NerdRat Hispagatos
2024-09-24 16:19:22 UTC
The current events regarding telegram, the "sorry that's so late" awareness
regarding privacy issues with the most used and widespread messaging
technologies, has brought the question: what am i going to use then?
This week telegram has proven by itself exactly what it was, is, and
will be, and more:
So you know how why corporates are liars.
But what about Signal? The lemmy creator has a BIG point in this document:
And i seriously think we should stop playing the "this is less bad, so i
am adopting it" mindset, and thoroughly review applications from their
inception and who is behind before putting any information that could
vulnerate our rights.
regarding privacy issues with the most used and widespread messaging
technologies, has brought the question: what am i going to use then?
This week telegram has proven by itself exactly what it was, is, and
will be, and more:
So you know how why corporates are liars.
But what about Signal? The lemmy creator has a BIG point in this document:
And i seriously think we should stop playing the "this is less bad, so i
am adopting it" mindset, and thoroughly review applications from their
inception and who is behind before putting any information that could
vulnerate our rights.
Stronger than silver chains are wrong ideals
Stronger than silver chains are wrong ideals