutesy nicey-nice facade is completely
ineffective at disguising your obvious and true malignancy. You earn
every rudeness you get. ... He recognizes you as the toxic cancer
you are."

M-ID: <***@wheedledeedle.moc>

If you should ever encounter David Brooks, DO NOT give him any
personal information.

-- As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole...

I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter. I took my
finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new fuckin boat" I thought to myself.
