This is where Neo-Nazis get their MONEY from:
(too old to reply)
Robert James
2020-02-23 21:37:03 UTC

All this fake news PSYOPS bullshit being vomited by modern day Nazis, Anti-
Globalists, Islamophobes, Anti-Semites, Alt-Right Narcissists, Conspiracy
Theory Nutcases, Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers, Anti-Governdamnit Extreamists
and other member of the lunatic fringe are being indirectly funded by the
Moscow Kremlin as part of an aktivnye meropriyatiya operation to MAGA:

I think Mr. Putin has a very nice neck...

2020-02-24 00:15:29 UTC
On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 21:37:03 -0000 (UTC), Robert James
Post by Robert James
All this fake news PSYOPS bullshit being vomited by modern day Nazis, Anti-
Globalists, Islamophobes, Anti-Semites, Alt-Right Narcissists, Conspiracy
Theory Nutcases, Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers, Anti-Governdamnit Extreamists
and other member of the lunatic fringe are being indirectly funded by the
Moscow Kremlin
"Indirectly" as in they control Trump, and hence all the TLAs?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Robert James
2020-03-23 21:38:34 UTC
On 23 Feb 2020 Comrade Shadow committed a subversive act of "Sluggish
Post by Shadow
On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 21:37:03 -0000 (UTC), Robert James
Post by Robert James
All this fake news PSYOPS bullshit being vomited by modern day Nazis,
Anti- Globalists, Islamophobes, Anti-Semites, Alt-Right Narcissists,
Conspiracy Theory Nutcases, Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers,
Anti-Governdamnit Extreamists and other member of the lunatic fringe
are being indirectly funded by the Moscow Kremlin
"Indirectly" as in they control Trump, and hence all the TLAs?
The founding fathers of the United States created this bizarre Electoral
College, that makes it almost impossible for any third party to ever be
a serious contender. Cause if a third party prevented anyone from
gaining 270 electoral votes, the current U.S. government just selects
the President they want (out of the two main parties). This makes as
much sense as superdelegates deciding the winner of the Democratic
National Convention, over the will of their own party leaders.

At least the Three Letter Acronym "deep state" are more concerned about
the long-term geopolitical dictatorships on the other side of the Iron
Curtain, than just the next four years of internal politics. Anti-
American Authoritarian Dictatorships are for life... until the TLA "deep
state" overthrows 'em with Pro-American Authoritarian Dictatorships!
My little Boris Badenov needs a good Natasha Fatale...