Update! (Was - Dustin Cook LIED about being Casio-He LIED about being RAID - He's STILL LYING)
(too old to reply)
2019-04-25 21:21:05 UTC
If you want to know about Dustin Cook/Diesel, the psychopath, watch
this video.

Thank you.
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
David B.
Devon, UK
Boy! It seems You found the right one of all the miscellaneous
videos on the page link I gave you. I really didn't think you'd use
the links.

Do you finally realize how dangerous this predator could be if he
weren't such a physical coward? Being on the other side of the
ocean, you are relatively safe compared with the others in the
U.S.A. he has went after. The single factor missing in this could-be
tragedy is the missing nutcase he keeps hoping to motivate. Like
Charles Manson, this evil monster would love to sit back and pull
the strings in such a scenario of horror being inflicted on his
"enemies". Did not the Jenn "outing" supposedly perpetrated by:

From: ***@yum.biz (Sycho)
Subject: This week's Pwnie Award goes to.. *drum roll, please*
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 18:17:15 GMT
Message-ID: <***@yourescaringthechildren.org>

show you the extent of his evil. Or do you really believe that this (Sycho) from nowhere was the one to out her and not Dustin Cook aka Diesel?

Remember Dustin Cook aka Diesel's promise below?

From: Dustin <***@raidsplace.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 00:02:15 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@no>

"Of the three, internal HHI files don't have complete usable info on
Jenn. yet. [g]"
And what SANE human being posts the following?

From: Diesel <***@privacy.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:57:08 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@k9jr08763iH0.T1ZXp43F6R3.H621E72>

" Remember, asshole, Jenn spent time in the hospital over the last
war. She really couldn't handle the stress. I have absolutely no
problem bringing her stress levels that made the previous ones a
walk in the park. Do you suppose her heart is upto it this time? GM
told me she had to goto hospital thinking she was having a heart
attack last time I dox'd her. Or maybe it was the swingers sites she
was signed up too. That probably generated a lot of unwanted phone
calls, emails, and possible in person visits. I have no problem
completing the mission this time.

And, maybe, just maybe, the next obituary post we get to see will be
hers. I'd be okay with those results. How about you?"
Even though he blames you, G. Morgan, Eagle and god knows who else
for him attacking Jenn, none of you had any responsibility for that
happening. NOTHING any of you might have done or said on Usenet
warranted him to do such a thing or say such a thing. He ALWAYS
blames someone else for his own evil. Notice in the video the
psychologist actually used the word 'evil'? That was significant.

If you read my posts regarding him outing women to pervert sex sites
by posting their names and addys, you must be aware how he later
blamed THEM for it's happening.

Do you even begin to see how bad it is what you have been doing for
some years now? I mean your constant feeding this monster. You had a
wrong idea about this "poor boy" and all the "problems" that have
made him what he is. All that doesn't matter - HE'S EVIL and HURTS
others without qualm. And will continue to do so. There is NO cure
for him.

You say -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
For God's sake there is NO response you can make which will not
merely generate another vicious cycle of anger and hate from him,
even though he might again momentarily ensnare you with some partial
mea culpa - which as you SHOULD know by now will only be more fakery
and manipulation in order to prolong this sick relationship between
the two of you.

You are not the first person in this world to be taken in by such
monsters. Forget your ego and the "challenge" you have felt this
battle to be. The only "win" against such as he is surrender and
avoidance. If he doesn't have you around to attack daily, he will
have to find someone else. His doing that will open the eyes of more
people to see that Dustin Cook aka Diesel is the problem, not BD.

Think back to how he tried getting various IT/AV execs fired by
emailing their posts to their employers. Think back to the outings
of the women to sex groups. That alone could have gotten them raped
or killed if the right nut case read those posts. Think back as to
how he emailed Kman's school system about his posts in an effort to
end that man's career. If you have read my posts over the years you
know there have been many more people endangered by his posting
their names and addresses, inviting his "crew" to take care of them.

Like it or not, you have been keeping him alive. Although, it seems
my posts have had effect, causing him in the last year to create
various nyms in order to stay on Usenet. Without those nyms, he
would rarely find anyone to hold any type of conversation with.

So, I have kept hoping that someday you'd FINALLY see the truth, and
realize YOU are a big part of the problem with your feeling sorry
for him. He ain't your son. There is no possible likeness between
the two of them. Stop "projecting" between him and your son. Stop
feeling as if it is your job to "rehabilitate" him. No one can do
that. Not even the top experts in the field of psychology. You
certainly must have at least picked that up from those videos.
Finally, REALIZE that you are "feeding" him, keeping his evil alive.

Think - THINK for a moment about the people you know/knew on Usenet
that have been driven off by him. Don't you feel any sympathy for

BUT - you are to be his biggest trophy yet! Your total ruination, or
your leaving Usenet will to him count as his biggest victory yet
simply because of the time it took to do you in.

However, as every expert on the subject has said, AVOIDANCE - total
avoidance is the only way anyone can "win" over one of these sick

So, you saying -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
points to the fact that you simply still don't realize that any
response is another "victory" for him. In his eyes, you are
prolonging the struggle. And the "struggle" is all he has in his
life. The life of a psychopath is merely an endless series of
"struggles". An endless series of "enemies" to be "destroyed".

What more can I say to you? I've said it all - so have the experts.

- The Anon Coward -
2019-04-25 21:42:56 UTC
If you want to know about Dustin Cook/Diesel, the psychopath, watch
this video.
Thank you.
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
David B.
Devon, UK
Boy! It seems You found the right one of all the miscellaneous
videos on the page link I gave you. I really didn't think you'd use
the links.

Do you finally realize how dangerous this predator could be if he
weren't such a physical coward? Being on the other side of the
ocean, you are relatively safe compared with the others in the
U.S.A. he has went after. The single factor missing in this could-be
tragedy is the missing nutcase he keeps hoping to motivate. Like
Charles Manson, this evil monster would love to sit back and pull
the strings in such a scenario of horror being inflicted on his
"enemies". Did not the Jenn "outing" supposedly perpetrated by:

From: ***@yum.biz (Sycho)
Subject: This week's Pwnie Award goes to.. *drum roll, please*
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 18:17:15 GMT
Message-ID: <***@yourescaringthechildren.org>

show you the extent of his evil. Or do you really believe that this (Sycho) from nowhere was the one to out her and not Dustin Cook aka Diesel?

Remember Dustin Cook aka Diesel's promise below?

From: Dustin <***@raidsplace.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 00:02:15 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@no>

"Of the three, internal HHI files don't have complete usable info on
Jenn. yet. [g]"
And what SANE human being posts the following?

From: Diesel <***@privacy.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:57:08 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@k9jr08763iH0.T1ZXp43F6R3.H621E72>

" Remember, asshole, Jenn spent time in the hospital over the last
war. She really couldn't handle the stress. I have absolutely no
problem bringing her stress levels that made the previous ones a
walk in the park. Do you suppose her heart is upto it this time? GM
told me she had to goto hospital thinking she was having a heart
attack last time I dox'd her. Or maybe it was the swingers sites she
was signed up too. That probably generated a lot of unwanted phone
calls, emails, and possible in person visits. I have no problem
completing the mission this time.

And, maybe, just maybe, the next obituary post we get to see will be
hers. I'd be okay with those results. How about you?"
Even though he blames you, G. Morgan, Eagle and god knows who else
for him attacking Jenn, none of you had any responsibility for that
happening. NOTHING any of you might have done or said on Usenet
warranted him to do such a thing or say such a thing. He ALWAYS
blames someone else for his own evil. Notice in the video the
psychologist actually used the word 'evil'? That was significant.

If you read my posts regarding him outing women to pervert sex sites
by posting their names and addys, you must be aware how he later
blamed THEM for it's happening.

Do you even begin to see how bad it is what you have been doing for
some years now? I mean your constant feeding this monster. You had a
wrong idea about this "poor boy" and all the "problems" that have
made him what he is. All that doesn't matter - HE'S EVIL and HURTS
others without qualm. And will continue to do so. There is NO cure
for him.

You say -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
For God's sake there is NO response you can make which will not
merely generate another vicious cycle of anger and hate from him,
even though he might again momentarily ensnare you with some partial
mea culpa - which as you SHOULD know by now will only be more fakery
and manipulation in order to prolong this sick relationship between
the two of you.

You are not the first person in this world to be taken in by such
monsters. Forget your ego and the "challenge" you have felt this
battle to be. The only "win" against such as he is surrender and
avoidance. If he doesn't have you around to attack daily, he will
have to find someone else. His doing that will open the eyes of more
people to see that Dustin Cook aka Diesel is the problem, not BD.

Think back to how he tried getting various IT/AV execs fired by
emailing their posts to their employers. Think back to the outings
of the women to sex groups. That alone could have gotten them raped
or killed if the right nut case read those posts. Think back as to
how he emailed Kman's school system about his posts in an effort to
end that man's career. If you have read my posts over the years you
know there have been many more people endangered by his posting
their names and addresses, inviting his "crew" to take care of them.

Like it or not, you have been keeping him alive. Although, it seems
my posts have had effect, causing him in the last year to create
various nyms in order to stay on Usenet. Without those nyms, he
would rarely find anyone to hold any type of conversation with.

So, I have kept hoping that someday you'd FINALLY see the truth, and
realize YOU are a big part of the problem with your feeling sorry
for him. He ain't your son. There is no possible likeness between
the two of them. Stop "projecting" between him and your son. Stop
feeling as if it is your job to "rehabilitate" him. No one can do
that. Not even the top experts in the field of psychology. You
certainly must have at least picked that up from those videos.
Finally, REALIZE that you are "feeding" him, keeping his evil alive.

Think - THINK for a moment about the people you know/knew on Usenet
that have been driven off by him. Don't you feel any sympathy for

BUT - you are to be his biggest trophy yet! Your total ruination, or
your leaving Usenet will to him count as his biggest victory yet
simply because of the time it took to do you in.

However, as every expert on the subject has said, AVOIDANCE - total
avoidance is the only way anyone can "win" over one of these sick

So, you saying -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
points to the fact that you simply still don't realize that any
response is another "victory" for him. In his eyes, you are
prolonging the struggle. And the "struggle" is all he has in his
life. The life of a psychopath is merely an endless series of
"struggles". An endless series of "enemies" to be "destroyed".

What more can I say to you? I've said it all - so have the experts.

- The Anon Coward -
Anonymous Remailer (austria)
2019-04-25 22:09:38 UTC
If you want to know about Dustin Cook/Diesel, the psychopath, watch
this video.
Thank you.
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
David B.
Devon, UK
Boy! It seems You found the right one of all the miscellaneous
videos on the page link I gave you. I really didn't think you'd use
the links.

Do you finally realize how dangerous this predator could be if he
weren't such a physical coward? Being on the other side of the
ocean, you are relatively safe compared with the others in the
U.S.A. he has went after. The single factor missing in this could-be
tragedy is the missing nutcase he keeps hoping to motivate. Like
Charles Manson, this evil monster would love to sit back and pull
the strings in such a scenario of horror being inflicted on his
"enemies". Did not the Jenn "outing" supposedly perpetrated by:

From: ***@yum.biz (Sycho)
Subject: This week's Pwnie Award goes to.. *drum roll, please*
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 18:17:15 GMT
Message-ID: <***@yourescaringthechildren.org>

show you the extent of his evil. Or do you really believe that this (Sycho) from nowhere was the one to out her and not Dustin Cook aka Diesel?

Remember Dustin Cook aka Diesel's promise below?

From: Dustin <***@raidsplace.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 00:02:15 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@no>

"Of the three, internal HHI files don't have complete usable info on
Jenn. yet. [g]"
And what SANE human being posts the following?

From: Diesel <***@privacy.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:57:08 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@k9jr08763iH0.T1ZXp43F6R3.H621E72>

" Remember, asshole, Jenn spent time in the hospital over the last
war. She really couldn't handle the stress. I have absolutely no
problem bringing her stress levels that made the previous ones a
walk in the park. Do you suppose her heart is upto it this time? GM
told me she had to goto hospital thinking she was having a heart
attack last time I dox'd her. Or maybe it was the swingers sites she
was signed up too. That probably generated a lot of unwanted phone
calls, emails, and possible in person visits. I have no problem
completing the mission this time.

And, maybe, just maybe, the next obituary post we get to see will be
hers. I'd be okay with those results. How about you?"
Even though he blames you, G. Morgan, Eagle and god knows who else
for him attacking Jenn, none of you had any responsibility for that
happening. NOTHING any of you might have done or said on Usenet
warranted him to do such a thing or say such a thing. He ALWAYS
blames someone else for his own evil. Notice in the video the
psychologist actually used the word 'evil'? That was significant.

If you read my posts regarding him outing women to pervert sex sites
by posting their names and addys, you must be aware how he later
blamed THEM for it's happening.

Do you even begin to see how bad it is what you have been doing for
some years now? I mean your constant feeding this monster. You had a
wrong idea about this "poor boy" and all the "problems" that have
made him what he is. All that doesn't matter - HE'S EVIL and HURTS
others without qualm. And will continue to do so. There is NO cure
for him.

You say -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
For God's sake there is NO response you can make which will not
merely generate another vicious cycle of anger and hate from him,
even though he might again momentarily ensnare you with some partial
mea culpa - which as you SHOULD know by now will only be more fakery
and manipulation in order to prolong this sick relationship between
the two of you.

You are not the first person in this world to be taken in by such
monsters. Forget your ego and the "challenge" you have felt this
battle to be. The only "win" against such as he is surrender and
avoidance. If he doesn't have you around to attack daily, he will
have to find someone else. His doing that will open the eyes of more
people to see that Dustin Cook aka Diesel is the problem, not BD.

Think back to how he tried getting various IT/AV execs fired by
emailing their posts to their employers. Think back to the outings
of the women to sex groups. That alone could have gotten them raped
or killed if the right nut case read those posts. Think back as to
how he emailed Kman's school system about his posts in an effort to
end that man's career. If you have read my posts over the years you
know there have been many more people endangered by his posting
their names and addresses, inviting his "crew" to take care of them.

Like it or not, you have been keeping him alive. Although, it seems
my posts have had effect, causing him in the last year to create
various nyms in order to stay on Usenet. Without those nyms, he
would rarely find anyone to hold any type of conversation with.

So, I have kept hoping that someday you'd FINALLY see the truth, and
realize YOU are a big part of the problem with your feeling sorry
for him. He ain't your son. There is no possible likeness between
the two of them. Stop "projecting" between him and your son. Stop
feeling as if it is your job to "rehabilitate" him. No one can do
that. Not even the top experts in the field of psychology. You
certainly must have at least picked that up from those videos.
Finally, REALIZE that you are "feeding" him, keeping his evil alive.

Think - THINK for a moment about the people you know/knew on Usenet
that have been driven off by him. Don't you feel any sympathy for

BUT - you are to be his biggest trophy yet! Your total ruination, or
your leaving Usenet will to him count as his biggest victory yet
simply because of the time it took to do you in.

However, as every expert on the subject has said, AVOIDANCE - total
avoidance is the only way anyone can "win" over one of these sick

So, you saying -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
points to the fact that you simply still don't realize that any
response is another "victory" for him. In his eyes, you are
prolonging the struggle. And the "struggle" is all he has in his
life. The life of a psychopath is merely an endless series of
"struggles". An endless series of "enemies" to be "destroyed".

What more can I say to you? I've said it all - so have the experts.

- The Anon Coward -
Fritz Wuehler
2019-04-26 00:58:16 UTC
If you want to know about Dustin Cook/Diesel, the psychopath, watch
this video.
Thank you.
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
David B.
Devon, UK
Boy! It seems You found the right one of all the miscellaneous
videos on the page link I gave you. I really didn't think you'd use
the links.

Do you finally realize how dangerous this predator could be if he
weren't such a physical coward? Being on the other side of the
ocean, you are relatively safe compared with the others in the
U.S.A. he has went after. The single factor missing in this could-be
tragedy is the missing nutcase he keeps hoping to motivate. Like
Charles Manson, this evil monster would love to sit back and pull
the strings in such a scenario of horror being inflicted on his
"enemies". Did not the Jenn "outing" supposedly perpetrated by:

From: ***@yum.biz (Sycho)
Subject: This week's Pwnie Award goes to.. *drum roll, please*
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 18:17:15 GMT
Message-ID: <***@yourescaringthechildren.org>

show you the extent of his evil. Or do you really believe that this (Sycho) from nowhere was the one to out her and not Dustin Cook aka Diesel?

Remember Dustin Cook aka Diesel's promise below?

From: Dustin <***@raidsplace.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 00:02:15 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@no>

"Of the three, internal HHI files don't have complete usable info on
Jenn. yet. [g]"
And what SANE human being posts the following?

From: Diesel <***@privacy.net>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:57:08 -0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@k9jr08763iH0.T1ZXp43F6R3.H621E72>

" Remember, asshole, Jenn spent time in the hospital over the last
war. She really couldn't handle the stress. I have absolutely no
problem bringing her stress levels that made the previous ones a
walk in the park. Do you suppose her heart is upto it this time? GM
told me she had to goto hospital thinking she was having a heart
attack last time I dox'd her. Or maybe it was the swingers sites she
was signed up too. That probably generated a lot of unwanted phone
calls, emails, and possible in person visits. I have no problem
completing the mission this time.

And, maybe, just maybe, the next obituary post we get to see will be
hers. I'd be okay with those results. How about you?"
Even though he blames you, G. Morgan, Eagle and god knows who else
for him attacking Jenn, none of you had any responsibility for that
happening. NOTHING any of you might have done or said on Usenet
warranted him to do such a thing or say such a thing. He ALWAYS
blames someone else for his own evil. Notice in the video the
psychologist actually used the word 'evil'? That was significant.

If you read my posts regarding him outing women to pervert sex sites
by posting their names and addys, you must be aware how he later
blamed THEM for it's happening.

Do you even begin to see how bad it is what you have been doing for
some years now? I mean your constant feeding this monster. You had a
wrong idea about this "poor boy" and all the "problems" that have
made him what he is. All that doesn't matter - HE'S EVIL and HURTS
others without qualm. And will continue to do so. There is NO cure
for him.

You say -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
For God's sake there is NO response you can make which will not
merely generate another vicious cycle of anger and hate from him,
even though he might again momentarily ensnare you with some partial
mea culpa - which as you SHOULD know by now will only be more fakery
and manipulation in order to prolong this sick relationship between
the two of you.

You are not the first person in this world to be taken in by such
monsters. Forget your ego and the "challenge" you have felt this
battle to be. The only "win" against such as he is surrender and
avoidance. If he doesn't have you around to attack daily, he will
have to find someone else. His doing that will open the eyes of more
people to see that Dustin Cook aka Diesel is the problem, not BD.

Think back to how he tried getting various IT/AV execs fired by
emailing their posts to their employers. Think back to the outings
of the women to sex groups. That alone could have gotten them raped
or killed if the right nut case read those posts. Think back as to
how he emailed Kman's school system about his posts in an effort to
end that man's career. If you have read my posts over the years you
know there have been many more people endangered by his posting
their names and addresses, inviting his "crew" to take care of them.

Like it or not, you have been keeping him alive. Although, it seems
my posts have had effect, causing him in the last year to create
various nyms in order to stay on Usenet. Without those nyms, he
would rarely find anyone to hold any type of conversation with.

So, I have kept hoping that someday you'd FINALLY see the truth, and
realize YOU are a big part of the problem with your feeling sorry
for him. He ain't your son. There is no possible likeness between
the two of them. Stop "projecting" between him and your son. Stop
feeling as if it is your job to "rehabilitate" him. No one can do
that. Not even the top experts in the field of psychology. You
certainly must have at least picked that up from those videos.
Finally, REALIZE that you are "feeding" him, keeping his evil alive.

Think - THINK for a moment about the people you know/knew on Usenet
that have been driven off by him. Don't you feel any sympathy for

BUT - you are to be his biggest trophy yet! Your total ruination, or
your leaving Usenet will to him count as his biggest victory yet
simply because of the time it took to do you in.

However, as every expert on the subject has said, AVOIDANCE - total
avoidance is the only way anyone can "win" over one of these sick

So, you saying -
I've read all the recent posts by 'Diesel' (aka Dustin Cook) but I'll
follow the advice in the video and make no responses to him now.
points to the fact that you simply still don't realize that any
response is another "victory" for him. In his eyes, you are
prolonging the struggle. And the "struggle" is all he has in his
life. The life of a psychopath is merely an endless series of
"struggles". An endless series of "enemies" to be "destroyed".

What more can I say to you? I've said it all - so have the experts.

- The Anon Coward -
