It's the Gosh Darn Russians!
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2020-01-14 19:57:30 UTC
"Active measures were clandestine operations designed to further Soviet
foreign policy goals and to extend Soviet influence throughout the world.
This type of activity had long been employed by the Soviet Union abroad,
but it became more widespread and more effective in the late 1960s. Among
these covert techniques was disinformation: leaking of false information
and rumors to foreign media or planting forgeries in an attempt to deceive
the public or the political elite in a given country or countries."

I think Mr. Putin has a very nice neck...

2020-01-14 21:37:57 UTC
On Tue, 14 Jan 2020 19:57:30 -0000 (UTC), Robert James
Post by Robert James
"Active measures were clandestine operations designed to further Soviet
foreign policy goals and to extend Soviet influence throughout the world.
This type of activity had long been employed by the Soviet Union abroad,
but it became more widespread and more effective in the late 1960s. Among
these covert techniques was disinformation: leaking of false information
and rumors to foreign media or planting forgeries in an attempt to deceive
the public or the political elite in a given country or countries."
Are you sure the article was about Russia?
Oh wait, it's right there in the link.
Sorry about that. My glasses were smudged.

PS The NSA has just announced that there is a backdoor in
crypt32.dll, but won't say how long they've been exploiting it. It
allows complete remote access to any M$ computer Vista or worse.
But that if you update to Win 10 today and apply the super Win
10 patch you will be "safe and secure and happy forever".
Those nasty Russians knew all about the backdoor. It's why the
Kremlin will only allow XP and Linux on government computers.
Putin uses XP. Stupid, huh?
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