P: David - the backdoor source code
(too old to reply)
2020-06-25 05:26:51 UTC
It very well could be. Perhaps they just don't want to continue
having to deal with Snits antics?
As with Carroll, anyone who does not want to "deal with" me and my
responding to trolling in ways those who troll do not like and any
other "antics" I might engage in, all they have to do is not
follow me.
It's always about Carroll with you, huh? You remind me of the brady
bunch. rofl. I didn't follow you, but you still told a whopper of a
lie about me. You actually put some thought and effort into the story
to sell it, too, Snit. Not only did you do that - When I asked for an
apology for it, you went so far as to try to spin the entire thing
into a huge misunderstanding, entirely on my part, that I'm the one
in the wrong here, when it was/still is you.
Carroll clearly WANTS to engage with me. He is here. He went to
alt.os.linux. He went to alt.support.anxiety-panic. He want to
After getting the chance to interact with you and see what you do
first hand when you don't like what someone has written, I'd probably
be inclined to follow you around as well; to ensure you aren't
talking straight shit about me to someone else who doesn't know any
better. With me, you did yourself and your credibility no favors by
pulling those stunts.

You degraded the value of your own credibility first by lying, and
then, by trying to blame a 'misunderstanding' on it, to excuse you
from having to admit what you did and apologize accordingly.
I have noted how you wish to play victim. Really, all of this can
be cleared up easily (and frankly even if it is not I don't really
care). But you do.
Your notes are in error. It can easily be cleared up, yes. Own up to
what you did, and apologize for having done it. You need not continue
posting your evidence that you did infact quote me out of context.
I've already seen it, thanks.
Yes, I know this. :) Snit has began accusing me of trying to
manipulate others,
Incorrect. I noted an example where YOU said you were trying to do
so... asking me questions and showing quotes to try to sway
others. You wished to manipulate. Fine. But don't blame me for
Provide an MID from me which supports your statement, or, that'll be
two apologies you'll be owing me, for the same reason. I bet you
don't find one, but, I'll give you time to try and look for one.

Asking you questions is manipulating others in what possible way,
Snit? Showing quotes, in full context, unlike yourself, is
manipulating people in what way Snit? Backup your statements with
some actual proof this time, Snit.
for nothing more than being candid concerning what
I was upto when I made the initial request. Obviously, i'm not
trying to manipulate anyone; I've simply caught snit in a trap
and I'm not letting him out just yet. rofl. The apology itself
was, as I told him, never the goal of my request. It was always
Your trap is childish -- you want to say you did not change the
topic from what I was talking about (the Usenet flood bot) but
also say you were not talking about that topic. You want it both
ways. And worse than that you want me to agree with you -- to lie
for you.
Aside from your red herring efforts here, you did write quite a story
about me, which wasn't true, and you do owe me an apology for having
done it. But, it gets better (for me), I might have just caught you
lying on me, again, above. I'll wait to read your explanation before
I call you a liar on that one too, though.
It is a silly game you are playing. But it is also beaten to
I don't find your tendency to lie, as easily as you do, to be all
that silly, or a game. it causes me to question everything you post,
I had a suspicion concerning him, so I went with it, and sure
enough, I was right about him. He really fucked up trying to play
psy games with me. I was born at night (well, early morning, but
it was still dark out), but it wasn't last night. <G>
And yet here you are STILL crying about it with others. Notice I
am happy to move on. In peace. No need to get you to agree to deny
either of your conflicting stories.
Snit, are you familiar with inflection? If you actually are, why are
you still trying to imply you can process it via a text based medium
such as this? And what stories of mine are you now claiming are in
Just move on in peace. But you can't. You backed yourself into a
I didn't back myself into any corner, Snit. You've done that, and, as
I told you before, we aren't in elementary school anymore; the i'm
rubber your glue routine isn't going to work. We're not children
here. Most of us are grown adults with technical backgrounds. Your
childish attempts to be insulting are doing nothing more than wasting
your time, discrediting you further, and much like the bot, they are
super lame.
He's doing the exact same thing with you, glossing over
reality as he pretends some 'fact' has already been
established that everyone has agreed to. Kiddie crap
from someone who believes he's smarter than everyone
he interacts with. No one else would pull this in a
public ng.
See: you want to see yourself as a victim. Why? That is really the
bigger question here.
Another attempt to redirect the conversation, away, from what you
actually did. Which was, to write a completely fabricated story
concerning my involvement with the bot.

The only question here, Snit, is why did you do that, and why won't
you apologize for it? You've already been caught - you can't have not
read the replies from FTR and Apd about this; they agree that you did
infact, lie on me, just as I've written.

If you want to try and re-establish credibility down the road, then
own upto what you did, and apologize for having done it.

You've actually attempted to pass off two untrue stories about me
now, Snit. One, that I had anything to do with the bot in any way
shape or form, and now, that I'm manipulating people. Is that the
excuse you are preparing to use in the event Apd, FTR, or even David
confronted you?

Basically, if any/all of them did/do at some point down the road,
you'll claim I manipulated them? Is that what you're trying to
prepare for? The manipulation claim is very recent, so that's why I'm
asking. Or, in other words, are you attempting to impress me with a
virtual game of chess by trying to get ahead of the problem you
created? I'm flattered, but, you still have a very long ways to go
yet before you can pull such a stunt like this off with me, or any of
the other regulars here.

To think you can do it so early is rather arrogant and insulting.
Hockey is a sport for white men.
Basketball is a sport for black men.
Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps. -- Tiger
2020-06-25 06:19:46 UTC
Post by Diesel
It very well could be. Perhaps they just don't want to continue
having to deal with Snits antics?
As with Carroll, anyone who does not want to "deal with" me and my
responding to trolling in ways those who troll do not like and any
other "antics" I might engage in, all they have to do is not
follow me.
It's always about Carroll with you, huh? You remind me of the brady
bunch. rofl. I didn't follow you, but you still told a whopper of a
lie about me. You actually put some thought and effort into the story
to sell it, too, Snit. Not only did you do that - When I asked for an
apology for it, you went so far as to try to spin the entire thing
into a huge misunderstanding, entirely on my part, that I'm the one
in the wrong here, when it was/still is you.
Carroll clearly WANTS to engage with me. He is here. He went to
alt.os.linux. He went to alt.support.anxiety-panic. He want to
After getting the chance to interact with you and see what you do
first hand when you don't like what someone has written, I'd probably
be inclined to follow you around as well; to ensure you aren't
talking straight shit about me to someone else who doesn't know any
better. With me, you did yourself and your credibility no favors by
pulling those stunts.
You degraded the value of your own credibility first by lying, and
then, by trying to blame a 'misunderstanding' on it, to excuse you
from having to admit what you did and apologize accordingly.
I have noted how you wish to play victim. Really, all of this can
be cleared up easily (and frankly even if it is not I don't really
care). But you do.
Your notes are in error. It can easily be cleared up, yes. Own up to
what you did, and apologize for having done it. You need not continue
posting your evidence that you did infact quote me out of context.
I've already seen it, thanks.
Yes, I know this. :) Snit has began accusing me of trying to
manipulate others,
Incorrect. I noted an example where YOU said you were trying to do
so... asking me questions and showing quotes to try to sway
others. You wished to manipulate. Fine. But don't blame me for
Provide an MID from me which supports your statement, or, that'll be
two apologies you'll be owing me, for the same reason. I bet you
don't find one, but, I'll give you time to try and look for one.
Asking you questions is manipulating others in what possible way,
Snit? Showing quotes, in full context, unlike yourself, is
manipulating people in what way Snit? Backup your statements with
some actual proof this time, Snit.
for nothing more than being candid concerning what
I was upto when I made the initial request. Obviously, i'm not
trying to manipulate anyone; I've simply caught snit in a trap
and I'm not letting him out just yet. rofl. The apology itself
was, as I told him, never the goal of my request. It was always
Your trap is childish -- you want to say you did not change the
topic from what I was talking about (the Usenet flood bot) but
also say you were not talking about that topic. You want it both
ways. And worse than that you want me to agree with you -- to lie
for you.
Aside from your red herring efforts here, you did write quite a story
about me, which wasn't true, and you do owe me an apology for having
done it. But, it gets better (for me), I might have just caught you
lying on me, again, above. I'll wait to read your explanation before
I call you a liar on that one too, though.
It is a silly game you are playing. But it is also beaten to
I don't find your tendency to lie, as easily as you do, to be all
that silly, or a game. it causes me to question everything you post,
I had a suspicion concerning him, so I went with it, and sure
enough, I was right about him. He really fucked up trying to play
psy games with me. I was born at night (well, early morning, but
it was still dark out), but it wasn't last night. <G>
And yet here you are STILL crying about it with others. Notice I
am happy to move on. In peace. No need to get you to agree to deny
either of your conflicting stories.
Snit, are you familiar with inflection? If you actually are, why are
you still trying to imply you can process it via a text based medium
such as this? And what stories of mine are you now claiming are in
Just move on in peace. But you can't. You backed yourself into a
I didn't back myself into any corner, Snit. You've done that, and, as
I told you before, we aren't in elementary school anymore; the i'm
rubber your glue routine isn't going to work. We're not children
here. Most of us are grown adults with technical backgrounds. Your
childish attempts to be insulting are doing nothing more than wasting
your time, discrediting you further, and much like the bot, they are
super lame.
He's doing the exact same thing with you, glossing over
reality as he pretends some 'fact' has already been
established that everyone has agreed to. Kiddie crap
from someone who believes he's smarter than everyone
he interacts with. No one else would pull this in a
public ng.
See: you want to see yourself as a victim. Why? That is really the
bigger question here.
Another attempt to redirect the conversation, away, from what you
actually did. Which was, to write a completely fabricated story
concerning my involvement with the bot.
The only question here, Snit, is why did you do that, and why won't
you apologize for it? You've already been caught - you can't have not
read the replies from FTR and Apd about this; they agree that you did
infact, lie on me, just as I've written.
If you want to try and re-establish credibility down the road, then
own upto what you did, and apologize for having done it.
You've actually attempted to pass off two untrue stories about me
now, Snit. One, that I had anything to do with the bot in any way
shape or form, and now, that I'm manipulating people. Is that the
excuse you are preparing to use in the event Apd, FTR, or even David
confronted you?
Basically, if any/all of them did/do at some point down the road,
you'll claim I manipulated them? Is that what you're trying to
prepare for? The manipulation claim is very recent, so that's why I'm
asking. Or, in other words, are you attempting to impress me with a
virtual game of chess by trying to get ahead of the problem you
created? I'm flattered, but, you still have a very long ways to go
yet before you can pull such a stunt like this off with me, or any of
the other regulars here.
To think you can do it so early is rather arrogant and insulting.
See if you can count the number of times in the above where you blame
others, often me, for somehow victimizing you.

Perhaps if you do so you will learn a little about yourself. But,
really, this is a topic you have shown you do not want me to delve into
much -- and I will respect your wishes on that.
Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They
cannot use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel
somehow superior by attacking the messenger.

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.