(too old to reply)
Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2017-11-06 15:57:38 UTC
Walked up to the grocery this beautiful, sunny morning.  Saw the same homeless fucktard who panhandled me a couple o' years back when I was at this park next to an elementary school.  At the time he was pushing a bicycle; his delusional story was that he had locked himself out of his car and he needed about fifty bucks to hire a locksmith.  Yeah, the only locksmith he needed to call was the one on Uranus.
Presently this piece of human garbage had evidently lost his bike; he was now pushing one of those wire baskets the old twats use to go shopping.  He was probably wearing the same jeans as when I first saw him, but now he had shit them.  I thought, "Man, you can really impress folks when they notice you've shitted yer trousers."  Fucking loser!
Then I bought a loaf of French bread, and walked back to the chateau.  Life is good.
Grams always said, "Edmund, living well is the best revenge."

Colonel Edmund J. Burke
2020-05-27 05:37:01 UTC
Walked up to the grocery this beautiful, sunny morning.  Saw the same homeless fucktard who panhandled me a couple o' years back when I was at this park next to an elementary school.  At the time he was pushing a bicycle; his delusional story was that he had locked himself out of his car and he needed about fifty bucks to hire a locksmith.  Yeah, the only locksmith he needed to call was the one on Uranus.
Presently this piece of human garbage had evidently lost his bike; he was now pushing one of those wire baskets the old twats use to go shopping.  He was probably wearing the same jeans as when I first saw him, but now he had shit them.  I thought, "Man, you can really impress folks when they notice you've shitted yer trousers."  Fucking loser!
Then I bought a loaf of French bread, and walked back to the chateau.  Life is good.
Grams always said, "Edmund, living well is the best revenge."

