Micro$oft open AI spy program
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rek2 hispagatos
2024-05-22 20:38:44 UTC
I used to avoid using mswindows my self, and just ignore as a crazy
uncle those who did... but oh man.. with this last 2-3 years of
changins.. advertisement in your fucking OS! poor choices and now...
I think I cant ever ever in the future see a windows user
and look at him with respect at all any more, and tread him as a second
class mind person lol WTF AI openly miscrosoft saying they are spying on
you, not conspiracy theories any more but openly admiting their new
product "AI Explorer" LMAO

yeah dont ever meet me and say you use windows I will prob be sad for
you if you STILL in 2024 decide to stick with that shitty OS made for
people who can't even write 1 line of C code oh wait now they can wit AI
lol. :facepalm:

Happy Hacking
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Marco Moock
2024-05-23 07:20:21 UTC
Post by rek2 hispagatos
I used to avoid using mswindows my self, and just ignore as a crazy
uncle those who did... but oh man.. with this last 2-3 years of
changins.. advertisement in your fucking OS! poor choices and now...
When Windows 10 was released in 2015, I started using Ubuntu to get
knowledge about using it. I didn't like the advertisement apps that
were installed by default and with every feature upgrade.

It was a good choice to look for an alternative.

Also, Windows 11 is very, very slow compared to other operating systems
because it reads and writes to the disk all time.
2024-05-26 19:01:06 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
When Windows 10 was released in 2015, I started using Ubuntu to get
knowledge about using it.
Any excuse to use Linux is a valid one. It makes me really happy to see
more and more people using Linux because it's better, and it proves that
people want what's better, not what's always been there.
Post by Marco Moock
It was a good choice to look for an alternative.
Agreed, Ubuntu sucks, Canonical sucks more.
Post by Marco Moock
Also, Windows 11 is very, very slow compared to other operating systems
because it reads and writes to the disk all time.
Not only is it slow, it looks uglier than Windows 10, which already
looks ugly. And they still haven't fixed all the issues with Dark Mode!
Control Panel (RIP) is a shambles. Good thing I stopped using Windows
over a year ago now.

NerdRat Hispagatos
2024-05-23 18:35:52 UTC
Post by rek2 hispagatos
I used to avoid using mswindows my self, and just ignore as a crazy
uncle those who did... but oh man.. with this last 2-3 years of
changins.. advertisement in your fucking OS! poor choices and now...
Truth is that company practices are just identical to those of any
mafia, and that is the main reason its creations get into any hardware
builder. They control information sources through cohersion techniques
and influences, that way common people think there is no option. In all
this practices as they would say "WE all win", yeah all of them but the
consumer which has to support this terrible way of exploitation (which i
am going to describe next).

Since i started using computers, they came with that shitty system and
to be exact, i have never used one single time that system, everytime i
booted that shit i had the sensation it was doing something else more
important that the things i was trying to do. I mean the system was
heavily using computer resources for -who the fuck knows- obscure
purposes. And i have never felt in control, without mentioning always
had to tolerate 90% of the things that come with the system are useless.

When using ms system i have never felt i was using the system but the
opposite, i felt like i was the least important user, the processes i
started did't seem to have high priority for the system, they were slow
and crashed a lot, so i felt i was being exploited. I was always angry
about that and what is worse i couldn't fix it, i already knew
programming and operating systems, so i certainly could fix things
myself, tweak and forcing the system to be more friendly. However that
is never enough because they always do shit with automatic updates that
ruin your job's or class presentations.

Certainly if i failed assignments in class it was because that system
obstructed my creative process with forced updates, slow system,
unrecoverable errors and expired stupid licenses. So fuck you for all
that microshit!!

As soon as i knew gnu/linux systems existed, i dual booted, meanwhile i
instructed myself to learn about it, until (in months) i only installed
gnu/linux definitely.
Post by rek2 hispagatos
I think I cant ever ever in the future see a windows user
and look at him with respect at all any more, and tread him as a second
class mind person lol WTF AI openly miscrosoft saying they are spying on
you, not conspiracy theories any more but openly admiting their new
product "AI Explorer" LMAO
I think companies like microshit whose success is based on lying, stupid
sensionalist propaganda, and disloyal and monopolic practices are
nowadays desperate. They are desperate because they have never had
presence in the server market -i mean almost the whole internet runs open/free
software/hardware-, they are loosing the desktop market which they only
sustained by creating poor copies of other opensource or free projects
like KDE or GNOME. But know that the linux gaming market is growing
fast, people are just contrasting systems and moving away from their
windows system because it was never a usable system.

I have seen a lot streamers/gamers etc, having a lot of problems with
those windows systems, which means they haven't learned how to build
robust, reliable systems.

The fact they are desperate is because they are stupid and now they have
no other way but to be synic. Their business models are no longer
sustainable in a market that runs open technologies.

They have always spied and tampered with the system (consuming
resources) while the user was struggling to barely grasp the experience,
that's why they end up being stupid.
Post by rek2 hispagatos
yeah dont ever meet me and say you use windows I will prob be sad for
you if you STILL in 2024 decide to stick with that shitty OS made for
people who can't even write 1 line of C code oh wait now they can wit AI
LOL When I se an infosec using windows, i see a baby that cries craving
for getting fed with a spoon of something that looks like shit.

As Stallman said "All users of windows are suckers".

I can't understand that mindset that gives away control to companies
over their computing. They are all dreamers, who think they are doing
something important, they think they are doing something valuable for
humanity but they don't.

I would be full of shame, for being an instrument of exploitation.
Hacking Is Not A Crime