Discord spam bot?
(too old to reply)
2020-05-11 00:12:15 UTC
Does anyone know if there are there any decent Discord spam bots that
I can test out?

I'd like to test it against one of the bots I'm configuring to combat
spam or spammed links.
I was the next door kid's imaginary friend.
2020-05-11 08:51:31 UTC
Post by Sycho
Does anyone know if there are there any decent Discord spam bots that
I can test out?
I'd like to test it against one of the bots I'm configuring to combat
spam or spammed links.
I've shared your post with MY group. There are some knowledeable
spammers operating there.

Perhaps this information will be helpful to you:-


Stay safe

Stay at home
Reb Biker
2020-05-11 14:19:24 UTC
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
2020-05-11 19:39:06 UTC
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.

BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
rather, he said "Do it *NOW*!":


65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-05-11 20:01:32 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.

The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.

The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.

My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
Adblock Plus ruined my sex life. As soon as the browser extension was
installed, all the sexy singles in my area moved away! :(
2020-05-11 20:20:46 UTC
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-05-11 20:49:10 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol

Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.

I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
So I was like, "whatever" and the bitch whatever'd
2020-05-11 21:01:56 UTC
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically what
it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly game help,
technical support or during bug testing. Other than that, it's
actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've taught a few
things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've even recruited a
couple of people to help me out with this experiment of mine if I can
find an easy to use spam bot. They're limited to Windows though. So it
would have to run from that OS if possible.

I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.

Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the work
should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Be alert. The world needs more lerts.
2020-05-11 21:55:20 UTC
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically what
it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly game help,
technical support or during bug testing. Other than that, it's
actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've taught a few
things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've even recruited a
couple of people to help me out with this experiment of mine if I can
find an easy to use spam bot. They're limited to Windows though. So it
would have to run from that OS if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the work
should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.

I'll ask him.

Good luck! :-)
2020-05-12 02:58:18 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
    You know him?
    Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
    BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
    I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
    65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
    Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
    Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
    I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
    If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
    Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or  Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically what
it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly game help,
technical support or during bug testing. Other than that, it's
actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've taught a few
things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've even recruited a
couple of people to help me out with this experiment of mine if I can
find an easy to use spam bot. They're limited to Windows though. So it
would have to run from that OS if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the work
should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.
I'll ask him.
Good luck! :-)
I have barely used Discord. If there is a client that I can script,
though, just with input and output, I can likely make a bot that answers
questions to given keywords or phrases and the like.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-12 07:12:10 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
    You know him?
    Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
    BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
    I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
    65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
    Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
    Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
    I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
    If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
    Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or  Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically what
it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly game help,
technical support or during bug testing. Other than that, it's
actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've taught a few
things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've even recruited a
couple of people to help me out with this experiment of mine if I can
find an easy to use spam bot. They're limited to Windows though. So it
would have to run from that OS if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the work
should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.
I'll ask him.
Good luck! :-)
I have barely used Discord. If there is a client that I can script,
though, just with input and output, I can likely make a bot that answers
questions to given keywords or phrases and the like.
Perhaps Sycho will respond in due course.

Thank you for offering to help him. :-)
2020-05-12 16:12:16 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
    You know him?
    Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
    BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
    I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
    65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
    Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP. Perhaps I
didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his Discord
spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in about a 10 minute
period) which me and another moderator ended up having to clean up
before we lowered the ban hammer on its ass. If we had a bot that
recognized the spam before it got to the point it did, it may have
taken care of the problem without much interaction from me or the
other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat of spam,
but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a live situation. And
that's what I'd like to test on my own test server first before I make
the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start out with,
at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to around 200 spammy
links to see if the my bot will handle it. If it can, and also ban the
spammy bot, then I can make my recommendation to the game developer
and help him set it up. Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since
I've already done some testing with it.
    Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
    I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
    If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to filter it
out, but you'd need some parameters to write a filter.
    Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or  Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For the
most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor tweaking.
Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes the
auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's going to
delete the answers it gives. Especially if another player has the same
problem, but I've got that part finally figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have sites
listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link that's
"forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the games for
free), not only will it delete the link (which is what I wanted), but
it will post that same link as a reason the post was removed. Which
means that patrons (or potential patrons) can see the link as well.
Seems kinda silly having that as an option if it doesn't work as
intended, so that was disappointing to say the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder to
certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm looking at
available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against a spam bot to
see how well it holds up and if it does what it claims.
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically what
it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly game help,
technical support or during bug testing. Other than that, it's
actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've taught a few
things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've even recruited a
couple of people to help me out with this experiment of mine if I can
find an easy to use spam bot. They're limited to Windows though. So it
would have to run from that OS if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the work
should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.
I'll ask him.
Good luck! :-)
I have barely used Discord. If there is a client that I can script,
though, just with input and output, I can likely make a bot that
answers questions to given keywords or phrases and the like.
Perhaps Sycho will respond in due course.
Thank you for offering to help him. :-)
No problem.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-12 10:05:36 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have
nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP.
Perhaps I didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his
Discord spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in
about a 10 minute period) which me and another moderator ended
up having to clean up before we lowered the ban hammer on its
ass. If we had a bot that recognized the spam before it got to
the point it did, it may have taken care of the problem
without much interaction from me or the other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat
of spam, but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a
live situation. And that's what I'd like to test on my own
test server first before I make the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start
out with, at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to
around 200 spammy links to see if the my bot will handle it.
If it can, and also ban the spammy bot, then I can make my
recommendation to the game developer and help him set it up.
Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since I've already
done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to
filter it out, but you'd need some parameters to write a
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For
the most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor
tweaking. Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes
the auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's
going to delete the answers it gives. Especially if another
player has the same problem, but I've got that part finally
figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have
sites listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link
that's "forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the
games for free), not only will it delete the link (which is what
I wanted), but it will post that same link as a reason the post
was removed. Which means that patrons (or potential patrons) can
see the link as well. Seems kinda silly having that as an option
if it doesn't work as intended, so that was disappointing to say
the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder
to certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm
looking at available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against
a spam bot to see how well it holds up and if it does what it
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically
what it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly
game help, technical support or during bug testing. Other than
that, it's actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've
taught a few things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've
even recruited a couple of people to help me out with this
experiment of mine if I can find an easy to use spam bot. They're
limited to Windows though. So it would have to run from that OS
if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the
work should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.
I'll ask him.
Good luck! :-)
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
Q: What's the difference between an Irish funeral and an Irish
A: One less drunk.
2020-05-12 16:03:11 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Sycho
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Post by Shadow
On Mon, 11 May 2020 07:19:24 -0700, Reb Biker
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
You know him?
Then you probably know he posts under lots of other nyms.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Basically, it means he doesn't have an answer to my OP.
Perhaps I didn't clarify what I'm trying to accomplish.
The dev I've been working with now for nearly 3 years had his
Discord spammed by a bot yesterday (about 100+ messages in
about a 10 minute period) which me and another moderator ended
up having to clean up before we lowered the ban hammer on its
ass. If we had a bot that recognized the spam before it got to
the point it did, it may have taken care of the problem
without much interaction from me or the other mod.
The bot I use does have the ability to neutralize the threat
of spam, but I'm not sure exactly how good it will do in a
live situation. And that's what I'd like to test on my own
test server first before I make the suggestion to use my bot.
My plan was to use a spam bot against it. I figure to start
out with, at least 10 to 20 spammy links and work my way up to
around 200 spammy links to see if the my bot will handle it.
If it can, and also ban the spammy bot, then I can make my
recommendation to the game developer and help him set it up.
Or maybe he'll just say let's use my bot since I've already
done some testing with it.
Sorry, I was distracted by the cross-post to an OT group by
I had to look "Discord" up, the shame! An in-game chatting
If the communications are not encrypted, and not coming from
an "trusted" source, you could use something like Privoxy to
filter it out, but you'd need some parameters to write a
Other than that, you'd have to trust some third party site's
filter like Dyno or Nightbot.
Dyno is actually one of the bots I'm currently working on. For
the most part, it's worked pretty well after some minor
tweaking. Especially the part where after 30 seconds, it deletes
the auto-response. It defeats the purpose of having it if it's
going to delete the answers it gives. Especially if another
player has the same problem, but I've got that part finally
figured out... I think? lol
Another issue that I didn't like with Dyno was, if you have
sites listed in the blacklist, and someone else posts a link
that's "forbidden" (links to pirate sites where they can get the
games for free), not only will it delete the link (which is what
I wanted), but it will post that same link as a reason the post
was removed. Which means that patrons (or potential patrons) can
see the link as well. Seems kinda silly having that as an option
if it doesn't work as intended, so that was disappointing to say
the least.
I never intended Dyno to be nothing more than an auto-responder
to certain keywords, but after what happened yesterday, I'm
looking at available options I can use with Dyno. Pit it against
a spam bot to see how well it holds up and if it does what it
As for Discord, think of it as a glorified IRCd. That's basically
what it's like. But yeah, we use it for a lot of things. Mainly
game help, technical support or during bug testing. Other than
that, it's actually a really fun group to hang out with. I've
taught a few things, tricks of my trade to some of the guys. I've
even recruited a couple of people to help me out with this
experiment of mine if I can find an easy to use spam bot. They're
limited to Windows though. So it would have to run from that OS
if possible.
I'd test it out, but Dyno recognizes me as the admin on my test
server, so I wouldn't be the obvious choice.
Two people hammering away with the spam bot while Dyno does the
work should be interesting if not entertaining.. lmao
Maybe Snit can help you with this.
I'll ask him.
Good luck! :-)
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
Ah, more trolling by you. OK. So more quoting OF you.

Diesel <***@3dOIZISX3.IwU6R1OH8iz29MMTN26bF08TPFtT157gyFB5>:
Snit, if you're running the bot you have an easy way out
that won't cost you any respect, face, or anything else.
Just stop. That's it. Simple right?

The last time the bot had posted was more than three hours before.

Diesel made it clear he could find the IP of the person running the bot.
And he made it clear it would be easy for him to make a Sandman-like
time table of posting, but showing Carroll and the bot and myself.

Was he lying when he said that? Maybe. But I do not think so. And if he
was merely lying he would not have access to the program itself, which
he makes VERY clear he did.

Diesel and Carroll were trolling together. The bot goes silent. Diesel
then says if the bot is just turned off he will let it slide. Does that
sound like Diesel to you? And he also say this:
It needs to be recoded anyway, it's a seriously piss poor
example of writing software.

Diesel made it clear he had access not just to the output of the bot but
to the code itself. When called out on this he clarified it was merely
the compiled code he had:

Do you think when you disassemble something that you're
provided the original source code that was
compiled/assembled by the author? You aren't, what you're
given looks nothing like the original source code, but it
still tells you *everything* about the program.

So how did Diesel get a copy of the program, compiled or not? Sometimes
he pretends he has access... sometimes he denies it.

There are two possibilities here:

* Diesel was honest about being able to find the IP and evidence from
the posting times and did so. He then talked to the person running the
bot and got a copy of the code, or at least the executable (so he could
disassemble it). During that he realized it was, of course, not me and
gave his "out" to the person running the bot (Carroll).

* Diesel lied about being able to find the IP and evidence from posting
times and thus did not find the person who runs the bot, and then lied
about having the code (or executable). If so he posted his "out" to try
to avoid dealing with the fact he was never going to be able to back his

Either way he went out of his way to make himself look bad.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-12 16:49:09 UTC
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.

People Like Snit and me.

Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
2020-05-12 19:16:26 UTC
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people,<redacted>.
He did. That's why he reacts when he spots someone that isn't.
Reminder. STALKING_TARGET_05 asked nicely to refer to his nym
when posting to Usenet. It comes naturally to "GOOD and HONEST
No personal names, remember?
Drink less.

BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's request,
rather, he said "Do it *NOW*!":


65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-05-14 06:51:02 UTC
On Tue, 12 May 2020 17:49:09 +0100, David_B
Post by David_B
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST
He did. That's why he reacts when he spots someone that
Reminder. STALKING_TARGET_05 asked nicely to refer to
his nym when posting to Usenet. It comes naturally to "GOOD and
HONEST people".
No personal names, remember?
Drink less.
Well, in fairness, I've asked him several things - none of which he
plans to respond to. I didn't expect that my request to use my
posting nym would be treated any differently. It is David after all.
BD: I want people to "get to know me better. I have nothing to
I'm always here to help, this page was put up at BD's
65 confirmed #FAKE_NYMS, most used in cybercrimes!
Google "David Brooks Devon"
He seems to be quite proud of his reputation.
Cats must try to dig to China from their litter box.
2020-05-12 19:22:23 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-12 21:48:30 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
2020-05-12 22:38:51 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David. You
really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you couldn't get
yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing the top and a
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-14 06:51:03 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing
the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST
people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities. Even
for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are you
ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be in
humoring me by answering them?
'Is', vt, 'is confused with'
2020-05-14 16:36:09 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing
the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities. Even
for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are you
ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be in
humoring me by answering them?
I enjoy the fact I chased you off by responding to your trolling in ways
you did not like.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-16 09:24:12 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was
missing the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities.
Even for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are
you ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be
in humoring me by answering them?
And the crickets chirped, and chirped, and chirped some more. :)
The cat is, above all things, a dramatist.
2020-06-16 14:05:41 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was
missing the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities.
Even for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are
you ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be
in humoring me by answering them?
And the crickets chirped, and chirped, and chirped some more. :)
Snit *IS* a good person. Methinks it is you who owes HIM an apology.

Both Snit and I have handed you an olive branch. Why not just accept it?
2020-06-16 16:46:10 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was
missing the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities.
Even for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are
you ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be
in humoring me by answering them?
And the crickets chirped, and chirped, and chirped some more. :)
Snit *IS* a good person. Methinks it is you who owes HIM an apology.
Both Snit and I have handed you an olive branch. Why not just accept it?
I sincerely wish he would.

With that said I take responsibility for my part in his tantrum.

I want peace. I do not require agreement to move forward in such a way.

Diesel has been clear he will only offer it if I say — truthfully or not —
that I agree with his accusations. Since I do not agree this means I must
lie to get the peace I want.

I will not lie to get the peace I want.

Neither Diesel nor I will get what we want. This has been beaten to death.
So why does he keep harping on his demand for agreement? Why do *I* keep
asking for peace he has already rejected?

It makes sense for me to remind him as it comes up that I am open to peace,
but to harp on his challenges in moving toward only serves to make it
harder for him to back down from his, in my view, absurd demand of — in
this case — feigned agreement.

I will respond less to his focus on this but be open to responding to him
on other topics. He has shown, to his credit, he can speak on other topics
with me with relative peace and reason. I should reward the behavior I want
more and reward the “bad” behavior less.

Would be better for me, for him, and for your group. Also, I admit, it is
contrary to my nature / bad habits. But I will work on it.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-17 08:23:10 UTC
David_B <***@nomail.afraid.org> news:Wk4GG.31189$***@fx14.ams1 Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:05:41 GMT
in alt.computer.workshop, wrote:

Post by David_B
Snit *IS* a good person. Methinks it is you who owes HIM an
Snit is a confirmed liar. That contradicts your claim of him being a
good person. The two of you actually do have a few things in common. If
he starts stalking people and sliming various individuals and companies
who won't interact with him on a deep and personal level, he could pass
as your fucking twin.
Post by David_B
Both Snit and I have handed you an olive branch. Why not just
accept it?
Snit went out of his way to lie on me, multiple times. And you tried to
stalk me for refusing your requests as well as an offer of payment
(which you later stated you never actually intended to pay) to break
into computer systems you did not own or have the ability to grant any
kind of permission for me to do anything with them.

Where the fuck is there any olive branch? You're both dishonest as
Famous last words - You and what army?
2020-06-17 17:17:42 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Snit *IS* a good person. Methinks it is you who owes HIM an
Snit is a confirmed liar.
Those damned unquotable lies!
Post by Diesel
That contradicts your claim of him being a
good person. The two of you actually do have a few things in common. If
he starts stalking people and sliming various individuals and companies
who won't interact with him on a deep and personal level, he could pass
as your fucking twin.
Post by David_B
Both Snit and I have handed you an olive branch. Why not just
accept it?
Snit went out of his way to lie on me, multiple times.
Those damned unquotable lies!
Post by Diesel
And you tried to
stalk me for refusing your requests as well as an offer of payment
(which you later stated you never actually intended to pay) to break
into computer systems you did not own or have the ability to grant any
kind of permission for me to do anything with them.
Where the fuck is there any olive branch? You're both dishonest as
I have all but been begging you for peace. Are you ready? Seems not but I
am still open to it. The olive branch is there. When you are ready to open
your eyes and see it I will likely still be holding it out.

That does not mean I will agree with you on all things. Nor do I need you
to agree with me on all things.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-21 08:39:51 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Snit *IS* a good person. Methinks it is you who owes HIM an
Snit is a confirmed liar.
Those damned unquotable lies!
Post by Diesel
That contradicts your claim of him being a
good person. The two of you actually do have a few things in
common. If he starts stalking people and sliming various
individuals and companies who won't interact with him on a deep
and personal level, he could pass as your fucking twin.
Post by David_B
Both Snit and I have handed you an olive branch. Why not just accept it?
Snit went out of his way to lie on me, multiple times.
Those damned unquotable lies!
Far from unquotable, Snit.


Here's some direct lies you wrote in that post about me:

Diesel made it clear he could find the IP of the person running the
bot. And he made it clear it would be easy for him to make a
Sandman-like time table of posting, but showing Carroll and the bot
and myself.

Was he lying when he said that? Maybe. But I do not think so. And if
he was merely lying he would not have access to the program itself,
which he makes VERY clear he did.

Diesel and Carroll were trolling together. The bot goes silent.
Diesel then says if the bot is just turned off he will let it slide.
Does that sound like Diesel to you? And he also say this:

It needs to be recoded anyway, it's a seriously piss poor
example of writing software.

Diesel made it clear he had access not just to the output of the bot
but to the code itself. When called out on this he clarified it was
merely the compiled code he had:

Do you think when you disassemble something that you're
provided the original source code that was
compiled/assembled by the author? You aren't, what you're
given looks nothing like the original source code, but it
still tells you *everything* about the program.

So how did Diesel get a copy of the program, compiled or not? My
guess: he will NEVER say.

*** end of your post that I even care enough about to respond to.
It's all LIES. Nothing you wrote there is true. Not a single fucking
word of it.

Apd and myself, as well as FTR have tried (and failed) to make that
very clear to you. And, lucky for me, another poster knows what you
tried doing and called you out for it right here:

Message-ID: <178d1d07-b24d-45a8-b3f9-***@googlegroups.com>
Subject: STOP RUNNING SNIT (was: Re: David Brooks - copyright
infringer *multiple*)
From: Marek <***@gmail.com>

Bull. For the record, he's also allowing for the fact that
you really *are* as big an idiot as you're coming off but
that's *so* unbelievable (given you 'earned' 2 degrees)
"liar" makes a bit more sense (and he pointed out intention
on your part).
Post by Snit
You say I was wrong to think you were speaking of Carroll's flood
bot code. I have accepted this as possible *IF* you were speaking
of other code (either by app name or code snippets or whatever).
Again, bull. In a thread entitled "Bot droppings"...

(which is about the floodbot you keep falsely alleging is "Carroll's

.... when you wrote this...

"I will grant that it seems like an obvious "next step" to have the
bot break apart sentences and respond to keywords, but that is more
my thing that Carroll's (I do it with my chat bot). So if I were to
make such a bot, yes, I would want it to do that... but does Carroll
even want it to? I think the main purpose is Google seeding... and
it does that well.

Without knowing more of the purpose we cannot say if the output shows
the code to be good or not. One has to see the code to know that."

.... you're clearly referring to the bot in the thread's title,
what you keep falsely referring to as "Carroll's floodbot".

Notably, Diesel immediately responded to your clear reference with:

"How long have you been writing code of any kind? The resulting
output (most programmers, and all coders know this) certainly does
give an individual a very good idea of the coding behind it. Ie: how
it's being generated, what algorithms are likely in use.

One doesn't have to see original source code to be able to determine
what the program most likely is, if the programs output can be


No context change occurred, no other bot is being referenced than
the one you referenced, the one in the thread's title. IOW, you're
doing, to him, what you've always done to "others", which is why
you have the quotes list you do.

*** end post share.

I notice you didn't respond to the thread it's from. And, I doubt
it's because you didn't see it, Snit.
Post by Snit
I have all but been begging you for peace.
pretending I said things I didn't, or that I meant something other
than what I wrote, is NOT begging me for peace, Snit. The fact you
actually think you can pull this shit and not get called out for it
though, is rather insulting.

Own upto what you wrote about me, and apologize for it, if you
actually want peace. Otherwise, you're just wasting my time and I
suspect you know that by now.
Post by Snit
That does not mean I will agree with you on all things. Nor do I
need you to agree with me on all things.
This isn't a matter of an agreement or even a disagreement, Snit. You
made many false statements and accusations in this post, including
quoting things I wrote out of context to try and support your
statements. You put some work and effort into this story you tried to
pass off; except that NOTHING you wrote is true. This isn't one of
those little white lies that everybody does, Snit. This is much more
serious than that, and even you has to realize this.


None of which are true. You cherry picked things I wrote, completely
out of context to try and pass it off as proof to backup what you
wrote, except that at no time was it ever any such thing. You *lied*
your ass off, about me and what you think I had/didn't have access
to. You've not been able to support a single claim, despite being
asked to do so several times. Instead, you've tried to claim that I
meant something other than what I wrote. You tried the same excuse
with Apd when he didn't backup what you (not me, YOU!) thought he
meant, too. Fact is, you lied about my involvement with the usenet
flood bot here, and I want an apology for the story you wrote here:


It's a simple request. You made statements about me which are not
true and which you were never able to support. You even quoted me out
of context to try and pass it off as evidence to support your claims
about me. You LIED and continued with it. You're still trying to
defend what you did, Snit.

Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie that
everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story that he
actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm not going to
let that slide as a little white lie we all tell from time to time.
I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly shit, I'm calling him
out as a liar for the story he wrote:


While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big deal,
because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you, I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie. And I
don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he did here,
by either of you.
'I like you, but I wouldn't want to see you working with subatomic
2020-06-21 16:02:20 UTC
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie that
everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story that he
actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm not going to
let that slide as a little white lie we all tell from time to time.
I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly shit, I'm calling him
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big deal,
because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and it's
your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't been
saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have backed your
comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving that
2020-06-21 16:33:28 UTC
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie that
everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story that he
actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm not going to
let that slide as a little white lie we all tell from time to time.
I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly shit, I'm calling him
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big deal,
because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and it's
your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't been
saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have backed your
comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving that
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing. I think the biggest
beef he has is his response to my comment here:

I will grant that it seems like an obvious "next step" to
have the bot break apart sentences and respond to
keywords, but that is more my thing that Carroll's (I do
it with my chat bot). So if I were to make such a bot,
yes, I would want it to do that... but does Carroll even
want it to? I think the main purpose is Google seeding...
and it does that well.

Without knowing more of the purpose we cannot say if the
output shows the code to be good or not. One has to see
the code to know that.

In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on the
topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort to impress
/ show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more or could know
more than he does. Notice he has not added much of anything to the
insight about the bot.

He did go off topic and discuss *IF* he had the code or the executable.
But he has since claimed not to. OK. Well, sure, if one has things they
do not they can learn things they do not know. I do not think that has
ever been in contention.

He *DID* speak in terms of JavaScript and VMs and note one could show
patterns other than what Carroll seems to be showing -- having
challenges posting when the bot does.

What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to have such
challenges. I have pointed to evidence that he does:

Such odd timings have been noted repeatedly before. I have welcomes him
or ANYONE to do a more complete comparison -- and not just of Carroll's
timings compared to the bots, but of mine and ANYONE else's. Let's see
if there is the correlation that there appears to be. As we do so, keep
in mind that Sandman used to even PUBLICLY track when I posted and
relate that to the bot, but would not include others, in a clear effort
to help whomever runs the bot target me.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-22 09:50:26 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie that
everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story that he
actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm not going to
let that slide as a little white lie we all tell from time to time.
I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly shit, I'm calling him
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big deal,
because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and it's
your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't been
saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have backed your
comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving that
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing. I think the biggest
    I will grant that it seems like an obvious "next step" to
    have the bot break apart sentences and respond to
    keywords, but that is more my thing that Carroll's (I do
    it with my chat bot). So if I were to make such a bot,
    yes, I would want it to do that... but does Carroll even
    want it to? I think the main purpose is Google seeding...
    and it does that well.
    Without knowing more of the purpose we cannot say if the
    output shows the code to be good or not. One has to see
    the code to know that.
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on the
topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort to impress
/ show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more or could know
more than he does. Notice he has not added much of anything to the
insight about the bot.
He did go off topic and discuss *IF* he had the code or the executable.
But he has since claimed not to. OK. Well, sure, if one has things they
do not they can learn things they do not know. I do not think that has
ever been in contention.
He *DID* speak in terms of JavaScript and VMs and note one could show
patterns other than what Carroll seems to be showing -- having
challenges posting when the bot does.
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to have such
Such odd timings have been noted repeatedly before. I have welcomes him
or ANYONE to do a more complete comparison -- and not just of Carroll's
timings compared to the bots, but of mine and ANYONE else's. Let's see
if there is the correlation that there appears to be. As we do so, keep
in mind that Sandman used to even PUBLICLY track when I posted and
relate that to the bot, but would not include others, in a clear effort
to help whomever runs the bot target me.
I haven't noticed the bot/flooder posts appearing in alt.2600

Is that of any significance?
2020-06-22 16:52:59 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie that
everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story that he
actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm not going to
let that slide as a little white lie we all tell from time to time.
I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly shit, I'm calling him
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big deal,
because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and it's
your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't been
saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have backed your
comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving that
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing. I think the biggest
     I will grant that it seems like an obvious "next step" to
     have the bot break apart sentences and respond to
     keywords, but that is more my thing that Carroll's (I do
     it with my chat bot). So if I were to make such a bot,
     yes, I would want it to do that... but does Carroll even
     want it to? I think the main purpose is Google seeding...
     and it does that well.
     Without knowing more of the purpose we cannot say if the
     output shows the code to be good or not. One has to see
     the code to know that.
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on the
topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort to
impress / show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more or
could know more than he does. Notice he has not added much of anything
to the insight about the bot.
He did go off topic and discuss *IF* he had the code or the
executable. But he has since claimed not to. OK. Well, sure, if one
has things they do not they can learn things they do not know. I do
not think that has ever been in contention.
He *DID* speak in terms of JavaScript and VMs and note one could show
patterns other than what Carroll seems to be showing -- having
challenges posting when the bot does.
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to have
Such odd timings have been noted repeatedly before. I have welcomes
him or ANYONE to do a more complete comparison -- and not just of
Carroll's timings compared to the bots, but of mine and ANYONE else's.
Let's see if there is the correlation that there appears to be. As we
do so, keep in mind that Sandman used to even PUBLICLY track when I
posted and relate that to the bot, but would not include others, in a
clear effort to help whomever runs the bot target me.
I haven't noticed the bot/flooder posts appearing in alt.2600
Is that of any significance?
Other perhaps when responding to a post that is cross posted there I do
not post there. The bot follows me.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-23 09:34:33 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie
that everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story
that he actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm
not going to let that slide as a little white lie we all tell
from time to time. I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big
deal, because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and
it's your business to challenge what's said about you. I
havent't been saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I
have backed your comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what
he did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving
that impression.
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing. I think the
Apd agrees that he lied about me, David. It's above. <G>
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on
the topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort
to impress / show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more
or could know more than he does. Notice he has not added much of
anything to the insight about the bot.
[rofl, this is going to be fun. great fun -ed's note]
Post by David_B
I haven't noticed the bot/flooder posts appearing in alt.2600
Is that of any significance?
David, is the fact Apd agreed with what I wrote of significance to
you? Your new found friend told a porkie on me, David. Intentionally
by the looks of things. Now, based on our history and how much love I
have for your 'friends', just how should I respond to him for having
made such a transgression? An eagle or a jenn? I'll let you pick the
style, this time.

Or, he can apologize for what he did. I'll give you a few days to
decide the style, in the likely event he doesn't take me up on the
kind offer. If you don't, the default method will be the eagle style.
It was much more effective, wouldn't you agree? <EG>

Nest time you decide to invite someone here David, and they pull
something like this, you and I will have another kind of discussion.
An entirely, different kind of discussion. I'm going to 'predict'
that when I'm finished, we won't get many new visitors for awhile.
And the new comers who are here presently won't be sticking around.
What do you think about that prediction, David?
In this world, you have to be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant. I
spent years being smart. I recommend pleasant.
2020-06-23 18:03:13 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie
that everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story
that he actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm
not going to let that slide as a little white lie we all tell
from time to time. I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big
deal, because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and
it's your business to challenge what's said about you. I
havent't been saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I
have backed your comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what
he did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving
that impression.
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing. I think the
Apd agrees that he lied about me, David. It's above. <G>
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on
the topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort
to impress / show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more
or could know more than he does. Notice he has not added much of
anything to the insight about the bot.
[rofl, this is going to be fun. great fun -ed's note]
Post by David_B
I haven't noticed the bot/flooder posts appearing in alt.2600
Is that of any significance?
David, is the fact Apd agreed with what I wrote of significance to
you? Your new found friend told a porkie on me, David. Intentionally
by the looks of things. Now, based on our history and how much love I
have for your 'friends', just how should I respond to him for having
made such a transgression? An eagle or a jenn? I'll let you pick the
style, this time.
Or, he can apologize for what he did. I'll give you a few days to
decide the style, in the likely event he doesn't take me up on the
kind offer. If you don't, the default method will be the eagle style.
It was much more effective, wouldn't you agree? <EG>
Nest time you decide to invite someone here David, and they pull
something like this, you and I will have another kind of discussion.
An entirely, different kind of discussion. I'm going to 'predict'
that when I'm finished, we won't get many new visitors for awhile.
And the new comers who are here presently won't be sticking around.
What do you think about that prediction, David?
See: you play victim and want me to lie and say that when you responded to
my comments about the flood bot you were fully both on and off topic. I
will not do so.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-23 09:34:32 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie
that everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story
that he actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm
not going to let that slide as a little white lie we all tell
from time to time. I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big
deal, because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and
it's your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't
been saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have
backed your comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving
that impression.
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing.
I disagree.
Post by Snit
I think the
If you want to demonstrate more of your own ignorance, you are
welcome to do so, but I still want an apology for the lies you wrote.
Post by Snit
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on
the topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort
to impress / show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more
or could know more than he does. Notice he has not added much of
anything to the insight about the bot.
I wasn't trying to impress or show off to anyone, and I didn't try to
make things seem like I knew more than I actually do, either. I
suppose my candid attitude had made you confused. If so, that's my
fault. I'm candid, but quite honest, Snit. What I've told you about
things I've done, and what I can do actually is entirely true.

You believing that doesn't really matter at this point in time
though. You actually could confirm all of my claims though, if you
wanted to do so. By questioning any of the regulars here for example,
including David. Or, if you don't trust any of them to that level,
you could just google me. Now, if you don't trust those results
anymore so than you do David, Apd, FTR, or myself; then, well I can't
help you.
Post by Snit
He did go off topic and discuss *IF* he had the code or the
executable. But he has since claimed not to. OK. Well, sure, if
one has things they do not they can learn things they do not know.
I do not think that has ever been in contention.
As myself and Apd both pointed out to you, I did nothing of the sort.
You misunderstood what I was writing about, and you cherry picked
something I wrote that wasn't any specific bot or any other program
specific, it was general in nature. I was trying to help you a little
in understanding how programming works beyond that of scripting. You
didn't understand what I was writing about. You just wanted to play
along as if you did.
Post by Snit
He *DID* speak in terms of JavaScript and VMs and note one could
show patterns other than what Carroll seems to be showing --
having challenges posting when the bot does.
First part and second part of first sentence correct. I haven't used
the word patterns in anything recently that i'm aware of. So, what
are you quoting me out of context with now Snit?
Post by Snit
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to
No you haven't. I don't even have to look to know it's the same thing
you're using as evidence for your lie about me. It's not what you
think it is. But, you'll be damned! if you admit it.
Cats must call Mom's mother-in-law long distance at 2 a.m.
2020-06-23 18:03:12 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie
that everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story
that he actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm
not going to let that slide as a little white lie we all tell
from time to time. I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly
Agree with what you say.
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big
deal, because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and
it's your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't
been saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have
backed your comment about code, as you know.
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving
that impression.
Diesel is really getting worked up over nothing.
I disagree.
Do you even understand what I said?
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
I think the
If you want to demonstrate more of your own ignorance, you are
welcome to do so, but I still want an apology for the lies you wrote.
Post by Snit
In his response he had nothing really of value of value to say on
the topic of the output of the code in question, but in an effort
to impress / show off he wanted to make it seem like he knew more
or could know more than he does. Notice he has not added much of
anything to the insight about the bot.
I wasn't trying to impress or show off to anyone, and I didn't try to
make things seem like I knew more than I actually do, either.
Then surely you can stick to the topic of your insight into the flood bot
ands is output, code, and coder and not talk about disassembling code or
things you later claimed were not relevant.

Would love to see it. If noting else it would help to back your rather
dubious claim there.
Post by Diesel
suppose my candid attitude had made you confused.
If you better understand what I wrote you would not make such erroneous
suppositions. Interesting.
Post by Diesel
If so, that's my
fault. I'm candid, but quite honest, Snit. What I've told you about
things I've done, and what I can do actually is entirely true.
But unsupported. Perhaps.
Post by Diesel
You believing that doesn't really matter at this point in time
though. You actually could confirm all of my claims though, if you
wanted to do so.
I cannot force you to speak of the flood bot, its output, its code, and its
coder. You have control of that. Can you understand that?
Post by Diesel
By questioning any of the regulars here for example,
including David. Or, if you don't trust any of them to that level,
you could just google me. Now, if you don't trust those results
anymore so than you do David, Apd, FTR, or myself; then, well I can't
help you.
None of them have control of your actions. None can force you to focus on
the flood bot as described, nor stop you from going off topic.

We each are in responsible for ourselves.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
He did go off topic and discuss *IF* he had the code or the
executable. But he has since claimed not to. OK. Well, sure, if
one has things they do not they can learn things they do not know.
I do not think that has ever been in contention.
As myself and Apd both pointed out to you, I did nothing of the sort.
So your comments on disassembling was not a changeover topic away from the
flood bot and its output, code, and coder?

If so we are back where we started — but I don’t think so. I trust you that
you were not speaking on that topic and were just trying to impress me or
Post by Diesel
You misunderstood what I was writing about,
Either it was or was not about the topic you responded to: the flood bot.

Have you decided yet which you wish to claim? So far you say it is on
Schrödinger's topic — one that is fully both on and off the topic of the
flood bot. Curious.
Post by Diesel
and you cherry picked
something I wrote that wasn't any specific bot or any other program
specific, it was general in nature. I was trying to help you a little
in understanding how programming works beyond that of scripting.
So not on the topic of the bot but trying to impress me with how you
understand disassembling as if I was completely unfamiliar with the topic.
Post by Diesel
didn't understand what I was writing about. You just wanted to play
along as if you did.
An odd story for you to tell, unsupported by evidence. OK.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
He *DID* speak in terms of JavaScript and VMs and note one could
show patterns other than what Carroll seems to be showing --
having challenges posting when the bot does.
First part and second part of first sentence correct. I haven't used
the word patterns in anything recently that i'm aware of. So, what
are you quoting me out of context with now Snit?
You did not disagree with the pattern I noted about Carroll and the bot’s
posting times being suggestive of the bot being his? My apologies. I
thought you had. Ok, this is getting somewhere. And we seem to have a place
of agreement.

But I suspect you will now flip flop and say you did not agree that the
pattern I show with Carroll and the bot has the meaning it seems to.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to
No you haven't.
Not that you understood perhaps. That would explain your above confusion.
Post by Diesel
I don't even have to look to know it's the same thing
you're using as evidence for your lie about me. It's not what you
think it is. But, you'll be damned! if you admit it.
I have already been very clear I will not lie for you, not even to get the
peace I want.

A shame you cannot show understanding of that. Maybe you really can’t
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-24 05:13:33 UTC
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
If so, that's my
fault. I'm candid, but quite honest, Snit. What I've told you
about things I've done, and what I can do actually is entirely
But unsupported. Perhaps.
That's the most amusing aspect to this. Nothing I told you about
myself is unsupported. Some days though, I wish it was. but, it's
not. I haven't lied or otherwise mislead you on this snit. Not in the
least little bit.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
You believing that doesn't really matter at this point in time
though. You actually could confirm all of my claims though, if
you wanted to do so.
I cannot force you to speak of the flood bot, its output, its
code, and its coder. You have control of that. Can you understand
Umm, what does my suggestions to confirm what I've told you about
myself is true have to do with your comment and follow up question to

Are you worried that you won't like what you learn about me, Snit? I
wouldn't blame you if you did. it's not all good. Some is quite,
quite, bad, with nasty outcomes for previous individuals who went
down the wrong road with me.

The road you've opted to drive on...I do continue to suggest you take
the next available exit, anywhere else is better than where you are
right now; and where you'll be if you get to the end of that
particular road.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
By questioning any of the regulars here for example,
including David. Or, if you don't trust any of them to that
level, you could just google me. Now, if you don't trust those
results anymore so than you do David, Apd, FTR, or myself; then,
well I can't help you.
None of them have control of your actions. None can force you to
focus on the flood bot as described, nor stop you from going off
You're right, they don't. They can tell you about some of my previous
actions taken towards those who've gone against me in the same or
worse manner than yourself, though.
Post by Snit
We each are in responsible for ourselves.
Yes. we are. You are responsible for your words, and words, like
actions, sometimes have consequences. That's where you seem to be on
a different page than myself. You seem to be of the very mistaken
impression that your words have no consequences. But, you are wrong,
they actually do.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
didn't understand what I was writing about. You just wanted to
play along as if you did.
An odd story for you to tell, unsupported by evidence. OK.
Well, what passes for evidence in your eyes, maybe not. In the real
world, though, yea it's supported.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to
No you haven't.
Not that you understood perhaps. That would explain your above
Hmm, anything is possible I suppose. Re submit your evidence then,
Snit. I will review it.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
I don't even have to look to know it's the same thing
you're using as evidence for your lie about me. It's not what you
think it is. But, you'll be damned! if you admit it.
I have already been very clear I will not lie for you, not even to
get the peace I want.
Snit, I'm not asking you to lie for me. That would be disingenuous on
both our parts. I'm asking for an apology for a somewhat larger than
little white lie you wrote about me. Can you understand that?
Post by Snit
A shame you cannot show understanding of that. Maybe you really
can't understand?
Hmm. The available evidence doesn't support your conclusions. Try
The way to a man's heart is through his back.
2020-06-24 07:01:11 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
If so, that's my
fault. I'm candid, but quite honest, Snit. What I've told you
about things I've done, and what I can do actually is entirely
But unsupported. Perhaps.
That's the most amusing aspect to this. Nothing I told you about
myself is unsupported. Some days though, I wish it was. but, it's
not. I haven't lied or otherwise mislead you on this snit. Not in the
least little bit.
I do not dig back. I might learn bit and pieces of your past, but I
really tend to focus on the here and now. Does not mean there are not
exceptions to this rule, but it is not my norm to care what people have
done in their pasts.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
You believing that doesn't really matter at this point in time
though. You actually could confirm all of my claims though, if
you wanted to do so.
I cannot force you to speak of the flood bot, its output, its
code, and its coder. You have control of that. Can you understand
Umm, what does my suggestions to confirm what I've told you about
myself is true have to do with your comment and follow up question to
Are you worried that you won't like what you learn about me, Snit?
No offense, but it seems you are eager to have me learn about you. I
have no real desire to dig into your past. What and who you show
yourself to be now is more interesting.
Post by Diesel
wouldn't blame you if you did. it's not all good. Some is quite,
quite, bad, with nasty outcomes for previous individuals who went
down the wrong road with me.
The road you've opted to drive on...I do continue to suggest you take
the next available exit, anywhere else is better than where you are
right now; and where you'll be if you get to the end of that
particular road.
This is all very vague. Can you be specific with what you are hoping
for? Hoping I leave ACW or... ??? Not sure what you are getting at.

But either way I have no intention on leaving. Maybe that is not even
what you mean.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
By questioning any of the regulars here for example,
including David. Or, if you don't trust any of them to that
level, you could just google me. Now, if you don't trust those
results anymore so than you do David, Apd, FTR, or myself; then,
well I can't help you.
None of them have control of your actions. None can force you to
focus on the flood bot as described, nor stop you from going off
You're right, they don't. They can tell you about some of my previous
actions taken towards those who've gone against me in the same or
worse manner than yourself, though.
Post by Snit
We each are in responsible for ourselves.
Yes. we are. You are responsible for your words, and words, like
actions, sometimes have consequences. That's where you seem to be on
a different page than myself. You seem to be of the very mistaken
impression that your words have no consequences. But, you are wrong,
they actually do.
Again, not sure what you mean here. Of course actions have consequences.
But what consequences are you referring to? Not sure what you even mean.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
didn't understand what I was writing about. You just wanted to
play along as if you did.
An odd story for you to tell, unsupported by evidence. OK.
Well, what passes for evidence in your eyes, maybe not. In the real
world, though, yea it's supported.
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
What that misses is the question is about why Carroll seems to
No you haven't.
Not that you understood perhaps. That would explain your above confusion.
Hmm, anything is possible I suppose. Re submit your evidence then,
Snit. I will review it.
Thank you. Here is what I have posted in the past. If you have any
question about it please ask... for example, with #1 I offer message IDs
but, here in a "brief" summary do not detail which lies of his I mean.

On that I refer to his claims I denied one could script via mouse clicks
and hot keys the control of a webpage (specifically Google Groups). That
is the primary lie of his, but assuming one knows where a control is, or
what the hot key is, of course one can do that. If one cannot figure out
where a button is, though it would be challenging to click it. What
would be impossible, as far as I know, is to do things like bypass a
Captcha that Google uses.

It is also dishonest of him to focus on the editor I have used (and
really it is just one of the editors) and not the language. The idea if
one can do things via the editor it means other languages written with
that same editor have the same capabilities is beyond absurd.

He tells other lies of less relevance: having "evidence" that the bot is
not posting through Google Groups -- a claim I bet he has never backed
and is at best unlikely. He also lies about me not having written the
code the my AIM / IRC bots (I have been open about using some publicly
published functions and getting minor help in other ways, but the code
for each is mine -- and only one is public).

Anyway, that is just on point 1... and not even all of the lies /
unsupported claims one could look at on that!

1) Carrolll repeatedly lied to get me to talk about what I
said could be done with AppleScript:

2) Carroll posted with multiple versions of his name: "Steve
Carroll - fretwizzer", "***@gmail.com", and "Steve Carroll"

3) The bot changed names ONCE and posted with that name 12 times
in rapid succession (1-3 minutes apart)

4) Carroll spoke of altering his GG script to deal with such
name changes:
And now that stupid bot is making me have to
change the plugin again. Why doesn't it use your name
for the next 6-7 years?!

Carroll went into more detail here:
Post by Diesel
Carroll, wouldn't it be easier for your script to parse
the from line, specifically looking for a matching email
Of course, but that slowed the plugin down considerably.
Remember, this is GG, not something like slrn (which I
also use).
Note: not it WOULD slow it down... it DID.

And still later (after the rapid name changing):
I don't see floodbot posts unless i want to so I miss this

Amazing that right as Carroll is finding a way to be able
to block the bot's new name-change trick the bot happens
to be using that trick.

5) The bot started changing names with every post.

6) Carroll denied his comment about his GG script:
I actually never mentioned what it was that prompted me to
change my plugin, despite it possibly appearing that way.

7) Carroll worked to confuse the timeline:
LOL! You *just* used the term"after", not "right before",
even in *your* version of the timeline

8) Carroll predicted the bot would start wrapping lines:
Injection-Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 00:13:39 +0000
As soon as Snit works out the carriage return/line feed
issue on the 'AZ code' he's working on in ACW, he'll add
it to his flood bot.
And, gee, another prediction by Carroll comes true:

Injection-Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 03:02:57 +0000

The prior posts, at the very least in COLA, did not wrap:

Less than three hours after his "prediction" the bot made a
very specific change based on a design goal Carroll spoke
of. I cannot find where this goal was mentioned before.

Carroll tried to tie this to *me* here:
Post by Diesel
It mostly works but ignores line breaks.
Imagine that! You have a line break issue... now what else
have we seen a lot of that has the same problem? I just
know it'll come to me <eyeroll>.

My comment was about INPUT for reading lines where it was
not seeing the line breaks. NOTHING to do with ANYTHING
Carroll pushed it as. Once again he takes things out of
context and shows he is able to make predictions about the
flood bot in amazingly specific ways.

Oh, and more! Here Carroll shows a video of him being able to get the
name to change...


And the video is still there:


Yeah, that is pretty solid damning proof.
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
Post by Diesel
I don't even have to look to know it's the same thing
you're using as evidence for your lie about me. It's not what you
think it is. But, you'll be damned! if you admit it.
I have already been very clear I will not lie for you, not even to
get the peace I want.
Snit, I'm not asking you to lie for me. That would be disingenuous on
both our parts. I'm asking for an apology for a somewhat larger than
little white lie you wrote about me. Can you understand that?
I commented on this in more depth earlier tonight. Can we keep it to one
Post by Diesel
Post by Snit
A shame you cannot show understanding of that. Maybe you really
can't understand?
Hmm. The available evidence doesn't support your conclusions. Try
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-06-23 09:34:32 UTC
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
Again, to clarify for FTR and Apd, it's not a little white lie
that everybody tells. This was a fully concocted bullshit story
that he actually spent more than a few seconds to write up. I'm
not going to let that slide as a little white lie we all tell
from time to time. I'm not calling Snit a liar for stupid silly
Agree with what you say.
Thanks. I didn't think we'd be in disagreement though, considering I
just stuck with the facts there.
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
While i'm not surprised that neither of you think it's a big
deal, because he hasn't focused his lies on either of you,
I'm not saying that here. Obviously it's important for you and
it's your business to challenge what's said about you. I havent't
been saying it's no big deal because it's not me and I have backed
your comment about code, as you know.
I agree and understand what you mean. And yes, you have backed my
comment about code. It would have only been logical. :)
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
I do consider it
a bit more than a 'your hair looks great honey!" kind of a lie.
I'm glad we're on the same page with that. I fully realize that
everyone lies and it's completely unproductive to be anal retentive
about it. But, as I wrote previously, this isn't one of those kinds.
Post by Apd
Post by Diesel
And I don't appreciate, what appeared to me, to downplay what he
did here, by either of you.
Certainly not downplaying what he said to you. Sorry for giving
that impression.
No worries.
Nothing is so boring as listening to someone else describe a dream.
by George Carlin
2020-06-16 14:58:09 UTC
Post by Diesel
Post by Diesel
Post by David_B
Post by Snit
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was
missing the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST people, Dustin.
People Like Snit and me.
Then, you may have recognised us immediately as '*good guys*. :-D
Diesel is still crying about how I responded to his trolling.
Indeed. He doesn't cope well with the truth. :-(
David, stop taking advantage of people with mental disabilities.
Even for you, that's low. If you're such an honest guy, why are
you ducking all of my questions? What possible harm could there be
in humoring me by answering them?
And the crickets chirped, and chirped, and chirped some more. :)
Why the tantrum? What do you hope to gain from it?
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger. They cling to their attacks
and ignore the message time and time again.
2020-05-14 06:51:02 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Diesel
ROFL! You really have your faith misplaced on this one, David.
You really do. And, it's funny as fuck to me. The two of you
couldn't get yourselves out of a cardboard box that was missing
the top and a side.
You should have spent more of your life with GOOD and HONEST
people, Dustin.
I was raised by such people. I assure you, you aren't one of them.
Eschew obfuscation.
2020-05-11 22:25:27 UTC
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is


Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
2020-05-11 22:31:21 UTC
Post by Sycho
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is
Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
It's funny now that I reread the conversation between me and "Trash".
I accidently gave him the incorrect channel the guide I mentioned was
in. It's actually in walkthrough-saves. lol Oops? Bad moderator! ;)
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
2020-05-11 23:05:35 UTC
Post by Sycho
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is
Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
Bit like Mirc. LOL
I take it Arashdeflorator is the bot?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-05-11 23:31:45 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is
Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
Bit like Mirc. LOL
I take it Arashdeflorator is the bot?
Yeah, it does have a mIRC feel to it. I like to think of it as IRC on

Right now, there are no bots on the server. There were when I first
joined nearly 3 years ago, but there were issues with those bots and
the developer asked that they be removed for now. I can't recall what
the problems were now that I think about it, but I think it had
something to do with preventing CP from showing up IIRC.

Basically, the bots at the time, well, at least once I can remember,
was where people could go into the porn channel and type in keywords,
like boobs, ass, pussy and what-not and it would search for a random
image based on that keyword and post it. The dev was afraid that
someone would use it for receiving child porn because it would post
the image to that channel. So to prevent that from happening, the bots
were removed.
One morning my girlfriend asked me if I slept well and I replied 'No,
I made a few mistakes.'
2020-05-11 23:10:45 UTC
Post by Sycho
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is
If you can spot ANY consistency in the bot posts (origin,
certificate, content etc) it can be filtered.
Post by Sycho
Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
PS BD is offering the help of the guy that has practically
destroyed alt.computer.workshop with his > 2000 bot-posts a month.
The only "bot" BD understands is the one he offers around in
PS You are on his target list. Try not to give any personal
info away.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2020-05-11 23:56:06 UTC
Post by Shadow
Post by Sycho
Here's a screenshot of our Discord to give you an idea what the app is
If you can spot ANY consistency in the bot posts (origin,
certificate, content etc) it can be filtered.
Post by Sycho
Right now it's pretty dead, which means I have plenty of time for the
3 games that were just recently updated that I can play around in. :D
PS BD is offering the help of the guy that has practically
destroyed alt.computer.workshop with his > 2000 bot-posts a month.
The only "bot" BD understands is the one he offers around in
PS You are on his target list. Try not to give any personal
info away.
I've always been on his list.. I don't think that's ever going to
change, but I do still have him filtered out. lol

Thing was, at the time the mini flood happened, I didn't stop to think
about taking a screenshot (I had just woke up and sat down at my desk
when it happened). So instead of that, I started a delete/ban on the
bots used and the posts in the channel. So unfortunately, I don't have
any logs or record of what the posts were. But it was the same Discord
invite link over 100+ times in a matter of a few minutes.

The only information I have to go on is that the bot was of Turkish
origin and they all had the same common spelling..

Berkcan geldi yat assa
Berkcan geldi yat assa evladim
Berkcan geldi yat assa evladimm

Which roughly translates to: Berkcan came yacht or Berkcan came,
yacht, boy (according to Google Translate).

Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

We thought at first it was politically motivated, but when I did some
digging for "Berkcan", I found it was some YouTube influencer who also
does live music streaming. That's a dumb fucking way to advertise, by
flooding a Discord server.. But we've also had some dealing in the
past with a Turkish website selling Man of the House and making money
off of it. At one time, the game had Turkish translations, but towards
the end of development, it was removed before it went on sale on
Steam. So that could be another reason for the mini flood..
Bad command or filename. Go stand in the corner.
2020-05-12 08:21:44 UTC
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
There's no way of knowing, is there?!!! ;-)

Can a drive-by download install a rootkit?


If so, such rootkit may never be discovered by a USB-booted AV


Nobody with a modicum of common sense would run Windows XP with no
resident AV. Anyone who does so is a danger to himself and others.

2020-05-18 15:48:25 UTC
Post by David_B
Post by Reb Biker
Post by David_B
Stay safe
Stay at home
You sound like a govmint shill, fucktard.
There's no way of knowing, is there?!!! ;-)
Can a drive-by download install a rootkit?
If so, such rootkit may never be discovered by a USB-booted AV
Nobody with a modicum of common sense would run Windows XP with no
resident AV. Anyone who does so is a danger to himself and others.
THIS link is safe!


Can you answer the question?
2020-05-18 21:09:33 UTC
You're talking to yourself *AGAIN*

Drink less. Keep away from mirrors. You won't like what you
Post by David_B
THIS link is safe!
Can you answer the question?
There is no question. It's just a public service page.
I checked all the information on it. It's good.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012